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I'm looking for any information pertaining to events in China since they went dark. Allegedly Covid-19 was created as a bioweapon; just wanting any and all information available that isn't being reported on already.
Firstly call it the corona virus. Never call it what the fags in the mainstream call it. Well last time the number count was updated it was around 100000 people infected. However the CCCP aren't exactly the most trustworthy source. Here is a chart that I found with a quick search. These are the official statistics. However considering the rate infection + incubation. The number is definitely closer to 1-2 million Probably even higher than this. Anyway a good tip is to avoid anything that says www because that is a good sign to see if something is guaranteed to be controlled. Though things without it can also be controlled i.e cuckchan.
It's sars-coronavirus-2. The term "covid19" just refers to the disease of those infected. 

There was talk of there being research publicly available of the virus dated before the outbreak with indicators it was being researched in Wuhan. I will post some stuff I saw when I find it again. Though chinks have buried much so you probably can't find anything solid. I also read they destroyed the research facility and the wet market so no one will ever find anything solid.
Also a patent owned by bill gates for some sort of vaccine research also pre dating outbreak.
> There was talk of there being research publicly available of the virus dated before the outbreak with indicators it was being researched in Wuhan. 
You've peaked my interest anon. The first cases of this virus were reported about a month ago right?
> events in China

> created as a bioweapon

Food for thought:
Not that surprised also they're trying to pull the china has gotten rid of it which is obviously complete bullshit.

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