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3 best industries for making fast legal or at least warm money:

Religious Cult

The later 2 are good for entrepreneurs. Politics is less so unless you can engineer a revolution.

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make a network similar to twister-p2p but adding a fonction where everyone can generate his own currency and exchange + a market with every currency & rating of users

How would you make money off of a decentralized network? All you could really do is sell tech support.
I don't know, you could make an android app with some ads... Decentralized = 0 cost for maintenance

Rules: Aren't any besides site rules.

Don't be a faggot. Don't post illegal shit. Do whatever.

Keep in mind this is a business board though.

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Have Zero Hedge's seductive bearish whispering ever been right in the past? I looked through their archives a bit, and they seem to have been writing the same few articles over and over for years; lots of people are buying gold, America is becoming a police state, this sudden oscillation in an indicator that you have never heard of means disaster, etc. Wikipedia says that they broke some news about flash trading back in 2009, but have their predictions of doom even been correct?

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I am businessman. I came here to do business with other businessmen. Do you have business? Would you like business? Money please, thank you.

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