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Last night, non-essential personnel were reportedly evacuated from the White House due to a massive pro-Palestinian protest.

"MASSIVE CROWDS chanting "F*ck Joe Biden" outside the White House! 🇺🇸" - Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis
"🚨🇺🇸🇵🇸 The White House has been EVACUATED of non-essential staff due to a LARGE pro-Palestinian protest across the street. I personally witnessed several snipers on the roof of the White House." - Jackson Hinkle
"RIGHT NOW🚨: Protesters are throwing bloodied baby dolls at the White House. Israel has murdered 12,000 children in 3 months on purpose." - Syrian Girl
"⚡ 🇺🇸 The White House: Protestors have breached the reinforced gate and riot police have confronted them - other protestors began scaling the fence" - Megatron
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"🇵🇸🇺🇲 White House staff were evacuated after the start of pro-Palestinian protests that took place yesterday, Fox News reports. The video shows that people approached the fence that surrounds Biden’s residence, began to shake it and chant their slogans. - ISZ reports"

There are “conservatives” whining about this saying that they’re insurrectionists etc.. and that if they had MAGA hats on they’d all be arrested. Why do they care? These protesters are doing great political damage to the ZOG regime. I hope this continues regardless of whatever political disagreements I may have with them. In fact, I would find it very funny if these people overthrew the United States government.


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