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I am a proud braindead autistic Macker zombie who believes everything he says, despite conclusive proof and evidence otherwise.
I am screenshotting all of this to show to Macker, to prove my loving devotion to him alone.
Wyatt: I hate you. We are over.
Aflac, just get out.

the Endchan crowd isn't gonna like a dumbass groomed minor, defending their groomer.

I know you're gonna deny he groomed you, but all the evidence I have suggested he DID groom you. No ordinary 16 year old would defend a groomer THIS much that they're gonna deny THIS much concrete evidence and then try to pick fights with a bunch of Endchan trolls(and it looks like it ended poorly for you).
You and Klim can come to part 2 of my stream, and I’ll definitely mute you and him to let Mittens speak about the two of you too, unless if you won’t be a pussy
 >>/32214/ You do realize your providing me more evidences of you being really rude and bullying other autistic people and also being a creep towards autistic people...
so to your head? classic shitposting means joking and making intentionally creepy comments to minors? even with autism? fuck off. i dont see why anyone would be friends with that warped mind
why would he care
imageboards are famous for their shitposting
people dont get together to have a prayer circle
they are here to chat shit
as well as this what harm can it do
the man is 900 years old
he aint getting fired from anything
and you dont know anything about him anyway not even his name
what could possibly happen
you make another video and nothing changes
except maybe you delete it like you did with the beliving geordie lie stream or wtf it was called
when a video is made about klim he can continue to insult retards on the internet
when a video is made about geordie more minors find out about his pedozooing and are scared off so he cant get them
see the difference lol
dont get me wrong tho bro
i hope they make a million videos about you
fuck say i groomed geordie too if you want lol
i dont care
the important thing is that every single time people search for the things geordie does more and more results will be about pedoing
that association needs to be made any way that you like
anything that warns the kiddies even accidentally is a good thing
> children will stay off the board for adults
unlike geordie i dont seek kiddies out
the more minors that stay away the better
ay retard
talk to your friend
do you have brain damage or sth
what time is it even in australia
klim is going to be asleep lol
use your head for more than balancing your earphones on you big tard
hes found a real fucking simpleton this time round
but then youd have to be in order to defend a pedozoo lol
lol we been saying it before klim was even on the site
go look in the archive
search pzds
i think the first year or so klim werent even there
Macker taught me that.
Praise Macker.
He has never sinned.
Somebody heard someone else say they heard that, so it must be true.
> The children I try to interact with as someone completely unknown to them reject my advances.
Making assumptions about something controversial, that's NOT caused by that person you're antagonizing isn't "bait". No one here is gonna agree with you, not literally. They might as well do it with pity cause they are sick of you. 
You will never be Rainn Wilson, or the Department of Illumination. Fuck off. 
Talking to yourself to "validate"? LMAO 
lol no
thumbnail of c06.png
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c06 png
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Tbh. I dont. Think we're well equipped, with these newcomers from other sites. Geordie just blows us up. For no reason. I'm going back to 2 threads an hour. For now.
That's enough of your lies, Klim.
No one believes you at all, you sick nasty old man. The video I am making to discredit you will be epic. Don't try doing this again.
Did you look at the archive thread where Jordan posted the nudes? Klim wasn't who asked for them, it was a German man called Bigu. Go look for yourself or ask Jordan.
We wonder if Cooper the Pooper knows that his precious Macker is a Registered Sex Offender?
And listen here, it’s not my fault that sometimes I think one of the anonymous people are Klim, because I don’t know if one of these anonymous accounts are him or not...
> And which is Klim, show me the message...
This one  >>/32740/ this one  >>/32757/ and this one  >>/32768/ for starters.
No offense meant here Cooper, but are you sure you're equipped for this? Jordan's lost this battle for 6 years and he outsmarts you. What chance do you think you have?
He's been insulting and mocking Jordan for years. There was one post where he made a joke about being in love with him, does that sound like grooming?
Even if it wasn't a joke, constant negativity doesn't fit the pattern of grooming. What do you define "grooming" as?
I'm not saying Klim isn't fucked, he saved and reposted Jordan's naked pictures lots of times. Seeing as Jordan was under 18, those pictures were illegal and sharing them is a crime in both his and Jordan's countries, but again, it doesn't fit the definitions of grooming in any way.
Geordie didn’t even lie, and them saying that my mother caught me in the stream after I exposed Klim and them comparing me to Herbert the Pervert lead me here.
They assumed that my mom caught me while I was exposing Klim, when it’s not even true at all, she was saying what I was doing in a teasing way, she doesn’t even know I did a livestream either
I told you, not a good look. So I'm obviously going into your foot prints online. I'll leave you alone when you fuck off, and let Geordie go back to his PDD.
I have no idea what you're on about.
< family guy
I never could will myself to watch a show with nonsense humor. Idk what the jokes of celebrities, I've never heard of are supposed to be. Let alone just the movies and jokes onto the movies for laughs, don't do it for me.
I've seen it and his ramblings have very little in the way of actual proof. The only thing it has was the single post where Klim said he loved Jordan. That in itself doesn't fit the definition of grooming in any way. Even if it was true, it was a single post, not a pattern of behaviour and in no way could be considered the building of a relationship.
Do you think the people who groom minors tell the minors they will groom them? Again, that isn't how it works. That would be like saying "I am going to surprise you by saying boo". If you are told by them that they intend to win your confidence, then you wouldn't trust them. Does Jordan trust Klim in any way?
Yes, all very offensive humour and very poor taste, but how is that grooming?
Do you mean here? If so, there's a spammer that spams all the popular boards on Endchan. I assume when he posts from a new IP the admin deletes all his posts at the same time. Klim's posts never disappear, so if it was him it would mean he's using two devices at once. Not impossible, but implausible.
Actually, Lemonz, how come the pedo spammer is still posting? I assumed he was using Tor and you said that was disabled now.
I do delete and ban those things, and get Admin to give me a hand when I'm not around. But they seem to be worse off than we were, when Geordie tried to raid us. Most threads seem locked and their BO, has email available.
nigga what pedo spammer. no one even spammed the board today 
Joke or not, it's STILL inappropriate to just vaguely announce for someone to "groom little boys". And it could almost always warrant them a fucking trip to their house, just like you can't say death threats to certains on facebook or some shit like that. 
It's not "humor" to fucking joke about a serious thing like grooming, idiot. Especially when racism is involved. 
It's laugh*, retard. Plus you're not laughing. They dont even like you lol
> a way to address the cp spam
Mark the checkbox, scroll to the bottom of the page (hit home), and delete.
Or click del at the post which will mark the checkbox and jump the page to the bottom. Click delete.
On days when it gets posted, they do it 4-5 times perhaps maybe more. We expect BOs to delete on their boards, but if we notice we don't wait and leave it up.
No way to prevent it, but this you all should now well.
> explanation that it's not being allowed.
Well, it is illegal so it's not allowed. Not sure what explanation to give.
It happened that stayed up for some hours, occasionally they fall through the cracks, I suggest deleting he cache of your browsers regularly, or use some plugin, or private browsing.
Sure, thanks.
Inappropriate for sure, that doesn't constitute grooming. As for your whining about jokes, aren't you the one calling people "puritanical"? Nothing more puritanical than trying to ban jokes that offend you.
Banning jokes and grooming minors, are you trying for a job with the church?
I'm not falling for your AI speech voice shit, Klim. 
I can't stop doing what I've never done. I'm not the one who got uppity with Boss. I don't befriend "minors" on the internet.
Doing what I've NEVER done. And I have NOT groomed a single child, teen or even any human being. 
So can you please stop assuming otherwise? I would never want to groom or hurt another human being. Especially not a stranger. 
So stop fucking accusing so wrongfully, you fucking entitled brat.

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