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These aren't skeptics. Skeptics are the opposite of these people. A skeptic would take what he sees on mainstream media with a grain of salt and research on his own time if interested.
This is a consoomer with a DVR machine filled with Daily Show episodes.
i was thinking of a different kind of person. that is a skeptic but its also an npc. what i was imagining is the demographic of people who at least outwardly obey the masonic deception. to the point if you say something that explains the deception they go hmmmm while imagining their throat being slit if they agree.
Hey, just so you know I've been scrubbing some of the broken images so that they may be re-posted.
Some of the old images have been broken since the backend migration, so even if they get re-posted they still won't quite work. 
If you see any you can report them globally and we'll scrub them so then they'll work.
thanks i have the backups so its easier to just modify and repost. might do that though i have run into that a few times.
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Anon is right, OP. I can see that you meant skeptics of the truth, though.

Seems to me that they either are literal NPCs (research inner-monologue studies if you haven't) or are simply lying to keep the happy delusion up. That, or they are willing servants of the system, in any case still obnoxious.

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is there a good onion where i can ask questions to verify things like this? or would posing here be good?

i have some questions about possible networks in two specific states and i really want to know if anyone else knows anything. it's really hard to get answers, though, since this is such a diffcult topic for survivors of cult abuse/mind control/etc. to discuss. nothing i'm thinking about is (or seems to be) masonic or satanic, but it's still ritualized sexual brainwashing and trafficking.

would be happy to take any outbound links to relevant forums or to discuss here if anyone has heard anything.
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Yeah you can start with any church. They engage in ritual abuse and child trafficking and have since the founding of their denominations.
The thing is, with networks like this, they tend to be entirely conspired and leak free, because the motivation to conspire propagates itself through each new member inherently.

The only way would be to go undercover and partake, then you'll have things you can be black mailed for, and you won't be able to leak anything without basically committing suicide. 

When leaks do happen, it's hard for them to be verified through any corroboration. (read above for why.)
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how they get new members could be a vector for finding these groups. Be it through digital means or by networking. The same way there is  no official black market. big players in crime would know about these things. the elite know about these things. jeffery epstein was a leak in my opinion. rachel chandler was supposedly a procuror involved with satanic activity. now we have a satanic cult. is it clandestine? and sadly that is where the  trail ends. because in my opinion its behind the veil of initiation by which these things open up to those tapped into such networks.

What is the esoteric practice, if not the active pursuit of transcendence? And that can be achieved by many means, some of them purely mental, some of them physical. When evaluating this question, it can be said that inventing technology is the final step of the alchemist's path, an act of extention of one's will, manifested on the physical plane. Because as above, so below. That being stated, let's proceed further. 

[b]"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."[/b]

[b]"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."[/b]

- Sun Tzu

As Theodore Kaczynski has observed, modern technology is the biggest rule-changer that dawned on humanity since the beginning of written history. Not only does it radically alter human behavior, it can be used to create a new caste system where those who are at the edge of technological advancement virtually become a seperate species. Now, a lot of us managed to establish that at the core of the elite's esoteric religion lies a doctrine of Prometheus. The doctrine that was roughly described in Isaac Asimov's short story "The Last Question" or in Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey". A doctrine that places man at the throne of all matter, in essence making him God himself. That's what the old Mystery Religion was all about. Fundamentally, it seeks total destruction of the material universe in order to reinvent it, make it anew, make it sentient and full of willful power. It's the most ambitious alchemical operation ever conceived by the human mind. But I digress. That's their long term plan.

The short term plan is to make us slaves, i.e. the lowest tier worshippers in the cargo cult of technology. If you want to enslave someone, first, you have to be superior to them. Superior psychologically most of all, and superior in all other ways if possible. That's where technology comes into play. Did you ever notice how all the major players tend to not die? They all seem to live roughly a hundred years, always being fully aware and alert, looking healthy till the day they croak. Why is that? Is it a special diet they all subscribe to? Clean food and water? Exercise? Yes, quite possibly. But a lot of them engage in extreme drug indulgence, promiscuity and straining ritual conduct (sexual and otherwise), which surely can lead to an accelerated deterioration of the body that should result in an untimely death. A shill by the name of Alan Watt once said that they're equipped with blood puryfying devices strapped to their venous systems at all times. Well, maybe so. William Cooper stated on many occasions that they're 30 to 100 years ahead of the public when it comes to technological advancement. It's only logical, given that they're at war with the public.

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> I'm a woke, self absorbed,blood drenched, cannibalistic death cult dressed in the vanity of the armor of faith and can't see outside my bubble & u R dumb.
> I'm a woke, self absorbed,blood drenched, cannibalistic death cult dressed in the vanity of the armor of faith and can't see outside my bubble & u R dumb.

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it appears to be one but it also can be seen as the 14 and the fish. Q posted that picture leading me further to think it was playing on symbolism on multiple levels. an interesting connection is the black  sun on his manifesto the great replacement. he was also seen doing the ok hand gesture in court. Was he an actual lone wolf white sepretist or was he part of some bigger scheme? I think its interesting that it was defiantly something used to try and take down 8chan. Cabal asset basically.

Of course I was being silly in  >>/1994/ .I imagined things that would upset a mason and thought of a world where masonry had be me-too'd into A public no-membership inclusive lodge, The lodge of a newage. Whoever shows up is the officers of the lodge masonic re-enactment society
say that if they can't talk about it then they don't know anything. Say that they are wrong theologically and find the most irritating spirit science yt click-bait video as a reference as to why they are wrong spiritually.
that is if they say its raining outside or are sanding down a plunger that doesn't belong to them. do not cower when they do their intimidation routines or little plays. I suppose they need people to be afraid of the fact they are satanists. Mainly because of the brute physicality of shredding humans apart underneath the water underground by the bridge or whatever they do. in fact it builds hatred. It appears to be a religious thing so demeaning the glory of Lucifer would piss off these order following cultists i would imagine.

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Posting images of possible global FEMA-style camp operation occurring around cement plants around the world. Related to the infamous incident in Tucson where they found that supposed 'Rape Camp' on the grounds of a cement plant off the side of the highway just south of the town.

It turns out that hundreds of cement plants around the world are located suspiciously close to golf courses, and some in fact overlap and are literally on each other's property.
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> "The trowel is an instrument made use of by operative masons to spread the cement which unites a building into one common mass, but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree."
Cemex is a re-occuring name in a lot of this stuff. I remember speculation about grinding bones and human remains into the cement. on top of that very masonic in the professional sense.The fact that they are near golf courses makes you wonder if there is stuff going on underground.
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> What is happening here

Hundreds of cement plants from the "Big 3" producers (Cemex, LafargeHolcim, Heidelberg Cement (Lehigh Hanson)) appear near major landmarks, golf courses and nature preserves, and are often located close to Elks Lodges, JW Kingdom Halls and in some cases, shriner temples. 

> So What

The Big 3 cement makers are closely tied to major elite figures such as the Rothschilds (Cemex), European and Canadian oligarchs (Lafarge/Heidelberg). They operate on shipping channels, and at times are the only user of those channels, sometimes transporting goods by rail or shipping vessel.

> What's the point

After the Cemex debacle in Tucson, it really seemed like many people SHUT IT DOWN really quickly. 
Chelsea Clinton called it a "Second Pizzagate" despite hundreds of other Pizzagate-like accusations levied against people between Comet and Cemex.

> Which leads to

Hillary Clinton being a former board member of Lafarge, fmr Cemex CEO on Trilateral commission, and crazy shit like Lafarge giving hush money to ISIS in Syria. 

Pic related is tip of the iceberg -- CEMEX owns a nature reserve that straddles the Mexican-American border. They have also donated to exhibits at a Rothschild-backed gallery, have a plant down the street from CERN, as well as a depot beside Bletchley Park, a former Rothschild-backed spy facility north of London.

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hey guys I am here from qresearch board.  a few of us digging have been feeling the shit since  8bit did the handover.  the digs a few of us are working caught shill flak plenty, but now the bvs themselves went from bo assist to anon harass and flak to straight bumplocking a thread we moved over to in light of the contributions and growth of the work on  topic. it looks like writing is on the wall that while ill still fucks with it, those of us that were on this particular dig are in an exodus as far as that matter is concerned.  I am looking into options. gab, telegram channel, and it crossed my mind to seek here.  I ve come here for reprieve to /horror/ when i needed a change.  I think that /horror/ board owner has started a thread on q research and we do some cross postings. if not they are pulling much masonic material from here.  what does requesting a dig thread entail in terms of getting ahold of a bo for permission request?  I am gonna cross post this in /pol/ here as well.
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well that didn't last long they shut the fucking site down. Definatly Q was a factor in that and the make it rain threads mixed the sacred cow of masonry with Q so it woke a lot of people up. i am honored to have aided in that effort if 8chan is kill.
/qresearch/ here is comped. Clowns waited and claimed the board. 
>>>/qrb/ is the current bunker. Hopefully 8chan returns but if not (i think the make it rain threads pissed them off more than a lot of things) we have a few anons and an anon made >>>/qrb/ as a bunker. Because >>>/qresearch/ had been clown vandalized.
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last thread archived below (and the first thread)

make it rain #2 - http://archive.is/tbOUC
images archive:
https://share.dmca.gripe/HTBjvjMIvpiftbXC.zip part 1
https://share.dmca.gripe/goGPqGoyIuqRLoV4.zip part 2
https://share.dmca.gripe/9y67IHpSbzwIkLIk.zip part 3
https://share.dmca.gripe/Q86sgT5DNporWnyv.zip part 4

make it rain #1 - http://archive.is/8lEaM
images archive:
https://share.dmca.gripe/zFWilPdgmMVdRn6R.zip part 1
https://share.dmca.gripe/DUTEqLMaobtoO4jk.zip part 
https://share.dmca.gripe/SslBKwvIr4sRoq9h.zip part 3
https://share.dmca.gripe/awdWmP9K2VAxh1RG.zip part 4

https://share.dmca.gripe/a/hV9vztON - all the image archive zip files listed above.
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archive of last thread
make it rain #3 - http://archive.is/HhOhl http://web.archive.org/web/20200528001656/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8251328.html
images archive:
https://share.dmca.gripe/opHYcA5EWSKxnF7b.zip part 1
https://share.dmca.gripe/mH8ZtK8DuPbYWQtn.zip part 2
https://share.dmca.gripe/ctRDOp6aHt36WQNC.zip part 3
https://share.dmca.gripe/BXvjbKu9Z0Ok6yKN.zip part 4
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https://archive.is/zymNF http://web.archive.org/web/20201112224152/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9396471.html
images archive:
https://share.dmca.gripe/v5bjTnVhoWARiO7U.zip part 1
https://share.dmca.gripe/CWCSozvnozaTOgdv.zip part 2

he said CIA Nigger because he thought the CIA was saying they were going to kill him and using black names that sound like his in news broadcasts. 

He failed to realize lots of blacks are named Terrence.
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I blame George Bush, all the 9/11 fucking kikes/muslims/shits and also Obummer Val Jarrett and everyone who has been in power over the last 25 years, roughly.  They got rich off these years when this man was preaching hard truth.  Tho one man say truth it is still truth and slay every lie.
not a compilation. Not sure if accurate either but
I didn't realize how little I knew about his antics until i saw this doc someone put together on youtube. I kind of adjusted the brilliant programmer idea i had he went overboard many times. The oracle idea is neat though. Its even more of a shame that he died now that he reminds me of my own posting writing styles.
That was none other than Alex Linder. He did goyfire radio and other casts that would stream on VNN VanguardNewsNetwork. He was fukn great.

Here's an interesting one it's on 4dforum.org/case=studies/  weird reincarnation brainwashing world domination stuff
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Statistically speaking yes. There are people being born every minute. But the number of examples here and the consistent chart matching and similar facial characteristics. The idea is that certain people are being moved around and put into different places to be used in a grand scheme.
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ƈԋყʅԃҽ Ⴆʅυԃɱαxȥƚȥҽɾȥ ...ԃσƚԋ  ƚԋιxƚԋ  ʅσσƙƙƙ ɾιƚҽ ƚσυ ყσσ? αɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾԃԃԃԃԃԃԃɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾҽҽҽҽҽҽҽҽҽҽҽҽɳσσσσσƈυɱ ʅҽ ɯყɳҽȥ σʋ ƚҽԋ ʂϙυιԃȥԃȥȥ. ι ԋυɾԃ ყυ ʅιҽҽƙƙƙ ɱυԃƙιρȥ ȥσ ҽყҽ ƙҽҽρ ɾσƙƙҽɳ ʅιҽƙ ԃσƙƙҽɳ ƙƙƙɾყρρρ ɯαʅƙƙƙιɳ σɳ ყαɾ ƈαɾɾɾɾɾɾ ԃҽαʅҽɾʂԋιρȥȥȥ. αιɳ'ƚ ɳσ Ⴆυԃɠҽƚ 2 ʅҽɠιƚ ϝσɾ ԃιȥ ɱαȥσɳιƈ ϝυƙƙʂԋιιƚƚ ʂσ ɠҽƚ ɯιƚ ƚԋҽ ɳιɠ σɾ ყҽɾ σɯɳ ɠɾαʋʋҽȥ ყҽ ԋαԃ ԃιɠ ɠҽƚƚιɳɠ zuıs ɹnoʎ ɟo llɐ ɥʇıʍ ɯıɹq ǝɥʇ oʇ pǝllıɟ . ʂʅαυɠԋƚҽɾιɳɠ ιɳɳσȥҽɳȥ ϝσɾ ρυȥȥყ ɯιɳҽ. αɳԃ ƚԋҽȥҽ ɳιƙƙαȥ ԃҽɯ ιʂ ƚαʅƙαႦσυƚ ρυȥȥყ αɳԃ ɯιɳҽ αႦσυƚ ყα ʂҽƙɾҽƚ ȥσƈιƚҽҽ ƚԋαƚ ιʂ α ʅιαႦιʅιƚყ ƚσ ყαɾ αႦιʅιƚყ ƚσ ƈσɳƚιɳυҽ ყσυɾ ƈɾιɱҽʂ αɠαιɳʂƚ ԋυɱαɳιƚყ ҽʋҽɳ ιɳ ƚԋҽσɾყ. ɳɯσ ιʂ ɳσƚ ʅҽҽɾιɳɠ ყσυɾ ρҽҽɾιɳɠ ɯιƚԋ ρυɳƙƙȥ ƚσ ɠҽƚ ƈԋҽɯɳ υρ ιɳ ƈԋυɳƙȥȥ Ⴆყ ƈɾҽαƚυɾҽȥ σϝ ԃҽҽρ. ႦυႦႦʅιɳɠ ɯҽҽρȥ ɳҽʋҽɾ ƚσ ʂυɾϝαƈҽ. ყσυ ρҽσρʅҽ ԃҽȥҽɾʋҽ ƚԋιʂ ϝσɾ ყσυ ʂσʅԃ ɯԋαƚ ყσυ ʂƚιʅʅ ɯαɳƚҽԃ ƚσ ƙҽҽρ. ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ ιɳ α ԋσʅҽ ɠҽƚƚιɳɠ ɱυʂԋҽԃ ιɳƚσ ϝυƈƙႦσι ρυԃԃιɳ. ԃιʂ ɠσɳҽ Ⴆҽ ɠυԃ ɯԋҽɳ ι ԃσ ɯԋαƚ ι ʂԋσυʅԃ σϝ ɯԋҽɳ ι ʂαɯ αɳ αႦυʂҽ σϝ ιɳƚҽɾρʅυƚσɳιƈ ʂყʂƚҽɱʂ σϝ ιɳƚҽɾԃҽɱҽɳȥισɳαʅ ƚԋιɳƙ. 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔫𝔷 𝔡𝔞 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔷 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔫𝔬 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔷 𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔢𝔵𝔠𝔢𝔭𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔳 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔷𝔷 𝔲𝔫𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔢𝔯 𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔶𝔫𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔷𝔭𝔢𝔨𝔨𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔷𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔠 𝔨𝔯𝔞𝔣𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔲𝔪 𝔫𝔞𝔬 2 𝔡𝔞 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔳 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔡. 𝔘𝔫𝔩𝔢𝔷𝔷 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔢 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔷𝔬𝔫𝔯𝔢𝔢. 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔢 𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔩𝔶 ყσυɾ ρȥყσρʂȥ αɾҽ ɯҽαƙƙƙ.Yσυɾ ɱαɠιƈ ιȥ ɱყɳҽ αɳԃ ι ɠιʋҽ ιƚ Ⴆαƈƙ ƚσ ƚԋҽ υɳιʋҽɾȥҽ αɳԃ ʝҽʂυʂ ƈԋɾιʂƚ. αɳԃ ҽʋҽɾყ ๏Ⓣ𝕙𝒆尺 ԋҽɯɯɱαɳɳɳɳɳɳɳɳɳɳɳɳ Ⴆҽιɳɠ. ყα ƙɳα ɯԋαααα ɱҽαɳ? ყα ɱҽ𝒆αɳ?
ᵍᵉᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿⁱᵍ ᵐᵉᵃⁿˢ ᵍᵉᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗⁱᵐᵉˢ. ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᶠʳᵉᵉᵐᵃˢᵒⁿʳʸ. ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵃˢᵒⁿⁱᶜ ˡᵒᵈᵍᵉˢ. ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᶠʳᵉᵉᵐᵃˢᵒⁿʳʸ. ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᵐᵃˢᵒⁿⁱᶜ ᵖʳᵉᶜᵉᵖᵗˢ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏⁱⁿᵈ.
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♗🐨  Ŵ卄𝔞Ⓣ Ⓘ𝕤 tħⓘѕ? ๓ⓐ𝐬𝕠ᶰᶤ℃ 匚𝕖R𝓽i𝕗ι𝕔卂Ş Ⓕ𝓞𝓻 𝓑𝐞ⓘŇ𝓰 𝓪 şⓆ𝐮Ⓘ𝔡𝕝ί𝐍Ğ? ŦĤ𝕚𝓼 เş 𝓜αรỖηι𝐜.  🐍♛
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● คггггг ץєฬฬ รєгเ๏ยรร? 𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙪! เŦŦ Շเร ฬђคՇ ץ๏ย ฬคภՇՇՇ ฬคร ςย๓ Շђєภ ฬђץ ๔เ๔รՇ ץ๏ย ﻮ๏ ๒єђเภ๔๔ Շђץ ๒คςאк Շ๏๏ Շгץ คภ๔ รՇ๏קק ฬђคՇ ץ๏ย ђค๔รՇ รՇคгՇє๔? Շђє ภเﻮﻮยร คฬคкєภร Շ๏ ค ŦгเﻮђՇเภﻮ ฬ๏гɭ๔ Ŧ๏г Շђє ςยɭՇ. Շђє ภเﻮﻮยร คฬคкєภร Շ๏ ค ภєฬ ђ๏קє Ŧ๏г ค ŦยՇยгє. Շђє ภเﻮﻮยร คฬคкєภร Շ๏ ץ๏ยг รςђє๓єร. ץєร ץ๏ยг รςђє๓єร. Շђє ภเﻮﻮยร เร ђєгє Շђє кгคкєภ гєɭєครє๔ ๒ยՇ Ŧ๏г ฬђ๏๓? ђย๓คภเՇץ ภ๏Շ єשเɭ. ภ๏Շ єשเɭ ๒ยՇ ๏Ŧ ɭเﻮђՇ. ץєร.... Ŧг๏๓ ๔คгкภєรร Շ๏ ɭเﻮђՇ Շђє ภเﻮﻮยร คฬคкєภร. ฬ⊗кє!!! ◯

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