a random intl banner

/intl/ - International Lounge

As a new board owner I would like to tell the globals to not delete free speech (spam)

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Hello and /intl/ board is gonna be about intelligent discussion about food, travel; language, etc.

The idea isn't to shitpost about which country is better or spout constantly inane memes and raid other boards

1 : No shitposting about which country is the best

2 : Don't raid other boards with cancer

Please give suggestions how the board should work and to start  tell where are you from and what do you like and dislike about your country.

> inb4 flags plz
The admins are gonna put the feature soon
Not exactly, we will be what /int/ and /intl/ we're supposed to be in the start without bullshit.
You are appropriating culture tbh

Also you're defeating the purpose of an international board with that first rule.
> 1.No shitposting about which country is the best

are you fucking serious m8? the owner's a faggot that can't handle tha banter what tha fuk m8


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