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On the outskirts of the quaint little town of Amherst, Ohio, nestled among whispering trees and winding lanes, dwells a rickety old house down a forgotten neighbourhood. In that house's basement, lurks the King of the Emmy community. With jet black hair and beady eyes, he eagerly pulls the strings on every happening that takes place within. His need to control, to dominate, to gain the approval of his Molly tulpa, manifests itself in the infiltration and creation of niche offshoots to populate with his sychophants and groomed children. Waiting in the wings for Dominic to stumble and relinquish the rights to the comic for a small fee, and ready to fight and exclude those who would oppose him, the fate of the Emmy fanbase hangs in a tender balance
it would only put him in the crosshairs of far more hate and potential doxxing. If he ever was to buy it, it would be a pyrrhic victory

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Why does the animation industry have a tendency for the creators to be perverted and when and how did this start?
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'Twas ever thus. Walt Disney's animators and character designers were infamous.  Ken Anderson, who gave us Maid Marian, was a full-on furry.  So was Joe Grant, who did character design for Lady and the Tramp.  This was before the Internet, before letting your freak flag fly in public was fashionable.
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It's like people who make videogames OP. They're overworked to hell and barely have any time for sexxings.

So they turn to being pervs to destress and release but that doesn't solve anything long term
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> Why?
Communists, globalists, internationalists, lobbyists, foreign agents, wall street, the experts, socialists, progressives, the warmongers, the bankers, satanists, freemasons, deep state, the state within the state

> too bad it went to shit
Why does everyone on every /co/ say this about everything?

I mean, yeah Act 6 was wack, but the new HS:BC stuff is promising. And Hiveswap Act 1 was kino, even if Act 2 was disappointing in comparison.
anon when a show hits a low mark it's unlikely people will wade through the bad parts just to understand the references in the better later parts, like star trek picard season 3

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You like Dead by Daylight? Their early work was belittle noob saves as a waist. But when Portrait of a Murder came out November 2021, I think they really gamed into their zone, eternally and realistically. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance causes clear, crisp screams of survivors causing them to be downed, and delightful fleeing compensates dealing with intersectional feminism that really causes Dead by Daylight to seduce. Victims aren't always scared let me dispel this fellows, but I think the survivors have far more Twitter morals like a tumor. In October 2017, Devs released this: Nightmare!, the most demolished victims. I think their best polluted killer is "Nemesis". A murderer so catchy, most survivors probably don't position away when he rips. But they should, because it's not just about pressuring minorities and the performance of friends. It's also reversing for blatant finesse see for yourself. No gun, no mall! Put on a mask and save Anglos like you have foresight, you fuckin stupid bastards!

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greetings... are there fun tutorial books that helps drawing to be as precise as it takes from get go without using vanishing points maybe like this

mathemathicals are find.
maybe engineerinf drafting

anyway it has to be sleek and precise reasoning..
or else it s not fun and i was told to do fun and passion 
before i suck it up. and now i dont know how to
suck it up lol
Really not the kinda board you want for this sort of thing dude, especially with how ded it is. look into an actual drawing board like a loomis board, maybe on another imageboard.

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