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Ok now i see. I assumed this wayfair stuff could have been a way for the masons to set up a company to point to and go ooh and ahh. I heard about it twice in one week it was a talking point so i was very suspicious.Is there a archived thread or something to catch up? I was in my own digs during this. A few years back there was the workplace installation group with the Triangle logo. The vid is from a creepy video dumped on 4chan a few years back. nothing to do with wayfaire but a funny meme for the furniture human trafficking. Which is a theme. Rachel chandler's protege walter pierce had stacks of chairs to a point of confusion in his Instagram. And rachel chandler was one of Epstein proteges 
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This is from the last episode of the Epstein Doc on Netflix, one of the most whitewashed documentaries of all time. I thought I suspected something, but the documentary reeks of Masonic deception, of making Epstein yet another myth of strong women going up against the patriarchy. It's so deceptive and not once does it suggest any ties to secretive occult groups, intelligence or even larger Pedophile rings except when highlighting Epstein's "associates".
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deleted a thread about a discord group thingie. Only because i saw the same thing across boards. Didn't mean to throw it out if it was specifically chosen for here. First of all mobile devices are bad for sec. Aswell as discord as most apps are cancer. Aside from that I didn't consider it was lurkers or whatever.
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this meme is coming to real life. In Australia 
> A Victoria Police not-for-profit organization is selling masks emblazoned with the symbol of the Freemasons.

why? With all the problems that profession is having why put a damn square and compass on the nwo masks? there is something going on with the masks.
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someone many breads back today mentioned this platform of possible cabal comms thedeep.io. Noticed strange websites connected to it co-hosted i think even. I don't know what im doing but there is many sites connected to it under services-local.thedeep.io
almost 10 sites co-hosted to an odd cthulhu platform with underwater symbolism.
I've been listening to Jonathan adampants and while what he was talking about seemed eerily similar to 'christ consciousness' and other occult ideas like that I decided to trudge on because of apparent wisdom he was presenting and challenge myself. Then he dumped a 33 as in he lived 33 years in his corruption and my tinfoil sense got activated. I listened for a while more and got to a part where he talks about his cat leaving a mouse alone. His cat's name was Cosmo. Weird ass name for a cat but I know I've heard this one before. Cosmo, cosmo, cosmo... Something in my mind didn't let me lay this off and finally I remembered a neat sounding word 'kosmokrator' without recollection of what it meant so I looked it up. He might as well have called his cat 'the Devil' since 'kosmokrator' means 'god of this world' a title Jesus used to refer to Satan.
Just a heads up not to trust nice sounding stuff without patient examination and never let your guard down.
So, just the other day I was looking archive.org for a certain book I wanted to download when I stumbled across this one 
At first a copy of the Wizard of Oz's books, but what got me thinking was the comment under it, specifically the parts "Wizard of Oz books by L Frank Baum, Epubs and most with color pictures. In case you didn't know it the WOZ books are probably the most used monarch/mkultra occult mind control scripts" and "they are actually kabbalistic by Baum(tree) the occultist and he knew it, like the Brothers Grimm mind control stories and books which are actually pretty brutal but couched in sweet terms."
Now I don't know about Wizard of Oz, so if anyone has dirt on it, please, enlighten me, I definetly would not be suprised given that some of the "weirdness" of Oz seems built on some sort of symbolism, but the Grimm's stuff seems made-up, given that they genuinely seemed interested in cataloguing culture, because of one the brothers, Jakob, wrote a book on Germanic mythology, and the tales themselves have some sort of moral behind them, but again any dirt on them is welcome.
So any redpills about both ?
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Wizard of Oz is definitely occult. Not to insult your intelligence, but here is a QRD:
Magic is shown to be decidedly neutral and a normal presence, even beneficial to the common person. It is shown to be part of nature, and is available to everyone. Needless to say, this falls in line with Gnosticism, and sadly Wiccan and other dark sects.
The Wizard is the most egregious of the symbols, and there was a public outcry over him at the time, if you look hard enough. He is meant to show that God is merely a 'manipulator' using normal means to deceive and oppress mankind, and that he can be usurped for better with enough knowledge.
> It doesn't get much worse that that
As for the Grimm tales, it is very unlikely that the brothers actually collected the tales, and even if they did, their spin is surely on them. I doubt there is much Pagan influence, as they seem to spread standard Christian ideas that Pagans rejected. It does seem debatable, however, whether the tales actually vilify the evildoers therein. Many occult schools tell practical stories with practical endings without advocating one ideology or moral system because they want to show all things as being part of the 'natural cycle'. For instance, in Hansel and Gretel, the witch was just doing her thing, and the kids theirs, no right or wrong (from that perspective).
Some good points about occult ties of Wizard of Oz have been made here:
Haven't looked into Grimm brothers though.
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Anyone if you are reading this in 2023:




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