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i didn't make the oathbreaker of course. But i did make a lot of oc for it. i consider some of the initial oc's i made so shitty not even worth reposting. Same with some webms. but this one caught my eye. Particularly because this is around the age this shit would have happened. why the fuck did i make this in 2016?
mine first came back in what seemed like a psychotic episode. hands all over me. a group of men. hotel room.
years ago. when i would get high my hips would begin to circle and if i let it take over i would be on the ground gyrating with my arms in the air doing the typical satanic worship movements.
this recurring figure kept waking me in my dreams. this figure grew into an incubus that would fuck me during sleep paralysis when ever the wind would blow open to the bedroom door. a few times it wasn't the wind, the thought stream that began to peace it together would synchronously coincide with the semi-rare occurrence of the wind blowing the door open. one morning i fought it off. wet the bed. remembered i would wet the bed when i was young. 
everything started coming back in. i was never really into conspiracy beyond pizza/pedogate. i would read obsessively about it as a form of reexperiencing.
gang raped. whored around. filmed. choked to near death by a group of people i have spent my life around. neighbours. buried alive. dr's involved. police... drugged and taken to catholic priests. face fucked and humiliated.
i can taste blood, nude, on knees, initiates? black robe and hood, screams of a man being stabbed, his body lies limp, the girl near me digs in, im still static, she turns to me and kisses me, i dont partake yet. the rest came back later, could be a separate memory. eating the organs, i can taste it, feel it in my mouth, running down my throat, i feel turned on and sick at the same time.
i confronted them. i shouldn't be posting this. idk. one revealed their true face. threatened me. i have no idea how i made it out alive. there was an energy about me the whole time. like someone was watching over me. 
im just happy to be alive. but the programming has been kicking in strong. luckily my country have a sexual abuse helpline who say they get regular ritual abuse claims. its not like people arnt aware this exists. more and more are waking up to it because of epstein. if i dont include the S in the SRA people are actually open to it. 
qi gong and metta meditation are that help at this point.
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horrifying to say the least. This is the second person who has mentioned dreams. I constantly have clown mask dreams. If i think about it almost every night. Due to the eating of organs specifically i am thinking ritual abuse. Because pic related. Be careful. though in my experience its this odd gangstalking thing that the cult can never lift the veil of. and if one is not hysterical things are usually business as usual.
Didn't mean to go on about my own shit in this post. but it reminded me of similar memories. 
> i can taste it, feel it in my mouth, running down my throat, 
part of me remembers organs and another part of me remembers feces. I don't know if it was a ritual context or a traumatic mind control thing. probably both. In your  >>/4130/  >>/4131/ case it appears to be the full gambit. this is awful but hey at-least your mapping out memories. You have a shitload. I have the clown mask thing and kind of the feces memory. The programming appears to work like a fever which i see why you like meditation. it sucks that people don't believe this stuff. And the psychotic episode is similar to how i recalled the being forced to eat feces memory. I had been trying to remind myself of it subconsciously to the point i was shoveling nesquick powder in my mouth and eating it dry. Maybe in meditation or life try and see any subconscious queue's your mind is giving you. Stay strong anon!!!
> Maybe in meditation or life try and see any subconscious queue's your mind is giving you
not to do anything but like the mythic gyration that took over the body.
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i am trying very hard to not fail at opsec but you know what i have to post this. because this is bothering me. pic related was posted on 8kun in the /qresearch/ general threads days before i made a discovery of lets say exactly this. pic was posted october 14th this may be what i am supposed to figure out with breadcrumbs etc aswell...
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water activity on two lane exact fashion. IN THE EXACT AREA i recall the clown masked ordeal happening at (neighbor of parents friend's house 1998) Why is there watersports activity on a road. its under the road. They allowed me to see over the bridge i think to confuse me. i think they use car elevators and garage door entrances. at that time it would have been at a storage facility with garage door openings by the watertower.
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ends at an apartment complex (that apparently was woods in 1998) but you see it says there is over 5000 garage units for a 55 unit apartment complex. there is a whole underground world unseen to non-masons. EXPLAINS WHY GOOGLE MAPS SAID IN 2011 THE MASONIC LODGE WITH LEVIATHAN AS ITS LODGE LOGO WAS UNDER THE WATER.
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clown mask meme image was posted on 8kun by one of the people i think where trying to grab me out my bedroom window via a bonfire or something. Q saved me with his drops cant get into detail due to opsec. at least right now.
You q pepole are so hard to believe/follow. Though I would like to give you a chance to explain...

> ant get into detail due to opsec. at least right now.
If you can at some point
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the latest drop was before the incident would have taken place. giving me key info (with plausible deniability) to not only recognize but be alert to what may have happened had i not thought for myself.maybe its a temporary safeness. all i know is there was an extremely clear plot of some kind that was thwarted. how exactly? well many ways. one of which is desensitization to any and all negative stimuli. at least this is how i take it. having had psyops directed at me personally Q gave me pause to think for myself and strive to be a better individual. it twisted the cabals plan into a fountain of lulz.
Whatever truth your exploration of your memories has to it, I think where you have gone wrong is that you are overstating what you have gleamed through introspection as truth, and it sounds very much like you have been reading lots of online articles or blogs from 'Christian therapists' which are very broad in their diagnosis of an SRA victim.

Commonly these pages list signs that you or someone else is one, but the list will heavily apply to almost everyone reading because each symptom is vague and common. A lot of the symptoms listed on these pages could perhaps be associated with MKUltra influence on the broader scale, through the media and education system, but reading through these types of pages might give one the impression that they, and everyone around them, is a victim of direct SRA.

What I think, and call this my own paranoia, but it is just a speculation: a lot of these sites are MKUltra tools. They potentially create victims through causing an already emotionally distressed reader (as many of us are in the modern age) to over think and project the authors suggestions on to their memories.

Just my thoughts, but leave a margin of doubt. Memories are a funny thing. Sometimes they can be an exact recollection of real, material events, and sometimes they can be distorted over time or through self suggestion.
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*sympathetically nod's to this notion*
absolutely.I hope to god its not real. However there is  more things to this than I even want to really try and tabulate as i wanted to in this thread. For example there is a theme of painting the face white  I can not understand for the life of me.here is no urban witchinary, I can't type in white face dungeon garb and have anything meaningful show up. The same reason i made the board to lay stuff out in such a way others can contribute etc. I do not hang my hat on these memories. but there is this stuff happening to people and i bet the cabal even brags about trauma based mind control in their media. maybe it is an imaginative thing with me. That would be a godsend. regardless of my real or imagined/implanted/dissasociated/repressed/trauma-disguised experiences are - there is a masonic symbolical constant in the art i have seen  the last year or 2. People do go through this stuff with active vivid memories. since childhood. and nothing can be more of an affront to what it means to be a satanic slave than me speculating about whisps of imagery in the late 1990's. That being said there has been a response by the cabal that goes into the very same part of my head that the pics in this thread light up. for example the kobe bryant/mr peanut correlation. how the cabal used kobe's death as a psyop and odd thing with of course the T-shirt i was wearing that day. (huge opsec fuckup there). and its also a matter of opsec not digging too close to home etc. the gangstalking people around me can't stop saying it is what it is. since i said it in this thread in this post here  >>/4084/
one symptom was that i was incapable of considering that i had been a victim of ritual abuse. i literally sat there in front of a therapist explaining all of this but could not think about, its like all the pieces of the puzzle where out there in front of me but i still couldn't see the whole picture. 
attempt to observe and mental blocks that are up, often just seems like youv'e run to the end of a train of thought, see if you can try force in to that mental space.
getting in to the body, yoga, etc... combined with meditation and an understanding of the mind is the sure finest way to uncover any possible sra, mc, trafficking related stuff.
sra isn't rare. having been in therapy for it for a number of years now, there is a very active satanic church operating in the upper middle class, at the least. i can say that at all the four schools i went to there were always at least a few others who i can name with near certainty.
i was often encouraged to join the police force, the medical industry. have recognised them in managerial positions such as principals and heads of psych wards.
these posts and the others i made 2 years ago when i first got away, combined with a few actions attempting to help another escape are stressing me, waiting for some dark figures to appear out of a van on some routine walk of mine. half expecting my self to show up at the bottom of a lake somewhere.

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