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Thanks for the understanding.
In return we also can be lenient, images where the models' poses are less suggestive might remain. There are cases where more young models are tolerated.

I could delete the whole thread, but the BO can do it too. I dunno how many of you guys are here. You should discuss first.
All right, here's what I think how it should be.
If BO is around and you guys decide to delete this thread, then he should do it. The other possibility is that you can keep it, but the BO has to lock the thread, so noone can add more - your board isn't listed and I could only see what's going on because Endchan homepage displays latest posts.
I'll be back tomorrow and see if you made a decision.
I don't fuck with you guys, I see you're just a handful of dudes, who likes football and women, do and don't wish no harm. That's cool.
See you.

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