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Who Michael Aquino in the thumbnail of that video? That was from "Exposing satans underground" https://youtube.com/watch?v=EcWbuBPNtPw  an expose by geraldo rivera in the early 1990's. Aquino and Ted Gunderson debate for a bit in that episode. I just started listening to that video your replying to and she makes a lot of good points.
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Late reply but whatever, someone might read it and get the wrong idea too. It's not even about the Scots (from Scotia, egyptian princess, also consider Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) or the Irish (Tuatha de Danan, tribe of Dan?) as much as it is about the lineage that's characterized by red and blonde hair. Not every redhead is a part of this but when you read that Mohammad had red hair as did Barbarossa (literrally Redbeard) gears should start turning in your head. If I remember correctly king David was described as a ginger too but I'm not sure how to process that information. Anyway, as it turns out, in most myths or accounts that tell about giants they have blonde or red hair (and are often said to come from somewhere underground, Hitler was very interested in that underground - Agartha). An easy example would be those Eastern Island heads were unearthed and actually are full sculptures of giants with what looks like red hats but was intended to be the hair.

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