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I should've made it clear that regarding the stone masonry, the same technique (which is very distinct) can be found at Peru, Egypt, and even Easter Island (a wall there). So again, has little to do with the Egyptians, possible the "first Egyptians" which have probably little to do with them. 

Much of what is attributed to the known Egyptians is misattributed to them, and they've simple "inherited" much of that.

Well, there have been huge climatic changes happening roughly 12,000 years ago. Picture attached is the sea level rise alone.
The Great pyramid of Giza were built at least 4500 years ago. My statement haven't changed concerning using TOOLS like ropes, pulleys, logs, sand, water, etc., and it applies to all of the megalithic sites.
I know that the documentary doesn't give a proper logical explanation based on what you've said. I've looked into many variants of these kinds of documentaries and they are very deceptive.
Right, don't be fooled by the disinformation, they almost always use truth but wrap it in disinformation.
Which is a very effective way at deception, because it caused people who takes this seriously to not be taken seriously, and have people who look into this to dismiss the truth all together if they do not believe in UFOs, aliens, ancient astronauts, etc.
You yourself haven't looked into what I've looked into.

I don't know, therefore ayylmao? No. The fact of the matter is again due to people generally being unable to think anymore, as ignorant as you are. The US used to have LOTS of stonemasons and carpenters but these days there's too little people that know how to chisel out a cave. Freemasons don't know how to do actual stonemasonry.
There's so much more, but it's scattered all over the web, I need to get that stuff organized.
It almost always has to do with stone modification.
Anyway, I still urge you to watch it, it won't hurt.
> You yourself haven't looked into what I've looked into.
Mate I've been downloading all his stuff, have watched over 2,5 hours of his videos. What are you talking about, I mention one documentary an d you are refusing to watch it... ironic.

not trying to disparage any efforts to find out. Just looking at the size and intricacy of these things not to mention the stability can't help but be mystified by it.
Okay, so not an explanation per se, but a presentation of interesting facts. I brought it up since you might have more information on it, so you might connect some dots. Nothing else.

Thanks for all the information you provided by the way. Much appreciated.
Not having ids is kinda confusing, I'll sign-off now.
Some of said "facts" withhold actual information and realistic theories that they deliberately don't present, it's all to fit a narrative that insists that humans are too dumb which is a huge waste of time in and of itself because you aren't spending time thinking in nonlinear methods.
That's a possibility. I thought it was interesting enough to share. I guess forget about that then.

I must say I really enjoy listening to Kenneth Lee Wheeler. I'll try to read his books starting tomorrow. Thanks again.
> I'll sign-off now.
All I'm really saying is that the kind of people are so amused by the fact that modern people are generally too stupid to know how ancient people had done stonework yet are equally too stupid to understand that denying something to be false isn't an explanation to what is true. You need to improve upon what is true then remove what is false.
DISCLAIMER: I don't deny the possibility of extraterrestrial lifeforms in a limitless universe, though I do however think that there's just insufficient empirical facts to back up the claims made by people that we already have contacted them. I treat the whole alien contact question as serious as checking the rape allegations by a SJW/communist/Jew. I also don't deny the reality of unexplained events and sightings that we currently don't understand and maybe won't ever understand for that matter since we can't go backwards in time to see what happened in detail, though that also isn't to say that there never is one but if there is, then it's just a problem of getting the information out, sort of like the Roswell thing being a top secret US experiment in trying to detect Russian missiles and such at a certain altitude that sound travels through long distances in the air. https://youtube.com/watch?v=VT128ElBWkM
Man, ZeroNet is a shithole for the most part and I don't do much on there for the general lack of people that is worth my time. I would say go on Diaspora* but I also don't want to dox myself (not using my IRL info on there though so there's no worries in that). If you are peg15, well, I am also on rizon.
> ZeroNet is a shithole for the most part
I know. But does it matter?
> If you are peg15, well, I am also on rizon.
Not peg15, though I might get on IRC again.
Whoops, already talked to that dude (sorry peg15 lmao)

There's no easy way to get in contact with me unless you go specifically on my zeronet site.
> unless you go specifically on my zeronet site
Right. Is it worth creating a ZeroNet forum for Endchan refugees you think?
Well there are imageboards on zeronet, they're either a pain in the ass to use or have CP all over. There was an email thing on zeronet but it's not easy to use and I never found anyone to try it one too.
ZeroNet is sub-optimal in many ways... I'll see what I can do. But the fact remains that Endchan won't be along here for long.
I think you're overacting a wee bit though it's good to think of endchan as some place that would inevitably disappear. So, have you thought of a plan yet?
Thanks, though regarding ZeroMail I know security and anonymity wise it is pretty bad (all peers know who is communicating to whom and when), though it's a possibility if we do not come up with something better.

Maybe, and no I have no plans yet, spinning up a VPS could be a possibility.
The junk thing about miilchan is that I don't think there's any means to delete a post.

The ZeroMail thing is "supposedly" encrypted but who knows.
Wow this thread blew up. Is odilitime really abandoning the site? Why would he do that?
I think he was being sarcastic and also tired and out of money since we didn't give him the shekels to keep this afloat so he had to use a shitty but free host to keep this all running.
Seems like frustration. I just fucking bought a little bit of bitcoin with the fucking coinbase and you can't send or receive with the wallet only invest. I am gonna sell it back and try and use another service. Nothing special < 50$  but we can all do our part. I remember one time someone donated a few hundred and that supposedly kept the site up for almost 4 or 5 months.
And I feel Like I did something by doing that hopefully I will go all the way and donate. But I am starting to think that screencap is the same guy who was impersonating odilitime on /operate/ after the migration fuckup saying he did it on purpose lol.
 >>/2359/  >>/2360/
> Seems like frustration
I can see why Oddilitime would be frustrated with this site (and its users?)

Regarding monthly expenditure Endchan costs $100 (VPS + Dedicated server) a month to keep up[1], they have a little over $600 in donations[2] and the last donation was on Jul 31, 2017. Though this is only for the hosting costs, not for the maintenance which Odilitime does.
[1]: https://blockexplorer.com/address/18SMo6egCSLEpCDqiW8vJQmwiM5uTxwHH8
[2]: https://endchan.xyz/.static/donations.html
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people where talking about zeronet. The only thing I saw as suspicious was that it loads pages equally as fast while running zeronet through proxies/tor and running it normally ./
It may just be the way the content loads but aside from that and the javascript it seems like a nice modern looking sort of torrent-web.
I have been interested in IPFS the interplanetary file system. It is distributed and seems to be pretty ideal for archival of webpages pic related is what got me interested.
Meh, not bad work for a bunch of knuckle draggers that would only cost us multiple millions upon millions of dollars to replicate in it's young, pristine condition.
Judaism was a Dionysus cult that got tied into a Judean identarian movement in Canaan.
The Judeans were originally a subset of Canaanite people, and Hebrew was just a dialect of Canaanite mutually intelligible with the other dialects. They decided to start a regionalist movement because they wanted independence from the other Canaanite tribal leaders. The cult of Dionysus was already somewhat popular in Judea (as it was throughout Greece and other areas of the Mediterranean), so the leaders of Judea decided to make the Dionysian religion a distinctive feature of Judean identity, setting them apart from their Canaanite siblings who still practiced generic Semitic polytheism.
The cult of Dionysus originated in Mesopotamia, near the Zagros Mountains, circa 6000 BC. It spread west alongside winemaking technology. Wherever viticulture appeared, so too did the Dionysian cult. The cultists generally memorized the texts rather than writing them down, because they did not want the common folk to learn of the mysteries (this is why we have very little written material from the Greek mystery cults, for example).
The Judeans were the exception to this rule. They wrote down the ancient Dionysian texts because they wanted to carve their identity "in stone" so to speak. They translated the texts into Hebrew, and translated "Dionysus" as "Yahweh", a minor Canaanite god who ruled over the region of Judea. 
Judeans didn't actually come from Mesopatamia, they were of Levantine descent just like all Canaanites. They wewuzzed as Mesopotamians because the Dionysian texts they translated into Hebrew follow the history of the Dionysian cult as it spread out of Mesopotamia, and they wanted to identify themselves with the progenitors of the Dionysus cult.

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