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Last thread  >>/3/ I will keep up because the images that are broken are named the archive.is generated random letter url of the archive.is archive of the images.

Instagram no longer can be archived.  I will try and explain the photos this time to encourage more people to dig. Look at the usernames and click on the people who comment their photos and so on and screencap all the cult activity.

For example pic related @blackbodegabag is a good example and even a starting point.
Why do these creeps always use Instagram? I've never seen anything like this on other social media. (although I don't use any social media...) And why is the pizza often melting in their creepy drawings? I've seen that all over the place.
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I have thought a lot about this and I think it comes down to the fact that its a visual thing with their art connections and also it has to do with their oaths I think. They use the art to express what they are not allowed to speak of and also to deal with having to be in a cult I would imagine.I think the pizza is adrenochrome in the context used on instagram which is usually like a man covered in cheese melting.James alefantis is said to be an adrenochrome salesman which explains his usage of it.
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I think whenever a child has "pizza", "pasta", [something unhealthy] as their meals that is a sign of child neglect, and neglected children are probably more easily abused by child rapist,  murderers, kidnappers etc.
Also I think its interesting that unhealthy foods such  as "pizza" or "pasta" have been popularized post-war (see pic).
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This picture makes me so fucking mad that I want to eat this fucking asshole like the pacman leddit joke he is. This piece of shit is making it so any college kid will go "right on pacman rulez" not thinking of his symbology. This is why they have put animated pizza slices in the childrens cartoons. By the way childrens cartoons. What starts in the word child and is not a problem? child abuse, child cartoons, child pornography child coffins. Child anything is an red flag. So automatically any goat in a nickelodean show should be reason to maul these people with blunt weapons and projectiles. Sadly in reality they use athames to cut up bodies and put severed penises in the mouths and to decapitate dead people and cut their face under their right eye and freemasonry and this whole pizzagate cult is the controlled act of violence without reprocussion. We see In churches schools and surrounding areas these nerdy things are like invisible candy bars for these masonic beard nerd geek men to entice your children.They are on a jungle gym and see ole pacman enthusiat as he Starts doing the fortnight dance and titilate the people programmed to do that dance.Nerd shit is a way for these people to come in and have a pizza party with the flag club. With their comics that make the kids and teens feel like a little celebrity for being a pessimistic cartoon carecter nothing caillou of a child. Made to watch this shit in a show they are herded into wayching with masonic cartoon checkerboard network.Next thing you know there is shriners sticking branding rods on the kids to give them a little eye so they are reminded to keep their trap shut. You develop institutionalized abuse of which by its very nature with the masonic vetting system and whatnot we have a problem no one has enough cool points to point out. Not enough upvotes yet lego star wars characters holding hands will be put in the center of the college demographics attention. They slide in and talk like yoda so they appear like a nerdy cool older dude. Just do a yoda voice and talk your way out of anything.So they slip in nerd shit because its a way to perpetuate the masonic cult of washed up cult people and some creative people with talent and only the balls to put the redpill allegorically in their nerd shit.And usually in the context of the profane being zombie or npc people..its consumerism and cultism and something to fascinate the masses. Just play duck hunt and blow your brains out fuckhead with the pacman joke.we already know adult swim has dan harmon with Rick and morty. Rick and morty has animated slices of pizza in it like angry grandpa on adult swim which had a bumper saying it was secret partners with the freemasons for thousands of years. Its not just a pacman joke this clown is a serial killer.
I think pizza also has to do with yog-sothoth and or the necronomicon. Also some kind of ritualized maybe child killing perhaps
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I saw that on voat. I can see how that can happen on instagram there are clumps and hashtags and cultists that curate cultist instagram art and are little nodes of cultists. I would imagine there is more and even maybe like snuff films or at least like a gothic chick filming the strobe-lit wall as a guy is being skinned alive in a quirky art club. Instagram stories is the option to take a short video that dissapears after a week or so. surely that is not being abused by these people..... I  am gonna have to make a throwaway instagram just to see the stories and tagged posts of these cultists.
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Look at the aspie in the witches hat. That is what the people who get exited about classic painting and europa threads on 8/pol/ - that is who these "pagan" shitheads are interwoven with. Masons that do the cuckface in witch hats before they thumb the eyes in of a spic that was trucked in by the hundreds to lodges across the nation. Continuing on some speculation to the violence level of the cuck in the bitch hat.They thumb the eyes in because the profane mexican boy shall not see the illustrious robes and ritual displays of the inside of a tiled lodge. Like a morter and pestle they thumb the eyes in and do the pagan cuckface in their witch hats. Then they concern troll after the site is ddos'd by whatever glowing eye outlet they use to make sure people that work all day do not suspect the people who own their neighborhoods and city are thumbing kids eyes in. Pressing their eyes in like a handshake clasp with the devil. Gumming the eyes in After they disemboweled them of course so they can show little pablo that now that his intestines are being pulled out like a lawnmower Adrenolizing the blood little pustule mehican. After they pull his guts out like the penal sign of the 3rd degree.then he is allowed to thumb pablo's eyes in. So that he can see he is not going to survive before he sees no more.eyes wide shut.
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Notice the kids going lalala like robots. Isn't it a thing where people hold their ears and go "lalala I can't hear you". That is literally how the cultists consider their actions in the context of american law and not lodge law. They think because they are in the checkerboard flag floored place then whatever happens in that place they have to go LALALALA and not think or aknowledge it. Little fish kids going lalalala as they paint their face for a local insane clown posse band that doesn't play music but just cuts children with snake curved knives inside of masonic lodges exclusively and no where else.
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Notice it says to draw alien eyes instead of masonically identifiable human eyes. They are trying to hide their eye symbolism they HAVE TO PUT IN ALL MEDIA DAMMIT.
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I have seen witch women and girls wear these black lace choker kind of lodge necklaces (minus the barrel) like the one in pic related. but the triangle necklace too? How many trinkets do you need to mark sex slave as property? Burn her skin too brand her with an eyeball for good measure. cuckfaced faggot making her wear the full rainbow of sex bracelets in order to plunge her head in the bathtub as she is being raped and then makes her make eyeball doodles to understand her threat of eyes open mind closed. Probably Crying as he rapes this child because he thinks the eyeball art is so beautiful. This is sick.Is this a sra victim? Look what she is drawing eyeballs all over the place.
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I'm quite sure that none of these white goyim have never suffered once in their lives, but care little about the suffering of others. All for your own pleasure! Do as thou wilt!
Fuck them, seriously.
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2018-11-18 Joseph Shepard ( alephomen) • Instagram photos and videos.png
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I want to record my screen while I do this using ffmpeg. Might do it in a vm but if people simply knew how in your face these profiles are while scrolling through them a lot more people would dig in like with @jimmycomet.Anyone can do this you don't even need a computer. It helps to make a throwaway instagram account because then you can see who likes what and the tagged photos and the followers and following accounts. That expands the cultists exponentially.
> Do what thou Wilt!

You may have noticed a few OTO pictures sprinked in the last 10 or so posts. I am not just going "Ooh there in the oto". Just like I don't go to lodge Instagram and screen-cap them its pointless. These accounts where 1 or 2  account separated from an art cultist. And beyond that I only am screen-capping cultist behavior that is congruent with the likes of marina abromovich james alefantis ecetera. 

Its very easy to go from experimenting with psychedelic drugs to terrence mckenna to robert anton wilson to reading  and being infatuated with Crowley. I was for about 6 months to a year and it was popular on 4chan's /x/ in the early 2010's. But I never got into any occult order or anything and I don't think its wise to do so sadly with all of these cultists around. So I know not every single universal hexagram is a sign of cultism not every thelimite is a masonic cultist but some of these fucking people like pic related absolutely are. And they are going beyond that into this dynamic where freemasons partition their abominable rites into things like NXVIM SNCTM and going and setting up secret masonic gatherings disguised as oto gatherings through THE ART GALLERIES AND HIGH ART TO PERFORM THEIR MASONIC RITUAL VIOLENCE. THERE IS ART SHOWS BASED ON THIS TRASH.
http://www.thereisonlynow.com cult very full of cultists. I know its hard for people to understand if they do not dig themselves but I want to do something right now and show how much this crap festers in these circles. Outwards towards your local neo-emo/scene adult conclave! If you see Nightmare Before Christmas memorabilia tread very lightly these people seem to be global in secret of varied middle class situations.These people have enveloped the 80's goth movement into the 90's into the 2000's with emo. Emo was to get kids to shed blood on masonic patterns chequed patterns and black and white lines. See into this sub masonic cult. It is absolutely out of hand. Pic related is just the thumbnails of the avatars of all the accounts that follow one of the http://www.thereisonlynow.com related cultists. Now look closely and on every row (or every other row) there will be an avatar that might pop out at you. These are more cultists. Its neverending and my god take a peek its probably what the hell we should have been doing since pizzagate with @jimmycomet. I have done so very here and there as a sort of constant reminder that these people are seething right between us under the surface. Maniacs raging on adrenolution drawing squiggly people haunched in an art deco room with masonic flooring and whatnot. Always the fucking masonic symbolism. Always without even trying basically I show this masonic proof of artistic subterfuge related directly to performance art w/ marina abromovich & spirit cooking & pizzagate and this is pretty simple look at how bad this is. This is not normal hence posting the screenshots this is not normal behavior this is a large sub-masonic mob art cult
No problem, thank you for your persistence. This stuff is worth knowing about, pathetic and sick fucks who care not about the suffering of others.
I know about the black dhalia murder in that it was scraps of a woman splayed about a public park. Very likely a show and tell sort of thing. All towns do this be it the uh trope of cemetary lurching people in hooded cloth is absolutely not fiction. Things like that often in public parks near lakes or bodies of water there will be blood spilt onto the earth and police stratigically blocking interlopers joggers etc. So you see the black dhalia may have been a bystander walking past some sort of public ritual and thus severed in twain.
early mornings in wooded clearings in park areas are prime spots to see the local masonic coven bletting the earth to put a curse onto this nation. They curse their fellow man hence the liberal ploy to end man and developed culture
Black Dhalia aside, he is one of the earliest examples of this kind of relation of surreal disturbing art with pedophilia, occultism and other kinds of degeneracy. He was a patron of all kinds of art like this, which happened to later match real crimes.
Very interesting to dig around with a more modern perspective.
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that is a spectacular tidbit anon I am sorry for talking like such a smart alec. I really was just speculating I apologize the reality is bad enough I can't be making definitive statements like that when I only am aware of it (elites sacrificing people then going back to their day jobs etc.)via spoken knight ministries a youtuber for fucks sakes. I don't know what the hell is goin on lol.various ultimate truths I may be oblivious to.I get manic when I dig on instagram because its so vast I am gonna simply have to record the screen with ffmpeg to show what its like scrolling and seeing this on the fucking instagram interface.

that is an articulate measured reflection of the event in a current context culturally. I had no idea he was into such art!
I wonder how people like that get involved into this shit, has there been a common theme among these pieces of shit? I've seen quite a lot of references to masonic cults so far.
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She was probably abused herself and thus the horror is perpetuated.
She's associated with a (shitty) label called Kilocon, which features her as a young girl on the Instagram page, could be her label, I guess it is.
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i think about that and i think of the early 90's "satanic panic". Tales of masons taking kids out of school and satanic ritually abusing them. Making an army of abused kids into some sort of art collective. familial inter-generational regional satanic cartels.
I have not interacted with any cultist since @bliss.god in early 2016 and it was because it did not effect such a sociopath they kept on posting. Never interact with these people at least for fucks sakes archive all pics and try and get caption data and comments. Very good point anon
Thank you so much anon. Every little bit counts the more people digging the more shit uncovered. From dark to light exposing these fucking cretins. Seeing the dirty ways of the masonic-satanic hierarchy that overlaps our fucking systems of control and governance,
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curator. Links so many artists I extracted the last 3 months of his 10k posts (maybe a quarter way down the blog there is 3 times the cultists in this list)
Reminds me of the liddle dig with finding the @cult.of.cthulhu
The connection is as follows
Rachel chandler --> allinstudio.com --> @allinstudio --> @another__kind --> @bobthecleanerhateshumankind --> all the accounts in this list plus more because @bobthecleanerhateshumankind is a "gucci hoe" curator of this nitch big fashon vogue sra art
you might notice down the list the urls have https://tofo.meinstagram.com/ just use instagram.com/username
that is because i used tofo.me to scroll down the profile (has captions/links to other cultii displayed w/ thumbnail so you can extract all urls from https://tofo.me/bobthecleanerhateshumankind)
First of all i could have waited until i loaded his whole page to do the complete list and i could also have properly formatted it. That is not the aim necessarily. What i am doing is showing you the scope of this. Go to 10 pages at least 7 of them will be in this genre of like supermodels covering themselves in paste and satanic shit. The other 3 will be winking like a cuckfaced antifa mason who has been boyfucked out of his mind into this liberal satanic cult that is not a left or right thing they like letting their wrist limp because they are psychopathic serial killing cultists walking around like mr burns glowing in the woods.
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Disable javascript usually fixes the flood detection. here are some of the pics that stood out to me from the zip. I am thinking about ways to see private instagram pics because this woman is either insane crying for help she is forthcoming that much is clear. Probably more so now she thinks setting it to private invalidates the fucking screencaps. She wanted to be the groovy devil slut and she couldn't handle it.
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not the ideal account to start screenrecording with because its a lot of reposts but there is certain images that pop out as you scroll as to how deprave they are. Sort of what its like. Want to make longer ones with the art cultists
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No idea what quantizing the images meant then i see IT CUTS THE FILESIZE IN HALF holy crap that is useful thanks anon! I had been using trimage and getting ~20% compression at best. Now i can cut these down even 20% more. Sorry it took a while to finally see what the command did and test it but what a wonderful tip thanks anon.
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typical. They made it so if you open a lot of new tabs in instagram you get this shit. Just hold down F5 for a couple of seconds to get past that but you know they will change that so maybe use tor or rotating ip's/proxies to get past that. Fuck these people. Also they deleted @bobthecleanerhateshumankind. I really fucked up scraping only a portion of the usernames but here we go a properly formatted list of cultii. https://pastebin.com/4872Mxrq
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Found something on Tor that has all the hallmarks: 


I think these guys use Steganography The chick who runs the Tor site (who goes by MEATDOLL on Soundcloud) just mixes noise in with other songs. I've been trying to see if there's anything in those audio files but I can't work it out.
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Fuck.... I found this video on YouTube and downloaded it because I thought it was related. I just tried finding it on YouTube again and it's been deleted. 

I think the techniques shown here could be used to hide CP in other images.

Can anyone track down the video and who's behind it?
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I think I found the "hot dog stand in Hawaii" from the leaked Podesta emails. It's the only hot dog stand in Hawaii without a website. It's called "Great Hawaiian Hot Dog & Sauce"

Google street view attached.
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The key to it all is a place called "Sizzle Pie". They're big on social media, big on 'Pizza Culture Art' and they have multiple locations across different states. 

I checked their downtown east side Portland location, and I think it's a front for a temple. 

The pizza store has easy access to a building next door, but listed as being on a different street. This building is a featureless white building with no windows, one garage door, one front door with a metal grill, and multiple security cameras. 

If you walked out of the back door of Sizzle Pie, you could walk through a walled off and secluded back area before accessing the "temple". 

Sizzle Pie location: 624 E Burnside St, Portland, Oregon

Temple location: 645 SE Ankeny St, Portland, Oregon
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"SIZZLE PIE" is the new Comet Pizza

This one is particularly sickening. It involves multiple locations/business names operating as a single 'complex'. One of the businesses is a kindergarten.  

SIZZLE PIE location: Seattle - Capitol Hill, 1009 E Union St, Seattle, WA 98122

TEMPLE location: Abandoned building at closest intersection to Sizzle Pie, painted all in black, no windows, fenced off car park with barbed wire. 

ASSOCIATED BUSINESSES: Dark Bar, Bright Horizons Preschool, Eclectic Theater & Pound Gallery

So this location of Sizzle Pie is located IN THE SAME BUILDING as another business - a bar called Dark Bar. They share a premises and the bar's logo shows they're associated. Dark Bar is a Satanic themed bar. 

The back-yard of Sizzle Pie is shared with Bright Horizons preschool. 

The building next door to Sizzle Pie has multiple businesses in it - it has a car repair, tattoo parlor and two different art galleries - Eclectic Theater & Pound Gallery.

The temple is located at the closest intersection. It has a business name on it, but the premises looks abandoned. Graffiti on the building has one-eye symbolism. 

The pattern here seems the same as Comet Pizza in Washington. James Alef... owned Comet, but he also owned another  restaurant next door called "Buck's Camping and Fishing" (i think). Here the adjoining business is Dark Bar.

In Washington there was an agency across the street from Comet which helped abused children. Here, the access to children is by way of the preschool. 

In Washington there was an art gallery close by also owned by James A. Here, there are two art galleries next door. 

The difference seems to be that in Portland and Seattle there are separate, nondescript buildings with no windows within 100 feet of the pizza store. 

The pattern is the same

I'm reviewing Washington now to see if there are any nondescript buildings there that may have been missed.
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PHENOMINAL WORK ANON I remember sizzle pie from pic related from one of the artists its suspicious as hell!
not familiar with stego but there is a dirth of programs to check to see if there is in fact hidden data in all kinds of media audio you name it. I remember one anon saying he had to update wine to use windows only tools to dig so maybe check that out too i don't even know the  names except istego is one of the only programs i can remember. There is a lot though. there was files on cometpingpong.com that had hidden data in it people where not able to crack it it said they had tor onion adresses in the stegonography somehow that could be related to what you found on tor.I think that field of study is in forensics maybe part of forensic analysis.
I will dig on that site but instead of stegonography they very well could have like with other sites like that have OTHER PAGES trying to find out how exactly to map a site subdomain enumeration seems futile. They have most likely pages like /innerealm.html

Thanks Anon!

There's a live thread going on 8chan in /pol/ as well.

I think they're watching. When I posted the thread about Sizzle Pie and the possible temple locations, some asshole started spamming the thread to stop people who are casually browsing from seeing the info. 

I'm about to test this theory by posting there again and seeing what reaction I get. 

If they're watching they'll try to bury it again. 

This needs to be a group effort. I'll focus on the north-west. Seems like a live location for this cult - Portland and Seattle. 

We need to find a political connection. What broke Pizzagate was Jimmy's association to Podesta. If we can show another political connection in the north-west, it'll become undeniable. 

Good luck to all of you. Stay safe - these people are dangerous.

I didn't even think of the two art galleries being the kill rooms - I was focused on the abandoned building... but the galleries make sense. There's a mechanic/garage in the same building... you could just load the bodies into a trunk and drive away without anyone seeing anything.
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there is an alarming amount of shit i found through sizzlepie. Found a masonic stop-motion artist group called open the portal. They have the all seeying eye as their logo, Use the square and compass aswell. They host short film screenings or marathons of movies/tv in an outdoor place with a large hand sculpture. In one of these screenings there lays an inflatable pizza float thingy for pools. They also most importantly have a long list of working for commercials and media like cartoon network. THEY INPUT THE ALL SEEING EYE INTO MEDIA. THAT IS WHERE ITS COMING FROM GROUPS OF MASONS GETTING TOGETHER TO COLLUDE MASONIC IMAGERY IN ALL MEDIA.

Of course it didnt end (or begin it began with @jamesalefantis and Rachel chandler and blissgod) with the portal nerds. No you see im gonna have to make a long video recording my screen just 4 or 5 minutes of showing how many cultists there are and how blatant it is. I can't screencap every eye every satanic thing. Not even every pizza symbolized thing. I can't even get a grasp on how many people are involved in this network but again and again and again i see masons guiding or these artists coming together under outright square and compass symbolism. or under the lesser symbols of masonry. Technically the all seeing eye is by no means the lesser symbol but as far as comparing it to the square and compass the square and compass seems to be the ultimate masonic verification glyph Then the all seeing eye/pyramid eye and then after that solar symbology sun moon stars like the sign at comet ping pong.
https://www.instagram.com/najimir/ (reminiscent of the blacktangerine disturbing paintings that an anon found around november last year)

Just a few that i have out of the 120 or so tabs i have had open in this dig.I am hesitant to post the usernames of any account before i scrape their posts because they have a habit of setting their account to private. Having people comment on their shit getting them to delete the instagram or privatize it.
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Political figure, governor of CA, deletes his twitter header after a photoshopped arm in his twitter header showing a finger bent into a pedophile symbol is exposed.

    REMINDER: FBI pedophile symbols confirm this is a pedo sumbol.
There's no way in hell this could possibly still be going. There's no pedophile ring in a DC pizza restaurant. That's one of the worst places to put one! Move on, there are better insane conspiracies out now.

Also op's a nigger faggot. Just sayin.
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> There's no way in hell this could possibly still be going. 
> There's no pedophile ring in a DC pizza restaurant.
that doesnt matter. Because it still is going IM THE ONLY ONE DIGGING see  >>/3/ . Those accounts sprawled out into thousands. I have 400+ tabs open. This is at the very least an endless goldmine of creepy fucking shit which is why i like to keep digging.
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Turns out that Rachel Chandler attracts the best people for her own works too. Let’s check this out, so now have this individual named Alameen Karim Merali who claims to be an “Information Security Expert” and “Tanzanian Public Figure” who has been turned into a meme by the Kiwi Farms and has a subject of intense controversy in the Onion Farms. Read more from here: https://peakd.com/rachelchandler/@artistiquejewels/history-of-rachel-chandler-s-family-building-of-the-port-in-long-beach-epstein-connections-celebrity-pedogate-and-a-secret and here https://steemit.com/pedogate/@informationwar/rachel-chandler-s-background-connections-to-nexivm-standard-hotel-marina-abramovich-modeling-agencies-epstein-symbolism-and

Everything is in the comments of the above post, all the way down.
Turns out that Rachel Chandler attracts the best people for her own works too. Let’s check this out, so now have this individual named Alameen Karim Merali who claims to be an “Information Security Expert” and “Tanzanian Public Figure” who has been turned into a meme by the Kiwi Farms and has a subject of intense controversy in the Onion Farms.

More information can be viewed from here: https://peakd.com/rachelchandler/@artistiquejewels/history-of-rachel-chandler-s-family-building-of-the-port-in-long-beach-epstein-connections-celebrity-pedogate-and-a-secret and here: https://steemit.com/pedogate/@informationwar/rachel-chandler-s-background-connections-to-nexivm-standard-hotel-marina-abramovich-modeling-agencies-epstein-symbolism-and

Check the comments all the way down.

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