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Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
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This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

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It seems the meaning keeps changing

but I already knew that

It was just that vampires always felt like a side-quest to me, even if I knew the only way to have sustainable long term physical life has to be via that route.

Maybe it's just that vampires are actually poltergeists with a high level of physical interaction. That the new Earth and its humans will take time to develop. Why else would I get registered as having a completely new incarnation there, elsewhere, while at the same time told it will indeed still take 600 - 800 years to fix up the remains of this society, during which I'd have to stay around. 

Maybe that other timeline will just be very hivemind for a long time, and anyone in there is mostly in an ethereal state, where learning about the world isn't so easy, but a gradual process of descent into the physical from the ethereal and collective plane of thinking and feeling, which the new humans are in currently.
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Specifics left aside

Here are some hints about how the vampire egregore and its inside manifests.

As has been recently claimed by someone on /x/, vampires pay each other huge sums when doing business. This is part of an intricate but very natural system. If you are very old, you still need to have ID cards today, where it would raise suspicion if you were to claim that your age is several 100 years old. One simple way to avoid this is to do your business in cash, or by trading jewelry; gold rings, necklaces, diamonds or fine art.

Not everyone will always be super rich, but a poor vampire is a problem for everyone. Vampire "habits" require an ability to pay. This is solved by an internal cultural understanding, where vampires employ vampires, paying huge sums for menial tasks. How is this profitable, where do they get the money? It doesn't work like that, it's a circulation. You pay $100 for a cup of coffee at the vampire café, but if you were to take the role of serving coffee, you also get paid in that league. No one within vampire society gains or loses anything in a monetary aspect. It serves a few purposes: poor vampires can get employment and will soon be rich enough to pay ordinary humans for the services they need, which reduces the risk of exposure for all vampires. 
It also keeps outsiders out. No normal person will pay $100 for coffee at a very ordinary looking café on a back street.

The human "elites" misunderstand the purpose of this and imitate the high prices at their events, but they think it's to brag about your wealth. It's the opposite. For the vampire economy to work, there is an unspoken social standing concept involved. Everyone will instantly know, through the rumours, what your standing is. Someone who were to only work and get paid a "vampire level salary" but who never puts that kind of cash back into the vampire businesses, but only lets it leak out to ordinary humans, will have low standing. So that is why you will pay a huge sum for coffee. If it's too much, you will get change, according to the perception of your standing. So leeching vampire society to "get ordinarily rich" will quickly put you in the bottom and you may lose access to the better services. Further down the road you may get locked up for disturbing the peace, or worse.

What vampires care about is spelled quality. The process of getting there isn't important, and neither is the circulation of capital which creates it. Good quality is very difficult to find in a world where people value external social standing, comparatively. Even street thugs will want the top position in their own group. They don't know what quality is, they just think that being in the top means "quality of life." 
It's insects competing with insects in an ant hill, and it's still just the same hill. Rarely does an insect produce something lasting. Real quality is a product which rises above the circulation of assets and funds, something taken aside which lasts. That's the real value, and what the world economy was really tuned for in the most external view.
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I'm starting to get it now, why vampires speak in riddles. It's in the magic. There's something which makes it impossible to be specific, the more you know of the specifics. You can't talk about yourself, your life or the people you know before others even, but must use meandering formulations. It's not a mere "fear of the mafia boss" that prevents you from naming him, it's physically impossible to expose any details, you will find yourself automatically speaking in this manner once closer to the center of the vortex.

With the right kind of artistry, you can say a lot however, and leave very right on confirmations like this one. Omg.

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Attacks have been ramping up lately. I must be pushing in a direction my handlers don't like because all the sleepers are coming out of the woodwork.

These recent agents have been using a curious attack where they fling what looks like red pomegranate fruits at me. This is tricky because it's hard to tell who exactly threw it. Instinct says just to cut them in half, but you have to riposte directly or you get overwhelmed. Apparently the fruits explode on contact, but cutting them disables them. I've killed a few of the leaders, determined through scrying and divination, and confirmed by the immediate cessation of attacks afterwards. But I assume those types of people are expendable.
I think we are by now all dealing with beings hiding in the dimensions under our own control or influence, that's why there are so varying experienced. I've never seen this pomegranate attack. Rather I'm faced with the same kinds of "threatening tough guy" who acts like
> so, you think you're something huh?
> I got word you killed one of our agents
> well now you will realize what mistake you made!
..and then I kill the lot of them in an instant. Rince and repeat.

They all have this attitude as if they are a bully who will put someone in their place, and as if whatever they think I did was something I consider "a great achievement", when it was just some routine wiping out of hostiles that my servitors did on auto.
I think the new humans indeed are starting to be spread. Of course, there is really no one who knows which humans exist, NPCs don't know anything because they are just scripts, and no one with a soul will know about every other human except the closest and the most well known celebs. So it's very possible to insert new humans in the white spots and letting them take over. The ones I've seen do have the orange/yellow energy and appear to be soulless, but they match the new hivemind. First I saw was about 2 years ago by now, but right now in this week there has been an increase.
I looked at Trump and it seems he's still there, his astral body is reptilian in shape but has black scales and the green glowing reptilian racial egregore isn't present. There was also someone else who looked the same, I think they were both converted to black cat, but the reptilian form remains as some personally cultivated trait, it seems the Earth reptilian race wasn't sustainable and was erased, but whatever individuals internalized remains as their own personal thing.
Maybe this is how the original bird-jews are, they had a racial energy and egregore on the past Earth, but as it ended, the race was also erased. They only had the karmic construct left, leaving a negative shadow of the race but no collective positive traits. This would explain why jews are the way they are and why they should be destroyed as a group. Their race ended with the previous planetary period and all the was left was the massive negative energy and what cultist stuff they had formed aside from that, which we know as Rosicrucianism (and which does work if you can survive initiation, which is said to be possibly lethal because the energy is so chaotic).

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They've completely lost it. I just heard a debate where a liberal was debating a communist and accusing him of being too conservative for defending a social democrat who made the decision to boycott Israel.

The liberal used relevant arguments like how globohomo sexual degeneracy wasn't advocated at an Islamic prayer meeting as proof of this alleged conservativism.

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Spiritual practices aren't all sitting in meditation. With the right angle of entry, there are a lot of physical exercises which can be used.

I'll start by posting some things I've been using, and maybe I'll blog some about what results I've gotten from them.
Starting from the beginning, I should mention one important point; 
if you intend to learn martial arts, you have to take classes from a teacher and you have to practice sparring with other students. There is no getting around this.
A lot of people seem to think that they can just read something, watch something, then practice on their own.
This will not work, you will make beginner mistakes, learn the wrong stances, not get basic movements right etc, and no one will correct you. If you practice sparring with a friend who also learned this way, you may seem to do well, but you're both amateurs and you will cover up for each other's mistakes.
When you train at a dojo or other public facility, you will meet people who are not your friends. They will not go easy on you, and you will see at once if what you learned worked or not. The teacher will correct your flaws at once, and you can learn it right from the start. If you learn it wrongly, changing a movement routine later is very difficult.

With that said, once you have these basics down, you can practice on your own, because you have a mental framework to place these methods in. At this point it's easier to watch a video and correctly understand what is being shown.

When it comes to the self defence methods in the OP, those can be learned as they are, but having martial arts experience helps. If you only want to do it to expand your perspective somewhat, then those are fine.

These are my views on this.
I've seen a lot of imageboard posters talk about martial arts and how to learn it, and unfortunately most think they can just punch a bag after weightlifting with no introductory instruction and then they know how to fight. Do that and you end up like that guy on the "martial arts journey" youtube channel. He learned aikido to master level and started his own dojo, but never sparred. Then he was assaulted in the street and couldn't defend himself. He decided to test his skill vs an MMA professional and couldn't get a single technique in. Don't be that guy.
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A short review of how the Fairbairn method works with some different models of knives

The knife used in the video is the british army dagger known as the Fairbairn-Sykes. This is not something you are likely to carry around with you for no reason, as its use is optimized for combat. If you just want to practice the method you may use a more everyday knife available to you. This is also a more realistic stance if you mean to use it for self defense.
I picked out some common types of knives and tried how well they work in regards to the movements and the grip. The methods I used were technical practice, shadow fighting, and application on a dummy made from several layers of industrial quality rubber mat.

The blue knife:
Works well for all movements, light and easy to handle. What you need to keep in mind is that upwards slashes require a change of grip as this knife is single edged (same for all knives I tested), not double like the dagger. The plastic handle will also get slippery if wet. If you only mean to use it for shadow fighthing, this works well. It's also visually intimidating, which should play a role in a real life sitation. Only showing this to someone could repel a less motivated attacker.

Orange folding knife:
The grip works perfectly as shown in the instruction. Easy to hold between thumb and index finger. Downside is that it is worthless for stabbing. The blade is too broad to penetrate more than a few centimeters unless using considerable force, the opener tool makes it easily stuck if you do manage to penetrate the material. Works well for practicing the motions, but less usable in a real life situation as the number of techniques are limited to cutting. However, it's more likely that you will carry a folding knife with you, so from this perspective it may be better than other alternatives even if your range of movements are limited.

Metal folding knife:
The one I used has a smooth handle, but otherwise similar.
The grip for this type of knife has to be turned 90 degrees because the handle is too thin to be held as shown. Holding it between thumb and index finger works very well. But you are limited to inward slashes and stabbing below shoulder level. Outward slashes simply don't work as your arm does not function well at this angle. It may look like this knife is difficult to use and easy to drop, but when testing it on the dummy it worked surprisingly well for stabbing.
It can be argued that this type of knife does not look particulary threatening, which is bad if you want to repel someone by showing it. If your intention is to just carry it and use it, it is probably a good alternative.

So martial arts journey guy posted this. Apparently his leg was fucked up for good when doing BJJ.

Watching this, commenters with their own channels have started talking about how martial arts have ruined their bodies.


I'm starting to see a trend here, connecting to something that's been going on in the past 5 or so years quite openly: elite sport practitioners are coming off as unhealthy addicts.

Locally it's been reported more and more in media how they often go in debt to participate in competitions, they have trouble with debt collectors and harm their bodies with bad training methods and diet. Some have been told not to advertize their lifestyle on social media because they are "representing an unhealthy lifestyle for a youth audience".

Maybe this is an age thing which is communicated from the egregore, but I noticed I myself don't view training very positively anymore. I used to fight these "anti exercise" narratives for a long time, in the 90s (although this was true for that group) it was common to say that anyone who went to a gym was on steroids and would become an impotent skin-rag when older.

The Internet has provided too many examples of what injuries one can get from exercise, both direct from mishaps during training and long term from wear. For example Stefan Sauk (internationally mostly known from playing in the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) used to be in advertizing for karate equipment, he's a black belt with a history of winning competitions. He had to get hip replacement surgery for worn down hip joint turning him into a cripple at 50.

Other sports practitioners either kill themselves from depression or get brain damage from being knocked out in boxing etc.

Is there a general climate change in the view, becoming more balanced, or is it just me noticing because of being fed this from the social egregore. I noticed I started doing the things people complain about on /fit/, like feeling comfortable walking around without a shirt or drying my balls with the hair dryer. Supposedly in Germany there is an explicit "do not dry your balls" sign by the showers because it's so common(?) but it's just easier?

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Getting a decent illustration by prompting AI may actually take longer than just drawing a sketch. Using AI at this point feels like it's less creative and more straining for a more generic result, unless you want photo realism which is harder to produce from scratch.

Either way, this is a minimalist servitor/guard, using as little energy as possible to keep order in your area.
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I confiscated some materials which were about to be used for globohomo weapon production, then put them up for sale on the federation marketplace. I said I'd accept gold, ore or slaves as payment.

Someone offered me 3 capsules of "snuff phosphor" and 3 slave women. My servitors said it was a good deal so I took it.

Turns out "snuff phosphor" has no known use and is a very rare mineral, the capsules were just a bit larger than pills for swallowing. But it's registered as a "sustainable asset" in the federation so I deposited them in a sustainable bank safe - that means ownership will follow across incarnations.

The 3 slave ladies were said to be "old" and the trader who offered them seemed to think they were ripping me off, because they were 47, 86 and 137 years old in Earth time. But this race lives to 400 (which is very unusual) so they aren't comparatively old. I have never seen this race before, they have orange-brownish skin colour and wear no clothes. They had nothing with them aside from the federation handheld.

I think this deal was great. But on the other hand, maybe the materials I sold had a value for him.
> I think my urge to rampantly shitpost and such has dropped low, like really low (around 95%)
That's good. That was one of your worst attachment and hindered the development and connection with your sisters.
> that I note how the person gets tortured anf learn the technique (got some reason)
They are sometimes "tantric" but not the sex and movement version but the "surgical". Can you describe what you have seen. I can get flashes of violence but not the actual energy flow.
> The other me/her has been forcibly taking control of my current human body again, but mostly just talking to me with it.
You have to learn to merge with her. You still consider yourself "different" and still not "One" and the same.
> Recently she's been doing a thing where I get put in a weird loop of sleeping/waking up
Your mindstates are merging. When you sleep your body goes through all your mental states as a "maintenance" and now you are unplugging and replugging parts of your brain into your "new mind"
> (as in my current human form) being slowly overwritten again by her
Try to understand how it's merging and not exactly an "overwrite" so you don't become a "slave" to your "other mind" but "one with it"
> purplish red eyes
That color is closer to the color of your "origins"
> I could hear my sisters praising me, saying that I'm obedient and "does whatever she needs to do and is unhindered by things she doesn't care about, she only cares about whatever we urge her to care about"
It means you are not dismissing your sisters with SORRY I HAVE TO SHITPOST ON THE INTERWEBZ SEEYOULATERZ subconsciously all the time then they watch you from the corner while you make the most abhorrent posts for hours until you calm down again so they can find a chance to interact with you again. Took me time to understand why they were so impatient and "yandere" with you. This was one of the main reason.

Just don't be scared as the change approaches. Or if you feel scared of the merger voice it. It must be consensual and your "true will" and not as an "overwrite"

I think you are progressing well on your own path. Just accept yourself like you accept how once you get "better at a videogame" that is also a "new (You)" that overwrites your old persona without you noticing. Accept that you are one and not just "letting yourself to be overtaken". Summon her at will feel how she is already (You)
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> That's good. That was one of your worst attachment and hindered the development and connection with your sisters.
mhmm.. ive been gaming a bit more often instead of wasting time like that

> They are sometimes "tantric" but not the sex and movement version but the "surgical". Can you describe what you have seen. I can get flashes of violence but not the actual energy flow.

well, there were two men, one was one hospital bed, the other one towering above the man started slashing very quickly and precisely with a sword, so it left multiple tiny yet precise cuts all over his body. then a few days ago i witnessed some anthromoprhic furry cretures fighting each other (think like motaro and goro from mortal kombat but more varied) they were constantly fight each other but proceeded to rip each others arms apart

> You have to learn to merge with her. You still consider yourself "different" and still not "One" and the same.
i mentioned it before i believe and she said me becoming her/us becoming and the same is inevitable, that it doesnt matter if i resist or not because its going to happen no matter what, just like that black seed thing i mentioned months ago (obviously she prefers me to "give in" and accept it but still). she also said that she would "eat and tear down the barriers preventing this" as i mentioned here  >>/8043/

> Your mindstates are merging. When you sleep your body goes through all your mental states as a "maintenance" and now you are unplugging and replugging parts of your brain into your "new mind"
I recall a specific person, apart from my sisters telling me that and that my vibrations were becoming similar to hers and my sisters. so the merge is gradually happening i guess

> Try to understand how it's merging and not exactly an "overwrite" so you don't become a "slave" to your "other mind" but "one with it"
ahh i see

> It means you are not dismissing your sisters with SORRY I HAVE TO SHITPOST ON THE INTERWEBZ SEEYOULATERZ subconsciously all the time then they watch you from the corner while you make the most abhorrent posts for hours until you calm down again so they can find a chance to interact with you again. Took me time to understand why they were so impatient and "yandere" with you. This was one of the main reason.
Yeah, they're still yandere but its not over that anymore so its good.

they also gave me permission to be with a friend in the future when i merge/incarnate/return to being my true self in the future too! said friend was the who helped me reawakened and such to them years and they are very thankful towards them so its nice
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I got through a major test in the past days. It was an ongoing thing and not meaningful to mention before. It's hard to tell where you are in the cosmic system, and when you make the leap up for real. Higher levels reflect in those below, there are many parallel dimensions, the same achievement in a smaller aspect of yourself does not effect the main incarnation very much in a direct sense. When guiding someone else to do the same thing, it may be their main breakthrough, but to you it was a side quest and you can't do it like that for yourself. Yet, by the laws of karmic relations and virtue, having helped one person up through their main event, will lead to a feedback which will definitely lead yourself up through your own main event, even if it's larger compared to the other person. 

If you want a "cheat", find the smallest spirit you can, with the easiest path up, and guide them to full on Buddha. Then because it was after all you who did this with their main awareness, the cosmic mechanics will give you as feedback the same guidance for your main awareness, because relative size isn't important between beings, only the self-perceived achievement matters. That's why you should guide small spirits to enlightenment.

There had to be a test, and it turned into the kind of thing which under normal circumstances would turn someone very ill if that karma hits them. It was sudden out of nowhere, in 24 h it went from nothing to being completely tsunami'd  by negative resistance. Throat turned sore, migraines, then soreness all over the body and a mass of black negative energy was pressing against me. Last time this happened on a smaller scale when I was finishing up my Japanese literature course, I took paracetamol, drank coffee and a bottle of white wine to force the extreme external energy pressure into a "relaxed focus". If the force comes from outside, it can also be controlled by external means, and it worked. Once balanced out I got through it and that's how I formed the kitsune kami form (there was a loud bang as I broke through the energy mass after around 6 hours, and all tension was gone instantly). This is the only type of case when any form of drug should be used, can be used, for beneficial effects, imo.

So back to before the weekend, and this was worse, but I also knew I had literally nothing I could use to balance out. I was lying on my yoga mat, and I thought
> I've manifested so many things before, even if most of them were less provable and at a distance
> one old bottle of something shouldn't be impossible
So I told Kit to find a way and focused hard on making it happen, then I felt "it's done". 

For these things to work there has to be a way for the mind to accept the result, so I figured, where could I "happen to find" something? I looked in an old messy storage and found nothing, but I also didn't really think there would be anything there. Then I went to the kitchen larder which though I use it is also a complete mess and I have really no idea what's in there. But I already looked before and...

Anyway, so I climbed up and moved aside a bunch of old vases and bottles and in the back of the top shelf I found pic related, a bottle of white wine and a 1/3 filled bottle of rum. Theoretically they could have been there all along. I looked it up just now, this cognac was bottled in the 1970s... But yeah, no one has ever cleaned there so maybe it was there all along.

Either way it worked, came through the negative force by molding it into a spike, and the cognac played a part in this.

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Use this sigil for contact.

This is a race of demons based on the principles of maintaining decent and balanced connections with others. You may use their services "for free" as a Sunflower associate. The main point of entry should be by letting your anima become incarnated astrally as one of them. This way, she gains full mobility and can work to achieve the transformation state which we call the zero sum game.

This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress. Rather than experiencing bias based on your karmic relations from the past, clouding your vision and preventing the correct course of action, you will see clearly and make the right choices.
> This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress. 

Does this apply to the person themselves(the physical person left behind) or only the anima that's astrally incarnated? Isnt splitting the anima from your soul kinda bad?
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I think I need to reference this properly from the beginning.
> pic1
This is the text from Zhuan Falun which mentions "law bodies" or "gong bodies". It's implied these will evolve automatically, but I found this to not be the case 
> pic2
which is why I came up with the body transformation process which is simply forcing the thing to happen. This works.

> pic3
Tulpas are a method created by Tibetan monks, those on /x/ do not know what it's for. It's mind-creation. The switching is one major and important aspect. I practiced this way back in the beginning, when I was treating tulpas as a way to outsource mental processes. I then dissolved them later to incorporate the learning into my main mind.

This was how I found that I had a tulpa I could switch with already. At the time I was not aware of this, but this was a parallel incarnation which I had at the same time, elsewhere. I've later come to realize that when I went in to assume control of this life and body, I already had inserted aspects of myself in a number of other locations simultaneously. I guess if you want to succeed when incarnating, don't place all your bets on the same horse.

Because it was done at the same time, my awareness was here, but the other lives were also me, just from this view those were "lower mental processes".

This is how the process described in the OP is meant: you send the layer of your female aspect which corresponds with the demon race to be incarnated as one of them. To her, the current you is her animus in a parallel dimension. Your soul hasn't split any more than if you had a tulpa, it's just that there is a dimensional separation, it's not a separation within you. What you learn over there is directly available to you here, appearing as if it came from an automatic mental process (which is does, it's just outsourced into a separate body instead of being a tulpa in the same body).

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Planetary alignment session for June 3. 

Join via word-sigil here


for linking to the circuit. The direction of this circle is expansion of personal space, with all of your necessary assets built up accordingly.
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Death Bandit module now available at the Carbon Gel factory.

When trying to find the most creative form, this was the result. Strange, but whatever. First look resulted in a djinn or drow, when trying to find a unified form of creativity, it's this one. 

It's probable that the "death" part here refers to the scythe form, which although not an artifact here, refers to the collective DNA form of all humanoids.

The factory will only accept orders if you bring your own material, there is currently a serious material shortage with no projection of possible lower prices in a foreseeable future, so instead of selling cyborgs at insane prices, we will just charge 2500 silver (federation units) for the energy cost per produced cyborg, how you get the material is up to you.

For individual copies we can run the black hole device, but it's not suitable for mass production so this will be done on individual basis as it can only be run by those who can project energy (if you are an occultist etc).

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a beach volleyball... jpg
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a boxer jpg
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a chess player jpg
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a child model jpg
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a figure skater jpg
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Testing simple prompts for Bing image creator, powered by Dall-e 3.

Purpose: To see what things are downright censored, if there is a bias in the representation, and what kind of references were used for training the model.
65 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
thumbnail of a girl at home.jfif
thumbnail of a girl at home.jfif
a girl at home jfif
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> photo realism, full body image, a girl, at home
Why is this prompt blocked over and over for "unsafe content" after it was finished generating?
> pic related slips through
Never mind, it actually can't generate this image. Maybe I overestimated dall-e3 a bit because the decent results are decent.

thumbnail of lolibooru 417118 crescent_hat_ornament eyebrows_visible_through_hair multicoloured_clothes reisen_udongein_inaba ribbon-trimmed_sleeves vertical-striped_dress.jpg
thumbnail of lolibooru 417118 crescent_hat_ornament eyebrows_visible_through_hair multicoloured_clothes reisen_udongein_inaba ribbon-trimmed_sleeves vertical-striped_dress.jpg
lolibooru 417118... jpg
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thumbnail of lolibooru 429340 arms_behind_back cowboy_shot flat_chest green_umbrella holding_umbrella kazami_yuuka long_sleeves medium_hair plaid_skirt ripu_(lipi) touhou_project.png
thumbnail of lolibooru 429340 arms_behind_back cowboy_shot flat_chest green_umbrella holding_umbrella kazami_yuuka long_sleeves medium_hair plaid_skirt ripu_(lipi) touhou_project.png
lolibooru... png
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Message from Yuuka 2022-05-07
Take this weekend as a retreat. You are now in the tunnel at dimension -1D. On the 9th of May, we will open the gates to the new earth, and your -1D will connect to our -2D.
The three realms, known as heaven, earth and hell, have been reset in your dimension set. Nothing remains. You are not perceiving this currently because the old three realms had degenerated until nothing human remained inside it. When you look at the world, you are seeing things in -1D and the concepts stored in your own minds. For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.
The three realms consist of heaven -4D, earth -3D and hell -2D. These are all karmic dimensions. Technically speaking these aren't solid existence, they're a chemical reaction in which particles are destroyed. But because of the inertia in large particles, this process is very slow. After a "planet earth" particle was formed, it will slowly burn out during 182000 years. This is how we talk about it now because it was the internal view from your earth. As time changes and is seen from inside the timelines, it can look different from this. Timelines loop and are run multiple times, which creates a confusion within the incarnated souls, making them believe the earth is 4 billion years or as short as 4000 years.
At -4D, which we call heaven, you would normally find heroes and royalty who did great deeds. They would stay there for 1000 years and then incarnate again as nobility. The understanding of this level has been perverted, creating the concept "demon" as a negative thing. Demons were originally these heroes who could serve as guides in your human life. Saints would also stay here, but today it's a common concept that "saints are demons" and should not be worshipped. This is the same inverted idea. Saints are demons, and for this reason you should listen to them. Demons are heavenly beings. Because language develops, "demons" are now beings in hell who look like satyrs. Satyrs are indeed demons but they are not in hell. It's suggested to add more information when using the word "demon", such as "demon in hell" if you are talking about the supernormal beings in hell. That would be acceptable under current circumstances. But "demon" itself was originally a positive term. Today it should be seen as descriptive. A demon is a supernormal being.
-3D is the human world. This dimension has been out of control for a long time, most people only came into clear contact with it during their very first years after birth. By age 4 they would descend into hell and after that they could not understand anything about human life. -3D is the level of trade. It means exchange of goods and karma being transformed. While this is done, a society can be maintained. The current world had been completely dominated by international corporations, which had restricted normal trade until it no longer existed. The only trade you would find following the human method was those things done "under the table" or on the street like drug dealing. But drug dealing when done to serve addictions is not human standard. Everything you do is regulated by governments until normal human interactions no longer exist. What you have experienced has been "totalitarianism", there has not existed a society not doing this since the second world war ended.
-2D is hell. This is the dimension of repaying debts. Normally, if you didn't trade fairly while in -3D you would come here after you died. Everyone would fear this. They would choose one of two methods: Either trade very carefully by maintaining good relations and balance in gain and loss. Or they would seek occult rituals to protect themselves in the afterlife. Some managed to do this indeed, which upset the normal function of hell. These are the people who took over the world using multinational corporations. They have effectively ended human life.
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thumbnail of Being mentally ill in prehistory vs today.mp4
Being mentally ill... mp4
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> but its the idea of a maxxed out technically human race/group
"maxxed out" is literally reaching the level of "God". You know the guy who made humans in his "own image".
It's like reaching the highest level then you are so passionate about the game you befriend the admin then he gives you a co-admin right because you love the game almost more than him then he might even lets you run the server on your own.

> yes i know about the creator god level requirement to be safe
Anything "below" this is not a "maxxed out" human no matter the perspective. You might call them "dead ends" or those who reached the "class and skill ceiling" but definitely not "maxxed out humans"

I wanted to work out like never before and my guides told me that I must learn to not cultivate hatred while doing self improvement because as long as I remain a mundane a little self hatred is okay but with my psychic channels opening I will just go insane if I cultivate it further. You cannot max out for "hating weakness and blindly worshiping strength". You need to truly understand how strength forms and "weakness" is actually the degeneration of true essence and not the antithesis of strength. Cultivating strength is about retaining the ability to cleanse and attain pure essence once and for all.

> It's the same system from a different angle
More or less yeah
But Australia didn't mash into America yet but... let's not bring into the equation south America and the islands yet because that region is the weirdest and I am extremely unfamiliar with it besides the posts you made about them so far.
The Templars are the original and only successful white fungus. The CHUDs are still in progress. The templars are said to have gone into the underworld to fight demons in hell. This has a literal meaning, they went kilometers down to mercy-kill the feral illuminati slaves which had been left down there since period 4 of the ages of man (current is 7). These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs. It's been continually produced down there by the rotting bodies of (last time they were counted) 36 million feral humans all eating their own dead and leaving bits to ferment for millennia.

So our technology and all devices today which are made from oil (plastic) are actually made from dead illuminati slaves, and our cars and factories are run by burning them as fuel. You think you don't have any blame in this? Everyone has, they benefit from it. This is the reason the "elites" think they can do anything to the population, because everyone is part of the surface society which uses literal human slaves to produce common goods and for fuel to sustain themselves. So they think by "letting us" use this technology there is no difference between us and them, everyone on the surface is an abuser, but the elites are "true to themselves" about it, while the surface dweller "cattle" in their eyes are denying it to themselves, which makes them the worse sinner who doesn't even want to think about what they do.
> These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs
> tfw my car is not t-Rex and stegosaurus powered 
I feel less proud to be a modern human.
Nothing felt more glorious than thinking that my car runs on liquid dinosaurs and thousand year old rotten trees leaves.
The Queen was being vague about it, as often to avoid ruining enlightenment processes. But I then saw someone wanted to drill for oil in a protected nature area in Africa so I said fuck no, there'll be none of that. So I had Astra investigate the oil in that area and then put it up for sale on the federation marketplace as "oil for extraction, teleportation only".

Someone took the offer and made their own investigation of the quality, after which they said
> This is crude oil, but that's ok, we'll pay [slightly lower price]
and he showed me the images they took of how the oil contained skulls and bones of dead humans deep below the surface. They said "it's no problem, it's just an extra mechanical process to grind the oil and it can be used in factories for base production."

So that's how I finally had it confirmed, that the oil and the problems with emissions does come from using illuminati slaves as fuel.

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