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/ryona/ - 3D and 2D waifu abuse

The real misogynerds Anita told you to watch out for!

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Welcome! This is just a place to store and/or trade ryona jewtube videos (at least until some noble soul passing by builds a separate database to store them perm-like) that may or may not get deleted at a later date now that they've gone full-tilt feminitz-friendly and spam reporting is worse than ever thanks to "Youtube Heroes"

Vidya-based ones will probably be the most frequently spammed since they're the most numerous/lewd and therefore in most danger of being removed. Also because some people just plain won't have systems to enjoy them on their own, thanks normally to platform-hopping console faggotry (lookin' at you, Konami)

Also in the event you find out the identity of one of these spam reporters, you are wholly encouraged to launch an invasion of sorts to drive the puritan filth from the 'net, thanks!

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