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Dunking on the mentally ill

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how can i be a poof if i think of females more than male.  i'm bisexual, but that doesnt mean i only like men. i would be gay in that case,  but i  also wouldnt be offended; becaues im too mature to get scared off by a pesky lil anon who says homophobic slurs behind a computer screen. good day to you, sir 

and stop bumping your own shitty thread
Not my thread and anyone who was born with a dick and has sexual interest in others with dicks is a homo. Whatever else you like as well is just garnish you poof.
No, lobotomize yourself instead. I'm already doing well to curb my mind and life. Meanwhile you're randomly searching little girls yourself, REAL children to be frank. 
no i put the knife in your chest. get help or the knife will do that for you. 
Homo means say. Being born with a fucking dick and balls and anus is literally just being male. Being bi is not the same as being gay. Being attracted to nonbinary is not being gay either. We aren't on the same page, dumb fuck. 
> durrr great stolen art- 
YOU do the same thing to other people's stuff you have no room to fucking talk. Get help
no, when people say they're bisexual, they mean "i like BOTH MEN AND WOMEN". and bisexual can choose the other gender a little more than the other. being attracted to human species is just being a humanophile, and being into other species is just fictophilia, which is schedophilia. you would understand differences if you weren't such an awful lost cause to deal with
I laugh at people who have disgusting desires because knowing that I don't have their problem brings me comfort. Schadenfreude, if you will.
Your wide range of unpleasant fetishes means that you are a almost limitless supply of this.
pooper aint been posting
do you think he made geordie look bad and got the piss closet treatment
You... do have a problem. You're a kinkshamer. 
> unpleasant 
Only to you because you choose to look at something you would've just blocked. Idiot. 
> an almost limitless 
What do you mean. I don't have EVERY fetish like killing, goring, or even slitting throat. Or voring anyone. The first  three?? That's said out of anger, not sexual  gratification, oh wait I've never killed anybody so why even take my threats seriously. 
> I lauigh at- 
Its literally unfunny there is no punchline to laugh at gross stuff
> 2015 
Nice try retard. Still not my game
That doesn't sound like a problem for me, more a problem for the freaks that are getting shamed.
> Social media block mentality
Raised by incompetents, unable to face reality head on. Your kind are fucked.
>  >>/33430/ (you)
You... do have a problem. You're a kinkshamer.
> unpleasant
Only to you because you choose to look at something you would've just blocked. Idiot.
> What do you mean... PDD rambling
You know what they say; Poopcat retarded.
> Its literally unfunny there is no punchline
Looks like his Discord 'friends' have deserted him again.
Fair enough, now they know what their 'Macker' is really like.
The plastic bed sheets kept melting, for some inexplicable reason... Geordie has become radioactively toxic... "The Chernobyl Waste Disposal"... pooplicking backfired on him...

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