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That's the difficult part, mostly whites can be helped as they have papers and my company serves as a job reference, so when their prospective employer calls, I tell them  "John Doe worked for me, great guy". The problem is that for every 1,000 jobs (non-metaphorical number) they apply, they only get 1 or 2 replies. I'm currently trying to expand my actual business (which provides services for companies), but many cities have companies that are downsizing. 

If you want to help white men (and/or illegal hispanics), do things via sub-contracts or day laboring. Many white men are hard workers but CANNOT afford taxes, or the child support they often shoulder. This is why I use everyone as day laborers: Illegals shroud white men (John Doe is actually Jose Martinez on paper, met him with other immigrants in the corner); white men shroud illegals (this white man with papers is representative of my work force).

Aside from helping white men work without much paperwork (LEGALLY it is their responsibility if they are day laborers, and/or earning less than $12K/yearly), their day laborer status allows them to use any name. This means, they can choose to work under the table if they decide to.
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Ah, there's the catch. What's high-end about it? Day labor and working with illegal Mexicans. 12 hour shifts or more. The hot sun baring down on them. There's a difference between high-end and dead-end. Any white man is better off with two jobs in retail, as shitty as this second option is. Or you know, education for a better position. Corporate doesn't care about employees so no A/C (or lying their asses off saying it's broken until they visit and A/C magically works). There's the same heat without sunburn. Yes, also surrounded by women with women in charge. Contractors in charge can be just as nagging, pretentious and fucking obnoxious. Men acting like women are somehow worse. I worked construction four years in my youth. I don't hate women more than illegal Mexicans. One stance I'm sure you're aware of National Socialists is we're against mass migration. That whole scene doesn't seem worth it at all.

Lately, there have been a few posts suggesting welcoming Mexicans or "The Hispanic Empire was based" shilling with pro-shitskin cartoons. Seems suspicious.
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Anything that gets Hispanics back to global hegemony.

Let's not forget America, from Alaska to Patagonia, was much better under Hispanics like Antonio de Mendoza and Paullu Inca.
Humanity is clamoring for the rebirth of the Hispanic (Polysynodial) Empire...
https://www.bitchute.com/video/yJW0yncElsXT/ [Embed]
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You are that anon. Right, so Spain dominated. That blanket term "Hispanic Empire" makes no sense when coupled with brown cartoon crap. Do you think the modern inclusive term means historical victory for shitskins? Spaniards are not Mexicans. The vast majority of actual people in Spain are not brown. A simple search will show you they're white. Mexico was Spain's bitch for 300 years.

Around 52% European mixed into Mexican DNA is still not white. As with every mutt just like the mixed race mulattos, it's a recipe for batshit insanity. I have zero problems with Spaniards. I know they're Aryan. The only result of the Great Replacement infestation is interracial mixing until every nation's people are as rambling street-shitting fast talking lunatics as the people of India.

American latinos/latinas are no different. I have been forced to work with them for over two decades. The speed at which bullshit flies from their mouths is unbelievable. No system of honor whatsoever. It's not in their blood or heritage. Human sacrifice is. Bloodletting is. They talk shit behind everyone's back. They gaslight conversations as badly as jews. They shoot each other in the south sides of every city they live. The men are tough surrounded with their cholo friends but apologizing cowards when they're alone. The women have extreme OCD to the point nothing anyone does is ever right. Those bitches have been my managers when kikes where not. I know these people. I am sick of these people. Every day is a soap opera drama with brown lunatics.

It's jews to blame for letting brown immigrants into our nations
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Don't know how to tell you this, but the Hispanic Empire was a polysynodial monarchy.

Also, you posted a fucking Bourbon... everything bad with Spain in the last 300 years. His whore daughter wore an ARABIC necklace a few years back; it shows the father is a cuck (typical central and and northern European men), the mother is a silenced whore (typical of central and northern European women). They spend less time tackling the anglophilic Black Legend, and more time allowing African immigrants inside Spain. Don't get me started on their failures regarding handling the Catalonia and Marruecos.

At least read "Empire-phobia and Black Legend" by Elvira Roca Barea, or "Tree of Hate" by Philip Wayne Powell before writing BLOOD LIBELS and SLANDERS against the Hispanic Empire. The Hispanic Empire was beautiful.
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Every nation's leaders these days are cucks. Felipe VI signed Sephardic ancestry granting citizenship into law October 2015. He's a simp to jews like the rest of the world. The color of their skin was the point, and as I said, you can easily search "people of Spain". They're Caucasian.
> Anglo-Saxons
The Germanic tribes which began England before they were later led astray by jews (Churchill cucked to the FOCUS jewish group) against their own.
> Satanic Hegemony
When you posted that, this suggested you're either anti-German, anti-Aryan, brown yourself, or all three. I haven't written Blood Libels or Slanders against "the Hispanic Empire". I'm questioning whether you're deluded into thinking that was all victory for the brown Mexicans. Because it wasn't. Even pairing illegal immigrant beaners with white Spaniards as if they're the same people is nothing short of insanity.

You're on a board where Caucasians hate jews. Not brown skins hate Anglo-Saxons.
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>  pairing illegal immigrant beaners with white Spaniards as if they're the same people is nothing short of insanity
That's what it meant to be Hispanic in 1493 (founding of America as the Hispanic homeland) and today (Hispanic Reunification).

>  I haven't written Blood Libels or Slanders against "the Hispanic Empire"
You implied that the Hispanic Empire operated via race, when Native Americans were not only Spaniards with the same rights as a Native Castilian, but had MORE rights in certain cases.

>  Not brown skins hate Anglo-Saxons
I get my talking points from a guy in Spain, and dial it up to 11.
> vid related
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> 1493 (founding of America as the Hispanic homeland)
Cristobal Colon "founded" America after the native Americans and Leif Erikson the vikingr did centuries before that. It's no coincidence the founding fathers were Freemasons. Colon arrived fleeing from Spain after the Alhambra decree. Early Americans considered "white" had names like Jebediah, Benjamin, Jeremiah, Jacob, Abraham, Zachariah etc. For many BLIND years of my life, I thought those early old west settlers where white men. Those bunch of black haired black frock wearing hideous bastards. But it's not a coincidence. Their names weren't Christian. They were jews. The Irish and Scottish settlers where discriminated when they brought white back to the plains. I've lived here and absorbed the history.

> You implied that the Hispanic Empire operated via race
No I didn't. Are you brown? Is that why you gaslight arguments? I mean, I've experienced that so many times from brown people that it doesn't surprise me anymore. I said the majority of modern Spaniards are white and brown skins are insane. To this day, Caucasians are blamed by Native Americans as "the evil white man took our land". Yet Colon whose name resembles an asshole "coincidentally" fled Spain at the very same time jews were exiled. It's along the same deception as blaming us for the Tran Atlantic slave trade ran by jews who owned the ships, ports and sold negros in newspapers.

Everything the jew did is said to be our fault because their lies always focus on shifting blame away from them.
By the way, I have no idea what he's saying. Give me a video with CC or something. I can translate German. That's about it.
I'm going to begin by saying that we (those who read the documentation of the time) know it was jews who started and committed many of the crimes in America. What follows is merely nitpicking on Hispanic history (I am an hispanist, aka someone who specializes in that field):

> Cristobal Colon "founded" America after the native Americans and Leif Erikson the vikingr did centuries before that.
In Western Civilization, discovery ("inventio") means not just finding something, but knowing it is new AND carries the process of letting others know about it. Other people (like the Chinese and Leif Erikson) failed in recognizing America as a new land AND disclosing it to others.
Sources from Spaniards:
1) https://youtube.com/watch?v=PPxIizj1uLQ 
2) https://youtube.com/watch?v=aC4kM2CexDk
3) https://youtube.com/watch?v=IEQBRrx8wRY

The founding of America was a LEGAL process that started in 1493 with Inter Caetera and continued with other legal documents such as the Last Will of Queen Isabel and the Translatio Imperii of the Inca. In fact, one of the titles of the King of Spain is Inca (even his wiki has it).

In Spain we have the Archive of Indies, which addressed the stories about Colon "being jewish", "looking for spices", or that he was "running away"... they are just stories that NO DOCUMENT backs up. Colon was an Hispanic man, who served the Hispanic Monarchy, and was tasked to discover new people and routes in order to pincer attack the Muslims. Authors like Gustavo Bueno and Elvira Roca Barrea have written and spoken about this.

> Caucasians are blamed by Native Americans as "the evil white man took our land"
Non-Hispanics did that. Native Americans were Spaniards in the Hispanic Empire, and they had MORE rights than Europeans. In fact, ALL Native Americans could write to the Hispanic Monarch, such as Enriquillo: A cacique turned terrorist for money, then turned to loyal subject again.

Another example is Don Francisco de Arobe, a black immigrant who became governor in America. The list of Hispanic magnanimity goes on forever, which is how the world knew world peace for +300 years.
The whole video he's just talking about sensitivity readers being nothing more than a tool to impose censorship in Literature to reflect the democratic values from the Anglosphere. He describes the decaying effect on Literature (primarily that it often ceases to be Literature), and produces works that only makes people become ignorant about Literature.

Jesus G. Maestro is a theoretician of Literature, who rejects many anti-Hispanic philosophies (especially from Northern Europe). He got me into Literature.

> English poem
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> recognizing America as a new land
It wasn't new land. Colon thought it was India. He called them Indians. Most are aware of this by now.
> The founding of America was a LEGAL process that started in 1493
"LEGAL" is hilarious. Land somewhere, declare it new land despite inhabitants, then say it's legally new. I don't know how you take such a statement seriously. Sure it's "legal" if you plant a flag and massacre the natives. The same as it is in Palestine when Israelis claim their fucked up religion says so.
> In Spain we have the Archive of Indies, which addressed the stories about Colon "being jewish",
> "looking for spices", or that he was "running away"... they are just stories that NO DOCUMENT backs up. 
Maybe those last two, but to be as obsessed (proactively biased towards) jewry as Columbus was combined with the fact he was extremely eager to voyage away from Spain from the Alhambra Decree speaks volumes. There is a document.

> Caucasians are blamed by Native Americans as "the evil white man took our land" 
> Non-Hispanics did that.
Yeah. Because Native Americans migrated from northeast Asia and Siberia through the Bering land bridge. There's another funny claim beaners love to make in Texas. "If you don't mind Native Americans" (they're well aware I don't) "why don't you get along with us?". Because they're NOT. They were Spain's bitch and nothing more. Now, I may not mind the Asian and Siberian Native Americans, but they are still insane. They're the ones whom consistently blame "the white man" along with kikes who think they're clever. They (NAs) slaughtered their own for centuries before Colon the jewish asshole arrived and claimed it India. Violent rival tribes wiped others out. Modern day, the only Native Americans I have met lose their minds and kill themselves or drink themselves into a stupor. Always ranting about the white man. It's not like I blame them. They're too blind to tell the difference between Caucasians and not quite white skin. Again, just like the negroes and the Trans Atlantic slave trade blaming the white man.

Serious question time. Why, when I brought up the fact Spain is majority white, did you resort to saying BLOOD LIBELS, SLANDERS and that Native Castilians plus Native Americans had more rights? Is white supremacy something you believe exists? Yes, I'm poking and prodding. I'm just trying to figure out what you are after you started this with "Anglo-Saxons Satanic hegemony".
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> It wasn't new land
It was discovered by Hispanics because the people living in America were told about the rest of the world, and the people in the rest of the world were told about America. This is "inventio" (discovery).

> Colon thought it was India
This is a myth. The reason America was called "India" was because there were already three "Indias":
1) Pre-gangetic India (Middle East)
2) [Infra]-gangetic India (India)
3) Post-Gangetic India (the rest of Asia)
America was the 4th India: Ultra-gangetic India.

> declare it new land despite inhabitants
That's NOT what happened. The Two Hegemonies of Europe modernized the legal codes of Native Americans (different writings, quipus, oral, etc). The Hispanic Monarchy acknowledged those lands as property of Native Americans, and Native Americans acknowledged they were citizens of the Hispanic Empire.

In Spain, you can go to our archives and read many letters between Native Americans and the King of Spain himself.

> Columbus' genealogy
I'm not going to defend the guy, but talking too much about him shrouds the navigators and leaders of the expedition to discover America: The Pinzon brothers, who actually went back to Queen Isabel to report about the new land (not Columbus).

>  >Non-Hispanics did that.
The word "Hispanic" comes from "Hispania", the name Rome gave to the Iberian Peninsula. In Spanish, the words "Español" (informal, Spaniard/Spanish) and "Hispanico" (formal, Hispanic) are the same.

>  Why, when I brought up the fact Spain is majority white, did you resort to saying BLOOD LIBELS, SLANDERS 
Because you imposed the same Black Legend which has been used to attack Hispanics for +500 years ("five centuries of fake news" as Spaniards call it).

> and that Native Castilians plus Native Americans had more rights?
To highlight how different is the Black Legend from history. Pic related is part of Queen Isabel's Last Will saying that Native Americans should be treated with love.

> Is white supremacy something you believe exists?
People should think and articulate whatever they want; and be with whomever they want WITHOUT consequences.

Hispanic countries, especially in Central and South America, have traditionally had no problems with white only towns and cities. Conversely in Hispanic countries in Europe or in Mexico and Argentina, this "freedom from consequences" or "freedom of association" has withered.

> Yes, I'm poking and prodding.
There are no offensive questions in history.

> I'm just trying to figure out what you are after you started this with "Anglo-Saxons Satanic hegemony".
There is a book titled "Empire-phobia and Black Legend: Rome, Russia, United States and the Spanish Empire". The book explains the political phenomenon in which hegemonies are often vilified by other political entities which were previously attacked.

English summary:

Though we hispanists have no hate towards the Anglo-Saxons (IN FACT, many Anglo-Saxons are hispanists), their hegemony is different from ours. After the War of 1812, the United States started vilifying Hispanics; whether it was the Mexican-American War (which victimized Irish and Mexican Catholics) to the 1948 plan to genocide 80% of Spain (~22 million) with food embargoes. We understand know about the JEWS behind those aggression, but many people in the US seem to celebrate them and their accomplishments. (pic related)

> Alamo
We hispanists remember the Alamo, a name and a place that has no roots in the Anglosphere; there is reason why Anglo-Saxons in Europe stay away from that name and point their fingers to people in America each time it is mentioned.
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> The word "Hispanic" comes from "Hispania", the name Rome gave to the Iberian Peninsula
Ok. Native Americans were still Asian and Siberian of origin. I have had classes where I was forced to learn Español in gradeschool. Which I never used again a couple decades later and lost all knowledge of. That didn't make me a school child Spaniard. I am still descended from Scots.
> Native Americans acknowledged they were citizens of the Hispanic Empire
So Native Americans all willingly gave up their old sacred gods and came to Catholicism peaceably? You have to admit those rose colored glasses sound incredibly biased. Many of their tribes were fighters, killers. We have a similar claim in North America. "Native Americans and the Pilgrims sat down, broke bread and agreed to peace". This is known as Thanksgiving. It's a load of horse shit. But we like to eat turkey once a year.
> Because you imposed the same Black Legend
I have no idea what you're referring to. Maybe I did or didn't. From reading the link you provided and subsequent links on the webpage, I'm still in the dark about what I said. I praised Spaniards. Despised Mexicans. Never said anything against Philip II of Spain. I didn't accuse him of "murder and lack of morals" or "an adulterer" or "a bigamist" as the Black Legend summary describes. Spain anon comes here on occasion usually posting with the Spain flag and I'm sure he's another person entirely. He's respected. I have no idea why you conflate the two, Spain and Mexico. Spaniards and Mexicans. The language may be similar with different dialects but they're not the same people.
> Though we hispanists have no hate towards the Anglo-Saxons
> (IN FACT, many Anglo-Saxons are hispanists)
Why is it you have said shit like "Anglo-Saxon kikes" and "Anglo-Saxons"? 
> To highlight how different is the Black Legend from history.
> There is a book titled "Empire-phobia and Black Legend: Rome, Russia, United States and the Spanish Empire".
Alright. Since I'm already on a particular side with much awareness that WW2 history has greatly been falsified with Black Propaganda, I can concede that you're knowledgeable about the history of Spain. This is your passion and expertise. Mine is National Socialism.

Regardless, there must be dividing lines. Mexicans are not Spaniards. Germans are not jews. Early German settlers of England, the Anglo-Saxons, were not jews. Of course that A.S. term has been corrupted over time by types such as Roosevelt and Churchill. That's what triple brackets are meant for. Actual kikes. To label non jews this way is division. To suggest someone very much may have been a jew because they loved everything jewish is different.
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>  Black propaganda
Correct. Pretty much the whole point is for political power, if you think you'll be at the top when the powers realign.

>  National socialism
The only redpills I know are what my family told me; I'm 5th generation after my Germanic ascendants escaped post-WW2 Germany: mostly war stories, Hitler's Germany, and muh-20 million (before 6-million, jews reported many more, with 8 million in one region alone).

>  Native Americans all willingly gave up their old sacred gods and came to Catholicism peaceably
For the most part. There were tribes that were into cannibalism and human sacrifices, so for them it might have been a bit forced, but MOST simply converted because it was better than what was before (cannibalism, human sacrifices, etc).

HOWEVER, certain main events were powerful in the peaceful mass conversion of tens of millions of Native Americans into Catholicism. One good example is the Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, which made +10 million Native Americans convert.
> National Socialism
> The only redpills I know are what my family told me
Ah, then ask anything about NS but be careful the question isn't loaded in favor of jews or an image doesn't support them. Good places to start are these:
https://archive.is/bMyQK (Holocaust deprogramming course)
https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1770&date2=1963&proxtext=6+million+jews&x=19&y=17&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic&sort=date (The Library of Congress chronicles that jews have been saying 6 million died since the late 1880s)
> tens of millions of Native Americans into Catholicism
Catholicism, Christianity, Islam religion, even the Nordic religion of the Æsir are protected here because they're not Judaism. That is the enemy. Insulting the others is a jewish trait. The person doing so may not be a jew, but we're anonymous here. There are only two sure methods of outing one. The other is insulting Hitler, which they can never resist no matter the circumstances.
Hey, folks. Help a recovering NEET, please. Teach me to have quality conversations in real life. Where do I even start? I am struggling with anything but small talk. I don't seek to convince random people of something, I just want to know what they think and feel, what their concerns are and I am interested in thinking together with them.
> I just want to know what they think and feel
How about asking?
< What do you think about X?
You could try introduce the topic.
< I heard that x and y. Do you think it's right?
Try not to look scammy. Appear honest, straightforward, and simple (not simple like a dolt).
Also look like you are really interested in their opinion. Like someone who wants to learn.
You could try talking about topics yourself know well, but take care don't generate arguments, or heated arguments at least.
Many people like it if they are heard, if they can share their opinion.
Ofc there is suitable time and place and people and topics. You shouldn't pry about stuff like one could consider as trade secrets. Don't ask bank security staff about their shifts...
In gradeschool, I stammered over public presentations and fucking idiot teachers thought I couldn't read. Public speaking intimidation was the problem. Hone your voice. Vocal chords are as an advanced musical instrument that can imitate many sounds. Of course test with a program like Audacity, because your ears aren't going to hear what you sound like to other people. It's weird that way. I have honed a deep voice over decades by attempting to imitate deep voiced speakers and singers. When I speak, people shut up and listen. I don't have to tell them to.

As for how they think and feel, they're only going to open up if they either have diarrhea of the mouth (can't control thoughts to speech) or if you get to know them personally over time.
Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People". It basically says: "Smile and ask them about their life and compliment their choices. Don't argue."
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> "Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?)))
I HATE how they aren't even creative when it comes to music theory, always preferred eastern music theory anyways (not that I _don't_ enjoy classical music, especially baroque), but guess that's just me.
Wait wtf? R*thschilds specifically? O_O Guess I'll just stick with water as I always have. Especially since I got the 'beetus when I was a teen (through a virus passing through my sister's school of all things)

Speaking of which, what's some advice for people with ZOGged panchreases?
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> No they don't. A man born of a Galilean is a Galilean. A man born of a Pharisee (which is a jew) is a Pharisee.

THANK you. And there's a difference between a Judean and a Pharisee/"Rabbinical" Jew (though most of both were (and to this day are) deceived by said "Rabbis")

> Christianity does not help us in this world.

I'm going to have to disagree with "Christianity does not help us in this world."... Somewhat.
It does condemn things like degeneracy, adultery, murder, drunkenness, and encourages (physically & mentally) healthy things like fasting, self-control, wisdom, etc. It's not a manual on how to live innawoods, though, I guess that's what you meant, and you'd be right... So maybe I don't disagree with you? I don't know.
I like you, I wish the chans had more people like you. And honestly I hold no ill will to 1523b9 (7), he's just misguided and doesn't understand which old serpent is the father of them, because he doesn't understand the metaphysical battle we all face as humans (against our own corrupted selves). It's not like I think about that all the time myself, we all forget, that's why we need to remind each other.  >>/78423/
 Sorry for the "wtf are you talking about" comment, that was silly. But if you aren't willing to admit your own faults and change yourself, how do you hope to change the world?
> We do not fight in their Gods name. We fight in the name of Europa and her colonies.
See that's why Europe has fallen, it was Europe falling away from faith, not the faithful's fault. And no, Catholicism isn't the true faith, it's of this world, as you admitted here:  >>/78419/, though you do not seem to understand the difference between it and Biblical faith.
THAT's why chicken tastes... Kinda like iron. Thanks, anon! I suspected I had an iron deficiency, I always preferred steak and pork because I don't prefer chicken (except for the dark meat, or when it's properly spiced)
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> A painful fact for Christians is that Christendom has failed, the texts that guided it proved fallible. Note I say Christendom, not Christ. Christ much like the older Gods of our people remains true and shall forever remain true. But Christendom has fallen to corruption by and large. The second harsh truth is that despite it's success National Socialism and Fascism have also both fallen. Despite it's effectiveness and ideals, much like Christianity it too has become subverted with the lunatic and the degenerate claiming it's symbols as their own be it in the "Neo Nazi" Jewish invented ethos or the tragically pathetic "Black Metal" scene who co opted it's symbolism for "edgy" visuals.
So when you say "Christendom" (or National Socialism) "has failed", you just mean this current _generation_ of it has failed? Just to help out, you may want to rephrase that or you may sound a bit big-nosed. It would be more accurate to say that this current generation of those things has failed (it hasn't, there are still survivors who haven't fallen for (all of) their corruption or subversion, imperfect beings though we all be), rather than the ideologies themselves have failed.

> "ignore the other semetic texts within it that countermand the New Testamant viewpoints"

Excuse me wat
No seriously, what texts? The 400+ prophecies about Jesus, all of which Jesus successfully fulfilled?
The UFO coming down from Argentina and the guy that appears at 3:59 in "AntiRacist Hitler" made me lose my sides lmao

...It's funny too, that most people don't realize the irony of making him out to be this "Aryan Supremacist" "monster" to begin with. Why were Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, Arabs, Indians, Japanese, etc. on his side then? There's even pictures of brightly-smiling Sub-Saharan African soldiers that were honorary members of the SS division (or some other division on Germany's side, I don't remember). Anyway, I don't want to rant.
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> Whether you're Christian or not, there is no Hell.

Who made you the authority on the Bible?

> The Catholic church took a concept already blown out of proportion and ran with it.

Oh yeah, the Catholics wrote the Old Testament. I forgot, my bad.

I smell a... Goblin. My nose _is_ wrong SOMETIMES, so apologies if I'm wrong...
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> Who made you the authority on the Bible?
Two decades of religious schooling, friend.
> the Catholics wrote the Old Testament
Never implied that. You implied I implied. But I didn't. Hell isn't in the Old Testament. Not the specific H-E-L-L. Not the direct translation to English from Greek that was the King James version. There are more modern versions, but that's not how history works. Changing words does not equal reality.
> a... Goblin
They're more like Gremlins, and no, I'm not one of them. See, they can't resist insulting Hitler. I never have. It's the one thing beyond them being circumcised, beyond their instant revulsion of Christianity. Those they can fake. Hitler hate they can't ever hide.

Everyone in the world needs to see what Israelis do to Palestinians. Luckily, those idiot kikes are trying as hard as they can to fuck up the entire planet's perception of them.
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> See, they can't resist insulting Hitler. I never have. It's the one thing beyond them being circumcised, beyond their instant revulsion of Christianity.
Well, it's good to know we're on the same side.
I know that in Hebrew Hell/The Grave is called "Sheol", and in Greek the firey Hell is called "Gehenna". It's translated as the English word "Hell", and Jesus said that God can destroy our souls there (which is why we _don't_ need to be afraid of anyone else).

> Everyone in the world needs to see what Israelis do to Palestinians.
I know. It just torments my psyche seeing innocent apu children physically ripped apart by explosives. I agree they should be exposed for their hatred of "goyim" (as if Jews aren't goyim themselves lmao)
> Gehenna
The valley SW of Jerusalem where jews burned children as sacrifices to Moloch. So Jesus mentioned the spiritual Gehenna as a parable (metaphor) as he often did, in retaliation for those sacrifices.
> And Jesus said that God can destroy our souls there
Yeah, that's the lake of fire from Revelation. It's literal. It's lava. Modern churches take it to mean eternal suffering. The punishment for wickedness is then eternal ending. No more consciousness. The soul is in fact destroyed. No loving God causes eternal suffering. That latter concept is just an elaborate invention by Dante Alighieri's l'Inferno. The Catholic church ran with it. Modern churches regurgitate it.
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Well, I always thought spirits were eternal, but then again, God can do anything. I hope Sat*n and his demons at least burn in hell for eternity (and maybe scum like the Rothschilds and their black mail rings (though nowhere near as badly as Sat*n), since they seem to want to burn in hell so badly instead of repent and turn to Jesus).
Also, I'm pretty sure those children sacrificed to S*t*n by those shitstains went to heaven (the children, not the monsters who did that obviously), there's very strong theological evidence in the Bible that "You will be judged according to what you know". Like when the Israelites were too afraid to take on Jericho, God judged their children as innocent, saying that they would enter the land of Israel, but that the older generation would all die in the desert.
The book of Revelation was how I passed my time in forced religious schooling. So I can tell you a few things according to Christianity. Spirits are eternal unless destroyed by God because He has the power to blot out names from the Book of Life. How that happens I've already covered - the lake of fire. The problem is how we are modernized to think of souls as : translucent, transparent, intangible. The soul is the body animated by God's breath which is the spirit (Genesis2)/(Job 33). The meaning of the first (saved) and second (condemned) resurrections of Revelation is that bodies will be brought back. Whole. It is said that those of the first resurrection will be granted the abilities of angels. I recommend Revelation. Dark, grim stuff sure, also condemning the modern Catholic church very specifically but especially about those who are not Judean. Keeping in mind even the first translation into English of the King James Version defaults Judeans to jews when it's not in the original Greek. Those who say they're Judean and are not is pretty clear who they are. Those who stole the claim of Israel.
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> The book of Revelation was how I passed my time in forced religious schooling.

Why specify it was forced? Are you the anon with the grandma who kept changing denominations?
>  I recommend Revelation. Dark, grim stuff sure, also condemning the modern Catholic church very specifically but especially about those who are not Judean. Keeping in mind even the first translation into English of the King James Version defaults Judeans to jews when it's not in the original Greek. Those who say they're Judean and are not is pretty clear who they are. Those who stole the claim of Israel.

Also don't worry fren, I know most of this stuff like the back of my hand
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> Why specify it was forced?
My Catholic private school was very forced. Strict dress code, strict practices. The Lutheran private school had church every single morning before classes. Sundays were not days off. Church and Sunday school was combined.
> Are you the anon with the grandma who kept changing denominations?
Yes. Catholic and then Lutheran. You probably saw also that I propose Odinism. I don't believe it's different though many Christians freak out about "other" religions thinking "Pagans" are "heathen demons". Aesir have a long bearded wise god. A heaven as Asgardr. A peaceful son who was destined to resurrect from the afterlife (Baldr). Revelation is the end of days. So is Ragnarok. Odinists are our brothers of history. Though I have taken issue against a pretend Asatru who once posted here acting like those ancient battles of slain vikings by Christians were "Bad". That fool shat on Christianity and was banned for it Vikings fought and died gladly to be sent to Valholl. They invaded monasteries for gold. They slaughtered just the same as Christians did of Pagans. Pretending one side was worse is insanity. Their leaders converted to Christianity authentically, unlike jews as Conversos who only pretended to so they could tear it down from within. Those viking Scandinavians became the Crusaders. Christian warriors modern historians love to shit on for doing the exact same things every past society has ever done. Jews will set us against each other, as I'm sure you know with the religion of Islam. Allah as their god. Even though, unlike kikes, Arabs recognize Jesus as a great prophet.

There are only two reasons visitors are anti Christian or anti Arab when they come here to follow well known jewish tendencies. Either they're jew themselves or they're influenced by the centuries-old jewish mentality of hating Jesus or Arabs. Ignoring the evils of Judaism and religion bating is no different than race baiting. It's all jewish divide tactics.
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> My Catholic private school was very forced. Strict dress code, strict practices.
Sorry to hear that. The Bible never called for strict dress codes (except for dressing modestly I guess).
> Yes. Catholic and then Lutheran. You probably saw also that I propose Odinism. I don't believe it's different though many Christians freak out about "other" religions thinking "Pagans" are "heathen demons"
> "Pagans" are "heathen demons"
Did they really teach that in both Catholic and Lutheran school? Wtf?
God calls us to love everybody, not demonize them, something very wrong with those teachers...
And yes, funny enough there actually were non-Christians and non-Israelites who recognized God as the supreme God (or at least a god), I think the Zoroastrians and Canaanites (and some Native-Americans and the Chinese, believe it or not) may have been some of the first post-flood civilizations to worship God, the Canaanites going as far as calling God "Yahweh", apparently.
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> Those viking Scandinavians became the Crusaders.

They also became personal guards and regular army recruits for the Easter Roman Empire when it was flourishing and wealthy.


That's how most Scandinavian countries got their wealth and stability at first
They also had Rus (Modern day Russians and their neighboring countries) and Germans fighting for the Roman emperors. So a lot of Northern Europe benefited from them
> I'm completely opposed to your particular agenda - and I've been fishing around wherever I could for people like you.
> back when I was in university, I caught one, and let him think I was just a poor misguided soul that needed a few redpills.
> Once I'd coaxed him into saying something extreme enough, I reported him to the police.
> I haven't caught another would-be redpiller yet, but I'm eager to
This is a kike I'm disappointed I completely missed his message in 2022.
Nice graphics. One problem I've had over the years is fucking idiots who refuse to read a fact presented as an infographic. These might actually work because they're loud with colors and blatant. Even the semi illiterate could shut the fuck up and read. Maybe. I can only hope.

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