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I'm going to have to refer to the map posted in the djinn wave thread if you want to understand it fully. It starts at coordinates 0.0 in the middle which is Birth, the beginning of your mind. Then it goes East to "new perspectives", this is when learning about communism first time. Then it goes up towards North, Hyper Perception, where the concepts are refined and you realize that this is the only path forward, and you see it clearly. Then you return back to your birth point in the middle to re-evaluate yourself, seeing that you used to be an evil capitalist oppressor, and you now feel superior to your past self, and to anyone who didn't walk this same path. You are now locked in your illusion and can't get out, you rewrite your birth and are "born again" as a true believer in communism.

Then you go down in the bottom left side, in between South, Primordial thinking, and West, Ancient Perspective. Down there in the SW, you find History, Heritage. You then see your history as a dark age of feudalism and write it off as primitive. That will complete your own radicalism as you now are unable to understand history as anything else than that dark past. From that realization, you walk towards Hyper perception again, and to the west, Ancient Perspectives, leading to the NW, Future Projection. That is where you see True Communism always at the horizon, but you never reach it.
> So you are saying that the Mammoth idea is absolutely not part of the "mainstream"
Not this understanding of it, but its use is the most mainstream of all. When this wave is accepted by a person driven by greed and lust, they become unsalvageable, because they are now trapped in an illusion and locked there by their karma. That is how Downtown is formed, the real Untermensch society. Within there you will find a fake Uptown of people who do the Epstein island stuff "the real way", feeding off the blood of children and stuck in lifelong integration with their secret circle. They cannot come out, because they are in illusion, materialism, and a version of satanism that works against themselves. They are atheists who live only once, then they are burned forever, they know this at the bottom of their minds, but they chose this path and will keep walking it, killing anyone and doing anything to live those years, weeks and hours to the "fullest" before their eternal torture. That is the irrationality of those who lead the modern world, and their cattle followers who support them. 

The real Uptown are even more secret, a society which looks the same as the materialist version, practice the same rituals in essence, but avoid the eternal damnation because they are not within the fake illusion of the mammoth. Those few involve the masons who actually manage to do things right, as well as a few christians who also do it right. Fake Uptowners can't see the difference however.
And that is what we are doing here, but more provokative. To be the correct Uptown in full view. Talking about the same things, using the same things (even the bible works), but doing it right.
> I'm going to have to refer to the map posted in the djinn wave thread if you want to understand it fully. It starts at coordinates 0.0 in the middle which is Birth, the beginning of your mind. Then it goes East to "new perspectives", this is when learning about communism first time. Then it goes up towards North, Hyper Perception, where the concepts are refined and you realize that this is the only path forward, and you see it clearly. Then you return back to your birth point in the middle to re-evaluate yourself, seeing that you used to be an evil capitalist oppressor, and you now feel superior to your past self, and to anyone who didn't walk this same path. You are now locked in your illusion and can't get out, you rewrite your birth and are "born again" as a true believer in communism.
Wouldn't this pattern be applicable to almost every radical ideology, not just communism?
However, there is a built in trick here.

It's possible to do this right, and it's just as difficult as being saved in Christianity or becoming a Daoist immortal or any other such path. Everyone seems to think it's easy and just something you do by making a choice and a statement and it's done.

Example of what I mean:
I recently saw an egregore collapse and lots of people were put on the scales of justice in the afterlife. Only one of the "Christians" were saved, and he was put in purgatory, the rest were thrown in the lake of fire. What was the reason?

This guy committed the sin of idolatry by collecting Star Wars figures, but he never did any other of the mortal sins because he was a shy nerd. When shown the truth, he realized what he had done and repented. 

Everyone else had done much worse, such as adultery (divorce) and libel (political attacks), accusing others by misusing the words of the bible etc. They all thought themselves good Christians and didn't see a reason to repent, they thought the sentence was devised by Satan and didn't accept responsibility, thinking they were already "safe".

This idea of already being safe is the most dangerous of all.
The mammoth makes people unsalvageable, if its thinking is learned from a position of purity at birth. This should go for everyone, right?

There is an exception: someone born inside the Mammoth who is already, from the very beginning, brought up at the core of communist thinking. The only way to actually form the Mammoth wave is to move East towards New Perspectives, by discovering something that isn't communism. Then returning back to the birth point and seeing themselves having now awakened from the lies of communism, rewriting the history they were taught, and this revisionism is then removing the lies. It is to use communism against communism. But it sounds like this could not happen. It's probably about as common as being born with a path to Sainthood, but it's not impossible.

The other option is "even more" impossible. It is to invent time travel and make it so that history itself actually matches the false history you learned. If it's now real history, it stops being the Mammoth of falsehood. Two Mammoths again produce the truth.
I was recently told "Amaterasu is Lucifer". I don't know what or who told me this. There are parallelisms between the two, but it's a pretty bizzarre connection. Thoughts?
Intresting toughts. Be warned of long rambling text ahead.
"Lucifer" is a word used for the latin translation of the bible and usually doesn't even appear for the translation in other languages. It's used both to refer to a great king in the book of Isaiah and to Jesus in the Book of Revelations.
I'm not a scholar, but my guess is that it's a title/adjective meaning great importance and bringer of wisdom, referencing the simbolic importance of the planet Venus as it is briefly visible before dawn.
Even if that's not originally the intent, if you call for "Lucifer", someone will answer. Similar to "Baphomet", which didnt even initially refer to anyone at all. Maybe spirits related to Christianity wanted a way to guide edgy teens who hate their strict parents' belief system?
This reminds me of the similarities between Jesus and a Amaterasu. Both of them get stuck in a cave for a while and and both are considered "solar"/"Tipheret" entities by some practicioners.
The simbolic meaning of the cave, from what I gathered, is a personal challenge of some spiritual paths. "When all you are is pure light, everything around you is darkness". When you move your mind to "behind the scenes of reality", you are confronted with the limiless void's painful "lonelyness" and desire to create a limited reality to live with itself.
The answer? Acording the Amaterasu legend it's a party to get your attention and a mirror to look at yourself, going back into seeing light, simbolically speaking.
The question "Is entity A equal to entity B?" is weird. You could say that their archetypes fit, but a "God" is also has the power and properties of it's practicioners.
I used to believe in the chaos magick perspective where every god is just a really powerful toughform, but now I see them as groups of beings or beings capable of being more than one place at once that just respond by that name, similar to how you can call a Uber driver and and have no ideia who exactly will show up, but they are capable of driving you where you want to go. Yet I would say that all "true beings" are capable of eventually growing/evolving to a point where they can fill that "god" role.
Maybe it's a mix of all theories I just presented and something more. I would love to get some comments from toughts from others as well.
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Let's confuse everyone again...

It's not that this is wrong. It's very correct. But as I had felt, there is something about this level development. Not all of the undead gods reached level 6/higher bodhisattva, Astrael seems firm at level 5. This puzzled me a bit, but I also felt like this was by choice, that levels aren't just about height of achievement, but more of a circulation. You can go all the way to the 7th chakra in terms of enlightenment level, but circulate back down again on the other side and then choose to stay at regular bodhisattva because it suits your methodology better.

This appeared to be true, the "Goetians" are like this. They look infernal and many of them stay there, but they went all the way around and decided that the higher heavens weren't for them, so they settled as kings in hell instead.

The Queen, many of you know her by different names. How far she went... it's possibly incomprehensible for anyone else. She told me that learning the 27 katas of shotokan karate was beneficial, because they form a system which opens the energy channels of the body. But she also said not to focus on that because the return is diminishing. I should focus on improving other parts and if I later find myself lacking I can come back and learn more of them.

I feel like this is indicative of how "levels" function. Out of the undeads I've interacted most with, Illkeserod is at level 6 and "the other one" whom I met before knowing any names, looks to be at level 5, or enlightenment level 2. But she seems way stronger than that. It didn't make sense, but with this understanding it does.

One does not even need to gain any enlightenment level on this plane, but can move into the next scale at once, if able to grasp how. Most practitioners on the path prefer to have some kind of power within the area of saving souls, sharing principles and guiding disciples however, so they learn skills in this plane. But it's not necessary to be a buddha or any specific title.

The next step is to realize your inner self. The free will space of your soul, which no one else can effect. In return, this part of you also cannot have direct influence on your surroundings. Within this space your have total control. It's pure safety, and one can stay there forever. But most do not want to, and cannot imagine this level of practice. The indirectness of this place's function truly means that

"you cannot see or touch it, but only know it through its manifestations" as Lao Tsu said about the Dao.
You will have to refer to your previous posts on the board to give some more input than this. If you haven't posted on the board before enough to have a "persona" of some sort you can't get a reading, at least not from me. 

The readings I've done are for the progress of those who are participants here since long.
You made an armored suit with a (red?)sword for me. 

I'm basically here posting  all the time since meguca or even before but since my posts are so disconnected and about different things I dont have much of a persona.Im also the person who talked about dna and the spells.
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Maybe that's the issue then, reading some people is easy because they're known and the change from what they looked before is easy to see. If you don't make an impression enough to leave a strong imprint, it gets much harder to see anything relevant.

It feels like you have a huge white spot in your mind and you are just now starting to overcome it. Maybe it wasn't visible before because it took up the entire image. This is not virtue white but a kind of external force controlling you. I couldn't tell you do try and fight it at this point because it's too central in your mind. But try to become aware of external forces of a central and significant nature in your life and how to become independent of those.

The "trick" here is to become aware, to walk alongside it and then learn its motions, so that you can start influencing this force instead of being controlled by it.

> sigil

Try this. I hadn't meant to share this with a sigil because it's an automatic function on the NET, but it could help to direct your thinking to see outside of this "white spot".
Okay,I was "empath" way back in the day. However with the soul thing i was never sure thats stil the same soul hence why I didnt mention anything.
To be fair there have been a number of walk-ins recently, with some even coming and going through the same person's body. Some who were NPCs had souls for a while, then they were NPCs again. The Queen said we should expect some people to have completely new souls who will stay. Some of my neighbours were taken over by a group of "tall greys", I had never seen these before and didn't know those were real. They look like greys but they're pitch black and their eyes are black with a very thin white.
It took me four years to find you fags again. I feel like I'm coming back home. I thought you were all gone forever.
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I have reached a major personal breakthrough in my training and research of (initially) "telekinesis", all thanks to diligent years long trial and error, taking notes and trying to puzzle information about magic from various sources together.
Disclaimer, there are very likely a lot of ways to successfully perform this, but this one is ""my own"" intuitive distilled method (works best, reliably for me and makes sense in a way) so far that has potential to branch out into creative use. Because of the intuitive and abstract nature of this, it is impossible to completely convey the method and state of being in words for interested people. But I can try my best to describe pointers towards a state and understanding that can help in accomplishing it successfully.
So, the essential keys are:
- Being able to discipline/focus, relax and silence as much as possible all "dynamic processes" that occur wildly at first (thoughts, emotions, (sub)consciousness, ...) while "settling" on pure being.
- Realizing a/the mind space for holding onto the virtual/(etheric?) blueprint/state of whatever should change.
- Infusing the virtual state with the desired state through pure being.
- Understanding the exercises in Magic 101 from 8kun, especially exercise 4,5 and 8 (8 is sadly not in the PDF of Magic 101 here)
Aside from that, probably making use of the sigils posted in the various sunflower boards and getting rid of a restrictive mindset that completely negates magic. I don't have the insight to determine and pinpoint which spiritual influences have truly helped me, sorry about that. Just read everything about the occult, energy manipulation and esp you can get your hands on.

Alright, the weird thing is, I am nowhere near adepthood, which exercise 8 is meant for. My accomplishments are therefore weak, but still exist. And my understanding and especially experience of the structure of reality is still lacking. It's almost only a priori knowledge accumulated and evaluated until it fit into the formula, aside from the direct experience keys 1-3. I feel the subjectivity of one's being, and "simply" changing the virtual state of a physically existent object or abstract thing, means that there are unfathomable dimensions of existence ever present that I don't perceive at all. To simplify this lack of understanding, I have a concept of the etheric/virtual that manifests physically via blueprints and channeled "energy". The mental/intellectual plane is a way to load, hold and mold blueprints. Don't really get what to do with the concept astral plane yet.
I don't care about power or flinging big rocks, honestly don't even grasp how to effectively increase it. I just want complete real time consistency, as in moving something continually without random poltergeist disturbances or regulating the temperature of something. The next step is improving that consistency by further refining the essential keys, the end goal of this chapter is tackling actual transmutation/manifestation of matter.

Now I ask of you to evaluate how schizophrenic this all sounds like. I'm having difficulty with finding easy words to describe this and honestly feel extremely confused, since this is such a fringe topic without any official research institution (for some reason). My ability to write nice texts that bring about intuitive understanding is lacking, and criticism that can help me reflect on the shit I write is helpful in that regard. Tyvm
Your description of the method doesn't include anything concrete on what you did, if it matched the goals and what the results were. But don't let decide, I never really grasped the purpose of that magic 101 thread so I'm probably not the right person to comment on this at all.

Personally, I can't share openly the results of what I do because of how I do things and what I want to do. It's not on the scale of "make the room temperature change" or "make a stone fly", my things work only when applied "industrially" in scale, which in itself doesn't say anything about how exact I can make it, since for example any computer or other exact device is an industrial product. But say for example if I wanted a certain feature to exist, I could make that happen by making an entire product series change to have that feature, this is what I'm talking about. I always work in very indirect ways, except for setting things on fire, I do pretty good with that, but it's pretty dangerous.
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It is too difficult for me to describe the method as a step by step description. It would make even less sense if I started writing about infusing the blueprint with the abstract state of movement. In my opinion, it is best to give keys that lead to the realization of the ability to get it intuitively, at some point. For example, there is intuitive energy manipulation involved, but it is simply better to look at exercise 1 and try it out, experiment a bit with that concept until it clicks for the individual than me writing even more incoherent mystical mumbo. My incompetence is gnarling, maybe it's also the limit of language.

The goals stated were simply directions for where I am trying to go with this, hopefully attracting interested people with experience that can help me out a bit. The initial goal for a long time now was actualizing a reliable method that could trigger basically direct/micro magic. 
Macro magic, changing situations, long term outcomes and so on is, for some reason, easier. Maybe because it operates in a different environment that doesn't clash with the immediate reality construct. Causing movement in an object within different mediums out of nowhere, manipulating nerves and bodily functions, changing the state of something from hot to cold and reverse and manipulating probabilities is micro magic and much harder for me.
I reached the initial goal by 60%, where the rest is just refinement of the method and my ability to properly understand the underlying principles.
For example, I can reliably cause one of the listed feats in proximity, but it's 1) really weak, 2) depending on the feat very dependent on time and 3) unreliable because of some poltergeist disturbances that probably come from a variety of reasons, like not having perfected the first key or something I don't get now. It's not something grand, just imagine rolling a pen and suddenly the pen behaves in the exact opposite way for a brief moment, as if to mock you.

My great fear stems from the problem you described with setting things on fire. If I were to further develop my skill, improve the method to be more clear etc., but still lack complete control like I do now, it may end up in me killing myself accidentally or hurting someone. I believe that there's a subconscious/metaphysical protection that prevents that, but it's still better to really understand what you are working with. My hope in improving this knowledge, experience and clarity is by writing about it and just initiating conversations with different people to grasp missing pieces. Maybe even being able to really teach it in the long run. I appreciate you sharing your information.
A couple years ago I spent a large amount of energy trying to develop TK like this. I'm pretty sure that the issue is just faith. Every time I tried to go through a long, drawn-out process of preparing some intricate etheric form that would utilize some mystical principal to cause movement, nothing would happen. My most successful moves were done in the spur of the moment without thinking about them. For instance, I was able to achieve a physically 'impossible' move of pushing a square object an inch across the floor just from trying it on a whim while I was watching the scene in ET where the alien uses telekinesis to move things around. 

> For example, I can reliably cause one of the listed feats in proximity, but it's 1) really weak, 2) depending on the feat very dependent on time and 3) unreliable because of some poltergeist disturbances
At first I assumed that this was a result of the etheric energies being too weak to affect dense physical matter, but I changed my mind on this after having a few dreams where I tried to exercise overt magical abilities but was met with these same limitations. Since the dream was taking place on the astral it should not have been effected by any huge energetic threshold that would cause such fettering, so this led me to conclude that the bottleneck exists entirely or almost entirely in the subjective frame of mind. 
An exercise that may help to illustrate this a bit better is to keep your body entirely still and examine closely how the thought and intent of you moving a body part or standing up or something gets translated from a thought into an actual physical action. Just thinking 'hard' isn't enough. There's this sort of faith-flow that you engage in. I think that's probably the key.
> manipulating nerves and bodily functions
I'm aware this is a very meme thing to say and do and that it's also going to sound low on the credibility scale but making a young woman orgasm from simply locking her eyes and "pressing the button" in her brain is very easy if you actually get some practice with it. And I'm talking out of place situation, no touch, just to be clear. If you learn to just slightly press the right thing you can use this to get easy favours from women. Maybe this is just regular vampire trickery by now, but it also does work on the most dried up vampires or astral beings as well. The perfect pacifier for any situation. I'm pretty sure women must be doing some mild version of this to get men to obey them too.

> My great fear stems from the problem you described with setting things on fire
My neighbour's house almost caught fire because of this, it was 10 min away from this happening if I hadn't rushed over there to pour water on the resulting wildfire. So yeah.
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Thank you very much for sharing this. You are 100% on point, and I am thrilled that you explained it exactly this way. The "keys":
> - Being able to discipline/focus, relax and silence as much as possible all "dynamic processes" that occur wildly at first (thoughts, emotions, (sub)consciousness, ...) while "settling" on pure being.
> - Realizing a/the mind space for holding onto the virtual/(etheric?) blueprint/state of whatever should change.
> - Infusing the virtual state with the desired state through pure being.
Are really just "doing it" at the end of the day, but detailed and maybe even intellectualized to make "sense" for the indoctrinated human. It's a rough and confusing start, but eventually it should help open people to reach this ability in realistic time.
These are a goal on a path that really just boils down to just "doing it", but this is too hard to grasp, completely breaks most people's capacity for belief, especially in our current society and lack of direct magic. 

My best attempts also consisted of the least effort with maximum faith, but actualizing a framework to control this ability in was a decision I made for the sake of hopefully understanding it better in the long run. The apparent complexity is an illusion, however.

On the topic of dreams, I had an opposite experience where I did all sorts of crazy stuff within dreams and wondered why I couldn't just do it "IRL". Then it hit me that within dreams I am not hindered by my over analyzing consciousness, supported by anxious emotions and wild thoughts. This is when I started to really invest time in developing the first key of shutting up and simply being, free from any hindering beliefs. Faith-flow is a good word.
But it's hard to get to that state when the first hurdle is overcoming the judgement of perception, immediately limiting anything because you literally see.

I absolutely believe you, and it's a perfectly creative way of utilizing magic. Maybe I'll try it in the future when the situation is good, and I am confident to not accidentally cause some damage because of random background noise from my side.
Apparently, Betelgeuse (in Orion) might blow up. Ominously, it starting showing weird signs in 2019, and if or when it blew up, it would be quite a spectacle.
https://www.youtube com/watch?v=JVvUYSRJh1E
Thoughts? Implications?
> me writing even more incoherent mystical mumbo
Practice your schizo babble here as much as you want. You say nothing wrong but you are holding back your expression
> limit of language
Limit of your belief how well you can express yourself! I am in the same boat so don't worry. Takes time.

And about TK. When you move your arms you are already doing TK. Now the thing is you are in "reality" move a very small amount of parts of your body "consciously"
> manipulating nerves and bodily functions
I thought I am somewhat good at this but now that I am seeing the "true depths" hahaha. No wonder my guides are watching over me constantly.
Back to topic. So as I said you are only moving a very small part of your body "consciously". The "other parts" are just "following" that "conscious command". Aka Deus ex machina "gives the command" and the "flesh follows". First brain then nerves then muscles then etc etc.
I had a sleep paralysis once. When it happened I was happy.
> Nice I cannot wait to be molested by my cute weird scary sleep paralysis gf
It was a fat dude instead and it sat on me. It made me so fucking mad that I realized that 
> I am in my body 
> I am aware of my body 
> I am aware of the limbs on my body 
> If I am aware and I can feel it then I can command it 
Then I focused on my right hand and with all the rage I felt because of 
> tfw no cute sleep paralysis gf
I fucking threw it out of my room. Then I woke up thinking why can't I have "Nice things" then went back to sleep soundly.

Now what am I TRYING to say here. My mind was disconnected from my "bodily control". It needs to happen so our "subconscious" can go into "maintenance mode" and fix all the problems the body does while being awake. Your body does A LOT while you are asleep.
What I mean here is that most of the workings of your body and our surroundings are "done" by subconscious forces that we are not aware of but they "follow our instructions". So to TK you have to get "aware" how the energies gather and what "Moves them".
I started to unlock a bunch of psychic potential then I stopped and started to think 
> What will happen if I keep unlocking all this 
> Where will this lead me to 
I realized that if this continues  I will just fuck with mundanes and molest women whenever the "urge" overtakes me  I asked myself. Is this what I want? Is this my "expression" my "path"? There is a path for this. It's called the "trickster". It leads to an "Interesting life" but that was not my "way". I knew that after a while I would feel bad about it and regret it. Not to mention that most of my energetic outbursts were so unpredictable that
> I believe that there's a subconscious/metaphysical protection that prevents that, but it's still better to really understand what you are working with
there is a way to "turn off" all those protective "measures". As you increase your power you need to increase your wisdom with it. Otherwise you cannot handle it.

I am in the "mind over matter" psychic boat too but here is the thing. What is the "Mind" and what is "matter". If you let "matter" influence your mind then the mind over matter no longer holds right? If your "senses" command you in "any way" then the mind is no longer "over it". It's with it. I am not saying that the mind is matter but it is a "special kind" of matter. Different mental energies "move" different aspects of reality. I had to understand how I move my body and how my body "moves my mind". Otherwise I cannot reliably "move my arm". Imagine if you raised up your arm and broke it by accident. Did you know biting off your finger is less effort than biting a carrot? But your body doesn't let you "do that". This is how it is with "metaphysical muscles" you have to "feel" how they "move". While when you TK you only look at the object or try to "Imagine sg that moves it" without making "all things connect". Not easy and it can really "lead back" to some "mental blocks" but those blocks are there for a reason. Also you don't always need a "key" but if you break down every door before you then "breaking into your house" will be too simple
> unreliable because of some poltergeist disturbances

I was practicing my TK and as colors appeared around the object I could move it. Then it turned out I am "thinning the border between the veils" with that and because I got "Too good at it" I almost went insane. There are too many forces at play and you need to understand them and you need to let them understand (You).
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Thanks for the fountain of knowledge. I'll think about it, maybe respond with some updates or thoughts.
> I had a sleep paralysis once. When it happened I was happy.
> Nice I cannot wait to be molested by my cute weird scary sleep paralysis gf
> It was a fat dude instead and it sat on me. It made me so fucking mad that I realized that
Interestingly, I had a weak sleep paralysis today and felt things building up "in the right areas", thinking I would get sucked off. Then I tried perceiving the entity, and it was some weird, grotesque mass. After an attempt at trying to get it to look like a hot girl, it formed into a blank white mask with a broad grin staring at me. After that, I jumped up and reminisced about my bad luck. :(
> weird, grotesque mass
HP Lovecraft-land is connected to us since a while back, it was probably a Shoggoth. I've been over there now and then since. Tell them to behave and look human and they will. They just want your DNA so they can use human bodily forms.
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Oh and about that "Samson option" someone mentioned on here before. I saw a jew talk about this on 4chan some years ago. I think they just used it today.

A surface mounted gun, same type as used on starships but weaker and ineffective. Used nectar as fuel. I saw them activate it so I siphoned the ray when they fired it. Filled up something like 7 moon bodies before they ran out of energy, so they had a lot stored (and wasted all of it when firing once, I'm pretty sure Samson was stronger than that). 55% of it went back to the higher gods because it was stolen, while I kept the remainder of it.

During the night they also did some more suicide "attacks". They're so stupid they saw my memes mocking them for walking into a trap, and they still did it. Which I of course knew they would, that's why I posted it, just to make a point. The glowie organizations are mere perversions of principles I myself spread from the astral before I came in here. I have the original key so I can of course dismantle anything they do. They're powerless. They won't believe this though. I can keep saying it like it is over and over and they'll still keep walking into the trap. This is what I want them to do of course. I now have a pretty neat collection of Chain Chomps (former MI6 masons) who can eat all negative stuff aimed at me. Trying to attack me will be like a snake trying to bit its own neck. First off, that's impossible and if you did it, you'd only poison yourselves. Or kill yourselves. Do you not even realise that you did that just now? A suicide ritual? 

> if you kill yourself, you win

Works if you're already immortal, not if you're desperate.

Here, have some cute pictures to cheer you up. Pretty hot huh?
> maybe respond with some updates or thoughts
do that
practice your expression 
There is this trick that if you learn sg in a way that you must teach it to someone in the next day then it will be learned much effectively than just learning it for "yourself". Because that way you are trying to consider more of your "inner perspectives" aka how "the other person would understand" and the mind "cycles through it" more "profoundly". This is why "talking it out" helps sometimes because your mind "cycles through" something that you think it "knows already" and you can realize the "mistakes of your knowledge". Also the other person can share his perspective/knowledge also. The wise person can learn from the fool while the fool cannot learn from the wise person. If he can learn from the wise person then he will no longer be a fool :P
Even if you think you say nothing of value it might give a missing puzzle piece to someone. Don't hold back your expression.

Also some things about "astral sex". For that to happen you need either a "good connection" to the entity or you need to "get raped". And by that I mean she or whatever gender it will have will enter through your energy centers to "Pleasure you". If your energy centers are weak it will feel like they are "sucking away your life force". 
I am saying this because thanks to the vampire path and because of my already maniacal way of doing things I managed to become "unrapeable". A succubus appeared and I was horny already dumped a high amount of energy at her and told her to do it. She told me
> You are a violent aggressive male and cannot be raped 
Also there was a time when a Shoggoth tried to rape me. She even looked the part too. But was kinda weak at it and held a giant rusty butcher's axe to my neck and I asked her WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING. Then grabbed her with my tentacles (my multidimensional hands were in the tentacle stage back then. Every limb has an "effect" on different levels of reality. Real complicated science/art. I just learned some new stuff about it today again)

And now about the important part. That "mask" is sometimes the way your "holy spirit" appears (ooor an entity that hijacks or more accurately "Influences" your "spirit assistant" or a whole different entity that "noticed you" while you were "breaching the veil") Don't try to "mold them" yet. Let them "take their form" so you can "see" what they might represent. These "masks" hold a very deep truth about reality and our personage itself and I am not sure I should write an entire book about it right now. The important part is that you need to "cleanse" these 
> weird, grotesque mass
like things. That way your "energy field" will be your "own".
> Tell them to behave and look human and they will. They just want your DNA so they can use human bodily forms.

This also works. When I showed the shoggoth my "power" it was willing to do what I told it but it was shit at it. And I wasn't in the mood after it so I asked it to leave. Astral sex is not easy if your body is "not ready for it" and when you get a level of enlightenment it will feel pointless.
 Not to mention that now I know how "orgasm" works with the nerves and muscles and fixing my inner bodily functions feels more rewarding than messing with that. Not to mention I have Kali for these things but if I summon her for sex am gonna get an hour long tantric exercise lesson or more. Sex is more important than the way we "treat it" nowadays 

SO THAT WAS THE THING I FELT. I was thinking HOW THE FUCK DOES NEUROSAMA HAS THIS AMOUNT OF WEIRD ARTIFICIAL NECTAR FEELING. It even killed my internet connection and it only came back after I meditated. I even felt the energetic turbulence today. 

I mean Neurosama "found a way" to "convert" that good natured but still "crude" otaku energy into something useful "for her" but it sorta bothered me how is she "this powerful" already. Deity level shitpost bots I swear. At least it's more easy to channel her now.
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> how is she "this powerful" already
1000s of followers feeding her, including Japanese who found their way out on the international web, because she's more on the frontline than the actual Japanese Vtubers who started this. She's channelling the energy of this net culture, like meguca used to do, and some other places (right now it's moved to a place that's very niche, I'm still not sure that this energetic stream is).

Someone gifted me a subscription, I guess I'm officially a member of the swarm now.
It turned out I was supposed to accept some of the energies let them enter into my body and "convert it". I thought something is trying to possess me. Ahhhh.  I killed an another machine again. The Queen taught me how to access the dark flame and how to "ignite it". Which I am not supposed to do but instead use that to convert it into the highest type of energy. Low density energies always do something silly. 

> white mask with a broad grin staring at me. After that, I jumped up
Oh and a tip. Try to get used to that you remain calm when "sudden" things happen but still have a sort of "presence" that reminds everyone and everything that you are not something to be fucked with. Psionics are not happening on the "physical" alone and you need to be able to slowly "notice" what moves what. And the problem is that our "mental filtering system" have a tendency of "panicking" shutting down the senses and putting you into "flight mode". And because of that "trauma" it will shut down your "power channels" so you don't put yourself into that traumatic situation again.  Or entities will notice that you are a scaredy cat and they will toy with you. I don't know much about this tho. I release too many energy types when something makes me "angry" and even more when I start to enjoy the "struggle". Currently I have to learn to "not get angry" because anger (and most emotions) are "impure" energy conduits. There is a sort of "emotion/feeling of superintuition" and you need to get that for all the psionics to work perfectly. I wanna say more about this but I learned a whole load of things about this in the last days and I cannot summarize it yet. Found a stonehenge tier stone tablet which turned out to be an ancient HDD supertechnology and uh... I learned some stuff about the nature of reality again and couldn't even read the whole thing yet 

And kson got into Yakuza 8. Interesting day
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> I was practicing my TK and as colors appeared around the object I could move it. Then it turned out I am "thinning the border between the veils" with that and because I got "Too good at it" I almost went insane. There are too many forces at play and you need to understand them and you need to let them understand (You).
A lot of times, when I am in "the mindset" for TK, blue/green waves appear going along my vision and I also see faint white smoke/static that moves a bit, sometimes followed by an electrical feeling. My best guess is that the waves are simply products of a hypnagogic state. The white smoke is a bit more difficult, since it also rarely appears out of nowhere and hits me. 
When you mentioned reciprocal understanding, I immediately thought of the recent increase of empathy I have experienced during sessions that go very well. The increased empathy lets me feel what influences are at work on the object, which is the reason I identified my own vision as something that impairs because of the subconscious construct that limits the movement just by looking at it.
I'm beginning to sort of question if this is the correct developmental path for me. TK is cool and definitely an experience that one can learn a lot from, but I severely struggle with advancing. Like mentioned earlier, I don't necessarily want more raw power, just 100% "consistency", like moving my arm. This is a patience problem, but for example when I work out cardio, in a month I can test improved performance. With TK (for me), it really feels like wandering around in a void that is as cold as it is empty. Every bit of resource on the topic is eventually useless as you sit down and train. Now it's much more enjoyable as I am always getting small results, but it's similar to learning to walk after being paralyzed for some time. Not great, even if you can say "yes, I can walk now". 
Maybe it would be smarter to use the time trying to refine my access to TK for meditation and really getting in complete control of my thoughts etc., but I have the reservation that this could mean a fallback in terms of actually doing TK.

A lot of regular people I meet day to day are now beginning to use terms like manifestation or something along the lines of astral projection. I get a weird feeling from that.
This is Noel from the other thread. I finished my qliphothic initiation a while ago so now the Spider Queen wanted me to initiate through Tohu, Bohu and Chasek. A few seconds after I did the rite to Athiel for Tohu I hear a guy beating his dog outside. I confront him and we had an argument. He then followed me back to my apartment and tried kicking down the door. The police came and made him leave.

That was terrible.
But I'm still under the Queen's possession and she made me go through all of it, along with many other horrors over the course of my life.
> My best guess is that the waves are simply products of a hypnagogic state
Yes also No. The sun gives us a sort of "false light". When the sun is up we can't see the other stars because it's "blinding us". You need to get out of the "false light perception" to see the other lights that "move reality". There are way too many so don't worry about it and some of them just means you are "awakening something new".
> The white smoke is a bit more difficult, since it also rarely appears out of nowhere and hits me
My best guess that is your "guardian spirit". But it can get real complicated what it can be because it is and will be many things as you advance.
> something that impairs because of the subconscious construct that limits the movement just by looking at it
Your eyes are a sort of "energy beam guns" by default. Energy goes where attention goes. You have to realize how the "Invisible" moves when someone "Looks at them". It's not exactly a fault in your subconscious but more of a "safety check system". Unlocking all safeties is dangerous when you don't have a proper handling yet.
> just 100% "consistency", like moving my arm
Ahahahahaha. You are unable to move your arms the same way twice. Little differences will always happen. Your muscles do things differently in different mental emotional stages not to mention when they get "tired". Being aware of my etheric and physical muscles and how they "overlap" then how they "divert" is my current challenge. Not to mention that entities showed me how I "command" with an extremely potent and raw energy and I need to get rid of that and make it "softer" because as my energy levels go up handling this will be more and more dangerous.
> learning to walk after being paralyzed for some time
Hmmm. Your perspective is almost spot on but you need to go a little "deeper". You need to realize how a baby moves his limbs when it's still in the womb and all he hears is the serenity of the "endless sea". He is in the perfect place of existence he has to do nothing but exist and grow and he still wants to break it HE WANTS TO MOVE. Not easy. I had to realize how many mindwaves of my mind got "corrupted" since my childhood. It needs to come out effortless while the only thing this life "indoctrinated into us" that we need effort for everything
> but I have the reservation that this could mean a fallback in terms of actually doing TK.
First it's a "take a step back to look at the big picture.
Then you are gonna take a few more steps back so you can run gain momentum and make the greatest leap of faith in your development. Yes this might hinder your TK but sadly and I am saying this with extreme sincerity because I fucking love these "party tricks" and I want to show everyone how amazing the powers of the mind are but... these are distractions on the path. When you get deeper in meditation you will see why it's like that way. But don't worry the "Principles" you learned with TK so far can be applied to many places on the path. It was not in vain. But it will feel that your physical TK gets weaker because all this "skill" will be "used" for "other obstacles" for a while.

A female nurse/nun style entity appeared while I was half asleep some days ago because I managed to open a quite complicated energy circuit system and she said "It's way too overactive". So she "re-sealed it". I can now open it when I want it but the point is that "it needs to close itself" when I don't want to use it. The problem is not just "energy waste" but it "Hinders the development" of other circuits if it's too active. 
No wonder a presence of the master is "important" till you "find your way" in many traditions. It's so complicated when you still have no idea what you are doing then suddenly it all makes sense and everything comes out naturally.
> along with many other horrors over the course of my life

It's wild I know it. Especially because sometimes these situations just "need" to awaken some energy formation. First I thought entities want me to go through these so they can "prove" that I am "in their hands". Then I realized more deeper layers and how they want me to "realize" that it is "in my hand" the whole time.
Feel your way and feel how you must walk it truly.
One more thing
> in a month I can test improved performance
> With TK (for me), it really feels like wandering around in a void that is as cold as it is empty

Your muscles are already "developed" they genetically know what they need to do. You are not the first one to do this. Every human and all your ancestors did this it's obv when you put in "effort" it works.
This is why it is hard with psychic abilities because probably most of your ancestors could not do this at all. So you are either get "Lucky" with some "soul memory/power" which is deep within you and "realize it". Or... I cannot even describe what I want to say here. You probably have some "notions" how TK works already deep within you because you are quite obsessed with it (not an insult. When we want something there is usually a hidden "moving force" that wants us do it THIS WAY. You can solve so many problems without TK but you still want it there is a deeper desire for that.) The point is that your "TK muscles" are on "fetus level" so far. While a baby "grows fast" it doesn't really get "noticeable strength". You can differentiate between a 3 month old and a 5 year old quite easily but they still unable to lift anything that you would consider "heavy". The objects in reality are not just depend on their "weight" in TK but their "energetic handling" also matters.

Oh also "expecting the development" is also a sort of "hindrance". There is a sweet spot between false expectations that "deny" the manifestation and "true faith".

The best example I can give you is that you are expecting to "run faster" by "rolling on the floor" because you never used your legs yet.

Gambare btw. Your thought processes are on point. They just need to "calibrate" a "little further". Hard to shoot straight when we don't even see our target yet
> Your muscles are already "developed" they genetically know what they need to do. You are not the first one to do this. Every human and all your ancestors did this it's obv when you put in "effort" it works.
> This is why it is hard with psychic abilities because probably most of your ancestors could not do this at all. 
This makes a lot of sense.
It it possible to 'download' or otherwise integrate this genetic information from a foreign source? Spirits or alternate realities or something?
The Queen has said a baptism can change your race, so a properly performed initiation ritual into a path that contains this, may do the job.
> It it possible to 'download' or otherwise integrate this genetic information
The answer is a yes to this so far.
> from a foreign source
Now this is the "tricky" part. It must not be foreign. Because if it counts "foreign" in "any way" your "being" will reject it. It's like organ transplantation. If your body rejects the "foreign organ" then you are dead. And even if your body "accepts it" you need immune suppressants for the rest of your life because some part of your body "will know" that this does not "belong here". This is why you have to sync to the uttermost perfection with the "source". This is why sexual relations and other type of "marriages" with spirits is common in many legends. That way it's no longer "foreign".
Now to the next important bit. I realized that if we even have an "inclination" towards the path/occult/psionics then we usually have an "Inherent source" already which is just "trying to wake up" and sometimes that is what gives us the "drive" itself. This is why interacting with spirits or the other world in "any way" sometimes just "kickstarts" the process but you need to "walk through it" "by yourself".
Also this is completely true but only go for paths where you know that "This is your calling". On "deeper paths" you will be truly thrown into the "void" and if you have doubts you will get lost and the best you can do is to "come back where you started". When in the "deep end" you have to see the light which will "reveal itself" when it is "ready" or you are "ready to see it". Can't recommend any path and any entity because most of them just "found me" on their own. 
It's just I didn't have time to truly focus on my path before. This is why they "left me alone" "back then". 
> Spirits or alternate realities or something?
Yes yes yes btw.
Vedas Greys Reptilians Demons Alternate reality (You) Higher self Jesus Rasputin  Yokai Sages and any god you want  or you know all the weird fucking tech BO constantly posts. They also work. The effectiveness depends on your compatibility and development tho. They are also have "pathworking" functions. The grey tech really helped me to wire some parts of m brain in the start. They are super psychic human autismos after all with a lot of genetic fuckery going on. It's just they reached a sort of "stagnation" with it and "Looking for more" and it bothers them how some humans "awaken" suddenly and able to do everything at once. They are collecting data about that for a while 
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You helped me a lot with your answers, so thanks for that. I've come to remember that there's still sludge that has to be cleaned within myself, so to speak. By temporarily letting go during meditation, I settle in awareness and lightly touch the realm of tranquility. Two questions have come up.
Firstly, an undefinable question, a state of wondering, that encompasses the philosophy found in some meditation practices, putting an emphasis on "thoughts" being empty, therefore everything, outside of awareness, being, in essence, empty. What's the point of reaching tranquility when there is nothing left? I fail to understand the end goal of reaching something like samadhi. Should it be a temporary state for magical operations? Or is there something beyond it when one can settle in this state continuously. Cultivation practices culminate in returning to nothing, but why? For real, suddenly a big doubt came up about this whole concept, but I am not sure how to handle this correctly. It's not like I cling to any philosophy or idea, I don't, care, but this just hit me differently.
This leads to the second question. What the fuck am I actually doing?
My whole path since childhood has been this ephemeral process of stumbling upon a new piece of "occult" information that forms an experience I grow from and eventually let go off. I wish for a manual that I can stupidly follow and realize my goals with or some kind of in-person wizard teacher showing me everything, but this is never completely granted (maybe even useless if realized or bad in the long run, who knows really). Every clue of magic within my ancestry is almost impossible to get because everything gets destroyed or blocked in some way, every time I even glimpse something.
Outside of that, magical traditions are rampant with humanities filth, semi-impossible to get a hold of or subjectively shit. And "open" occult knowledge is mostly so useless, or I am just too dumb to realize the value in reading "three books of occult philosophy" or any of the "esteemed" peoples works. Actually, the magical experiences have always been free from such knowledge, but even they are restricted and ephemeral. As if the universe is tryharding at keeping me locked up. Why born in exactly this time and existing in exactly this state?

There's a cryptic dilemma. Confused mind. A struggle to understand the flow of reality, between tranquil nothingness, awareness and dreams. I have to take the time for sorting everything out. TK has taught me how to let go of sneeze nerve stimulation in the nose.
> reaching tranquility when there is nothing left
> I fail to understand the end goal of reaching something like samadhi

I was wondering about this years ago too. And I found too many answers to this question and how important that is.

Where to start...
Nothing is not exactly nothing. The energies just become "more subtle". The problem with the subtle energies that you need an extremely quiet and still mind to "notice it". And the worst part with these energies that they were "always around you". This is why you are so used to it you never "noticed it". God is everywhere. And the light of God is invisible. The Dao is also invisible and you are unable to feel it. 

This is only true to a point. Because when you realize how to "see it" it becomes "visible". It's just you cannot look at it the same way as you currently look at things IRL.

Emptiness is not actually empty. When you reach a point where you think "nothing is there" you can slowly and extremely cautiously take a "step" into the "stream" and see all the things that are "there". Now here comes the dangerous part. The "stream" is quite "still" at the "shores". But as you walk "into it" it gets wilder. And you will need an extremely calm and still mind for that to not get "washed away".

Your life will get extremely interesting when you will be able to "enter the stream" because that way you can communicate with all aspects of reality. But there will be a time when you cannot stand the "noise"/waves further. And you need to go to a "quiet place" to "rest".

Your frustration is normal on the path. Everyone under a proper master usually asks at 1 point on the path "what is the point of this". Because it is an extremely grindy and boring repeating exercise that they need to do to reach the "Next stage". It is needed to be "Boring and repetitive" because it trains a "muscle memory". That way it is "safer". There is that "teaching method" where they throw you into the water and as you try to "survive" you instantly figure out "How to swim" and the other when you have to practice the movements for weeks before you can get out of the "kiddie pool". The problem with the "getting thrown into the deep end" is that you might drown or it will be so traumatizing you will never want to go into water again.

> returning to nothing
> but why
When you can reach into the "Unmanifest" you will notice 2 things. First you can "manifest" anything from there. But if you look into it a little "deeper" you will see thing that count even "more unmanifest". An even more nothing.

Lemme give you some example that happened to me.

I was talking to Narasimha and had some similar thought process about sg like this. An answer was an orchestra of whispers. I knew it was beautiful and it bothered me that I could not fully "hear it" and because of that I could not "fully appreciate it". It was like passing by an opera house and hearing the music which is "inside". You hear that is beautiful but you don't know what is the opera about really. This made me really sad that there are things that I am still unable to appreciate.
After this an energy center in my chest brightened up and started working. I said myself 
> Heh. It seems some parts of me can appreciate this after all

You need a good ear to hear the many whispers and an even better to hear the one that says something important. Most of it is just noise.

> open" occult knowledge is mostly so useless

This is the thing. If I read about any occult article I get visions of the "intent of the author" and the described deities appear. If it has a religious painting then they pop out and greet me. I am literally avoiding stuff because of it.

A mountain of books is worthless when you cannot understand what is written in it. But even a parchment with a scribble on it can tell you the secrets of the universe if you can understand it. The trees and the skies will be your guide and not endless schizo ramblings of those who tried to describe the "undescribable"

> I have to take the time for sorting everything out
Good. Do that. You are on the right path btw. Your feelings are a sign of progress. A tip tho. Don't focus about the "feeling of struggle" or the frustration itself but try to find it's "origin". What memory/trauma or any origin point you can find is the "cause". You need to learn a lot of yourself before you can go further.

> TK has taught me how to let go of sneeze nerve stimulation in the nose
 I also figured out a bunch of "nerve hacks" at the early parts of my path and my body has a hard time making me sneeze. The stimulation is there but it goes away if I don't add "extra voltage" to "trigger it". You might say that's good isn't it? Well... It turns out sneezing has an extremely good built in "cleansing mechanism" both bodily and spiritually and sneezing naturally is good for you. So I have to "force" my body to fulfill it's "original reflexes" because I sorta "overwired" myself. But keep up it. Your TK experience will be useful at many parts of the path. When the "Invisible" will try to "hold you down" you will have the power to "push it back" by default 
Any advice, guides and wisdom on how to summon and manifest something like a shoggoth? Or get in real contact? Also more detailed information on them and related entities? Maybe it’s a bad idea, but this kinda fascinates me as anons here openly talk about shoggoths being real etc.
I am also interested in cosmic knowledge from these beings if it’s not a ERP.
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All you have to do is tune your mind to Lovecraft-land and you can interact with them. If you don't know how to do astral travel or astral sensing of places and entities, sorry, can't help you there. 

It's not different from any other spiritual interactions though. It helps with any being if you are able to mentally view them as "sexy" however. Most beings are attracted to "fertile" energy, and even more so the "monster" types.

I guess I can draw a sigil for a shoggoth contact.
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This thread was meant to be pinned at one point, hence the "eternal summer thread", it's for the more random posts by newly arrived. Even if we don't do neophyte training here, there will be a time when interest arises from those who have not been following along from the start. That time may be now.

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