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Fuck this gay Internet and everyone on it

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As I've said in the META thread  >>/1/ one of the aims of IXIT is to forge individual connections and create cross-platform communities. That means posting info that allows people to anonymously contact you. So instead of just posting a link to some darknet software like I2P or Zeronet, post a link to your personal channel on a hidden site that's hosted on one of those networks.

But I know that a lot of people are still going to post links to hidden sites that they don't personally use, or darknet software that they don't personally use, because they read about it somewhere and fell in love with the concept behind it and now they want to tell everyone else about it. For all of you, there's this thread. If there's a certain darknet forum, or federated network, or blockchain-based imageboard that you're all stoked about, this is your thread for posting about it.

It's not a bad thread. It can be a useful resource for those willing to go the extra step and sign up to these platforms and post their contact info here on IXIT. If I get enough of these links I'll probably make a booru or some other tag-based resource out of them.

The only caveats are

* Don't link to anything that violates the global rules (https://endchan.net/.static/globalRules.html)
* Don't link to other link directories
* Include a description that shows you actually took the time to check it out instead of just dumping a bunch of onion links you've had kicking around since 2018.

EDIT: This also includes "alt tech" sites that exist on the clearnet but which are dedicated to the principles of free speech.
In the spirit of posting links, here's one:

Its philosophy is that of radical freedom. It's intended as a place for different "tribes" to network. Discussion centers around crypto-anarchy, the dark net, the black market, radical privacy, survivalism and similiar topics.

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