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Dunking on the mentally ill

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but since we here i didnt see your reply
did you explain how the evidence you posted means geordie was justified in his diaper erotic roleplaying with that minor for a month
ye thats the one
did you explain why that makes it ok for an adult to erotic roleplay with that 13yo
is it because the minor is bad
are bad minors fair game for pedos
You do realize your providing me more evidences of you being really rude and bullying other autistic people and also being a creep towards autistic people...
> i will try to use autism as a shield on anonymous imageboards
> those places where 90 percent of users are on some kind of spectrum
lol is it your first day
thats klim
whats your point
hes a pedo
thats why geordie dont like him
hes scared the old man will steal the kiddies away that he is trying to groom himself
so why does he keep getting in secret discord calls with them
or keep getting caught trying to erp with them
is he trying to scare them away or sth
why are any of them
if you hate pedos so much why you fighting so hard to defend an adult that makes internet friends with any minors at all
what would he be doing that for ay
this dont explain it bro
do you think pedos exclusively talk to children
for starters who do you think they share their pedo pictures with
other adults
just because geordie is in contact with adults as well as all the kiddies that dont really help the argument
All of those pedophilic comments people make on me and telling me to send my nudes to them are screenshotted, so have fun getting exposed motherfucker, peace!
isn't this faked? 
nigga we didnt do erp if thats what you're thinking. what, i've been into fucking butts when i was young too. but i nefver knew the existence of someone who would also turn out to be into farting
ay geordie you need to tell your retard minor friend that i aint the k man lol
he kept thinking i was klim
did you groom him so hard he got brain damage from the headboard bro
thumbnail of klim comparing a minor since cooper is a minor.png
thumbnail of klim comparing a minor since cooper is a minor.png
klim comparing a... png
(295.98 KB, 1275x922)
i am looking forward to part 2 of that video now
because in order to say how terrible klim is he will say that when he came here klim said all those fucked up things to him and he is under 18
how will geordie face the truth then
when cooper is saying with his own words on his own stream that he is a minor
that yet another one of geordies friends is underage
His mommy locked him in her basement and is feeding him dog food as punishment. He has to write his homework using his own poop.
I considered it, but he seems to keep to his autism focused around you, for now. There is a reason Swedebro, is welcomed as the nig for real. Outside of a few gay posts.
Says the guy who pretends to be me, making fun of an autistic person and also grooming a minor to sending nudes to them
Did you look at the archive thread where Jordan posted his nudes? It was a German man called Bigu that asked for them, not Klim. Go and look for yourself or ask Jordan.
And listen here, it’s not my fault that sometimes I think one of the anonymous people are Klim, because I don’t know if one of these anonymous accounts are him or not...
Everyone and no one is Klim, my foolish Autistic little fellow.
"You think" is not proof.
Confusion is what happen to those who huff the bowels of Macker.
Try the new Macktard burger today. We're lovin it.
posted? you mean fucking pressured a 17 year old's psyche to the point they felt guilty to unwillingly share them, though it's not entirely their fault for getting fucking groomed.
> suggesting an already-solved problems to someone rightfully expressing justified rage and utter disappointment to a situation that could've been prevented if bigu never asked a literal minor for nudes or self harming. 
No, Klim. I'm not the one who repeats myself the same pasta, steals people's art, mislabel sexual abuse as a joke, or even make pointless fucking memes to a normal post that doesn't necessarily need such image. And I definitely don't treat controversies as "hurr durr, what a fun thing to joke about SEXUAL ABUSE, AND OTHER GROSS SHIT". I'm better than to do the stuff I've described about you. YOU moronic madman.
no seriously, a 80 year old creep telling me to take meds? for being rightfully pissed at LITERAL abusers?? 
sorry bro that's on you. you did this to yourself, not me. I'm not the one that made you insane.
The disco of the reasons why you should have not worrying yourself about one hour before your next week of pregnancy, understand?
Eventually the bladder will become as STUPID as Geordie if you have no effect to the heart and soul of your body.
It's haters like you that lie 
> be specifi- 

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