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This is a thread where we will work on the creation of a brand new wiki.

My proposal is simple, we copy over the entirety of wikipedia's content (and also all the content from other popular wikis like infogalactic), then we copy over all the content of metapedia (or other, less-censored wikis like encyclopedia dramatica) as well.

lastly, we begin the real creation process, we editathon the shit out of everything we've gathered together and continually try to recruit (and very strictly vet) more editors in order to continually improve the speed and quality of the wiki's content.

the final product is a wiki that is truly dedicated to truth above all other concerns, made by those who know what constitutes scientific and logical thought, and why it is the only valid form of epistemology.

this wiki is made to be a competitor to wikipedia and other popular wikis, which is losing favor due to issues of bias and censorship, for this reason, all articles will be written with language that is as neutral, objective, cautious, and charitable as possible, the wiki's name will not give it away as being a product of what the average person would be told by the mainstream is "far/alt/white right" (this obviously includes our website and anything to do with it or it's associated culture).

our every claim must be airtight, with citations that ideally fit as many of the following as possible:
a. actually back the claim up. b. are transparent about how they acquired their data or came to their conclusions. c. have been replicated/verified by other, independent sources. d. are from sources that are either seen as objective/neutral or seen as actively biased against the side most supported by the facts they present. e. use language that is not unnecessarily offensive or biased.
I like the idea. Another thing that should be taken into consideration is the multiple different ideologies in one. A great example is socialism. Normally seen negatively. However we must realize that Natsocs are socialists and that you have to make a distinction between the two otherwise you would probably be getting the bias argument if your shitting on one type of socialism and praising another. Distinctions are key.  Even Judaism has multiple sects and understanding this may explain why someone like trump is in power despite a lot of Jews seemingly hating him. Probably multiple Jewish sects vying for power. All these have multiple characteristics that differentiate themselves. 
Either way 10/10 idea anon. We probably need a lot more people though. Especially considering the amount of people on this board right now. Would promoting on /horror/ be a good idea despite the slow traffic?
Table of Contents
Arabs and Islam
Muslim World
North America
Europe (General)
Interracial Families
Other Groups
Homosexuals, Bisexuals, Asexuals
Transsexuals, Transgenders, Transvestites
The Validity of Race
Should also mention things like modern education, modern diets, modern sleeping habits etc etc. Might as well promote healthy living.

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