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Alright so here is how things are supposed to work here. You go into one of the 3 teams either brown, pink or white. You and other anons all make your own distinct culture within your own thread.
You can make a thread outside of the three sticked threads if you want to discuss things with other teams and all that. 
This thread is made so you can talk to me and have things change about your team. Example if you want me to change the text. This thread is where I'll be interacting with people directly. So you can express what you want here.
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It's better to have competition with each other because that's a stronger motivator. The main goal is to outdo the other teams while keeping your team safe. simple as that.
Plenty of things. How butthurt the other groups are at your presence, Spamming the other groups, destroying the credibility of other groups, alliances with other groups. Effectively the goal is to screw over the other groups as much as possible. While trying your best to prevent it from happening to yourselves.
Well creating rules(if most agree then i'll change the post of the team to include it as a rule), creating OC, spam, talk about things you want to. I'm pretty lenient so it's mainly up to you. Only things that will be deleted from all threads is full on Child porn at least for now.

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