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Complaining about when life was good.

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I wish that websites (like Endchan) were still active and the Internet was still crazy and wild. Now it's all big tech and shitty. Where does the time go?
> sad
What do you miss about it?

I think later down the road when VR takes off and this metaverse thing is just a little past it's infancy, you'll see a wild west web 3.0 vr kinda situation. It won't last long, but I genuinely believe the golden years of the wild west internet are right now and far in the future. 

If you want that now, just hop on VRchat and talk to people. Every time I get on that game, it looks and feels what I imagine a 4chan board in 3D would be like. You don't even need a VR headset to try it and it's free. 

Go check it out and don't give up and leave after 5 minutes without interacting with anyone. Also, remember you will always look at the past with rose tinted glasses. The old internet wasn't that great, but the feeling of it is still out there if you're genuinely looking for it.

This thread is deader than a doornail, but I still feel your pain. The old Internet is gone and all your edgy websites have gone with it, or entered I2P, Tor, etc.

The only thing we can do now is wait for change. Just wait.

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