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In an interview on Ukraine, Rusell “Texas” Bentley revealed something that was deep in my memory – that the United States have secret bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine and in Georgia.

On April 23rd the US Embassy in Ukraine acknowledged that there are biological laboratories in Ukraine that are under the control of the Pentagon.
The statement of diplomats came after an open letter from people’s deputies about the threats posed by these research centers to Ukrainians.
However, the Americans deny the threats and say that scientific work is being carried out for exclusively peaceful purposes. And talk of threats is written off as “Russian disinformation”.
The Ukrainian “Strana” news agency looked into this story.
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I still don't know if he is trying to outplay the elites or he is playing right into their hands...

If this keeps up Corona will be forgotten within 2 years and no one will be held responsible. I expected at least some scapegoats who will be blamed but now it will be all forgotten. We got a "plague" now a "war". These extremely intelligent shooting our own foot tier sanctions will further the economic depression. "famine" yay. then "death"? The question is now who will receive death? The elites are sure going all out with their stupidity once again. All it will make is a lot of civilian casualties and russians having a way to trash their 50 year old equipment. 
 I asked the land of Ukraine about this and it was not sad. It craves the blood of these retards it seems. And the space cats said this is part of the "controlled demolition of society" plan and everything is under control. I wonder about that.  If someone feels otherwise please tell me. This is just dumb and truly an insult how easy is to manipulate most of the people.
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> I expected at least some scapegoats who will be blamed but now it will be all forgotten. 
I believe that this is the reason behind all this. The elite cemented their hosts' death once they introduced the virus of fiat currency but when I saw how they completely did away with any restraint and began printing money like Zimbabwe I knew that this was the death knell for the current era. War is a good pretext for the collapse and it gives the Illuminati warlocks a chance to retain their power through to the next cycle, or at least they believe it does. It was either this or let society collapse naturally.
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I have my own view of what is going on, which isn't the same as supposedly Putin wanting to stop a new Wuhan tier leak from Ukraine. While that is an interesting idea, I propose the following: Assuming that nukes aren't real (greys said they're illuminaty psyops) this is all a game where Putin is trying to manoeuvre into a position where the media logic internalized into the population will make them believe he has to use nukes, because he's just that desperate. If he then doesn't use them, it will break the media logic spell and this will put the illuminati control system at risk. They will then have to say 
> good job Mr Putler, we'll accept a fake nuke strike to maintain control, you win
and they will go with this story and burn down a suitable city. It will then be presented as a nuke, and the USA and the EU will all be too shocked to respond (because lower level leaders think nukes are real, and it would be too difficult to fake armageddon). Russia then comes out as winner of this real life boardgame.
> burn down a suitable city

I wonder who will be the new 911. 911 sure as hell got also forgotten and every target practice they did with goatfuckers. 

> If he then doesn't use them, it will break the media logic spell and this will put the illuminati control system at risk

the ilerminaty control system is in worse shape than the soviet era military units. They retrofit their plans left and right and just look dumber everytime. It's collapse is inevitable. If they try to do their "great reset". They will have to reset themselves too or the system they create will eat them. They can't just go and dismantle the current systems of control and use a rushed system of theirs for a NWO. It just doesn't have enough power for that. Controlling countries which are controlling the populace is the most they can do (and they are shit at that too they almost gave this election to Trump again). And not becoming the "One World Government". They "thrive" in chaos but unable to control it. Not everyone is an urbanite degenerate who they think is the "average Joe" they need to figure out for mindcontrol. 

But yeah nukes are spoopy so everyone will bow heads. Very smart plan. 
I wonder how it will play out.
So Pfizer document got leaked again... It causes more side effects than the amount of diseases I ever heard of. 
Russia is banned from every degenerating western influence like onlyfans Disney and Mcdonalds... And they are still selling gas to yurop (though the "friendship" pipeline that goes through Ukraine and co.). While NATO is having second thoughts about arming Ukraine with every weapon they are not using anymore.

I wonder what is the next step of the "elites" masterplan.
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All of this is a compound of different factions, where many are controlled from the astral and by aliens. Someone claimed the vaxx, aside from connecting everyone to spread out the karma of the elites, was also to connected people into a system using alien tech. The point of this being to create a hivemind for an amoeba type alien race. I actually connected with them when looking into this. I think it may be the missing piece.
The story was that the reason for China tier control via mobile phones and surveillance was that elites wanted to avoid getting included in the hivemind by providing a control system for these aliens. But of course they wouldn't accept that, it was a stupid idea from someone who's completely powerless vs a new invader. 
But... there was a vid from someone channelling the galactic federation where they talk about amoeba aliens. My greys said those are irrelevant and only talked of to divert attention away from the real issues. Which actually seems to be true, since why are the elites this weak to begin with? Because of their horrible karma. I had no issue with the amoebas, they were fine talking to and they accepted the deal I offered them with no problem (but then in my ancient Greek life I kinda ended up being something which I referred to as an astral amoeba so maybe it's a communicative issue of not understanding them).
Either way I don't think those are the bit problem for us. It's the elites and their idiotic culture.

As long as we don't accept their karma we can defend ourselves. There was the Word of the Forgotten vampire group and the Anti-christ group, both astral aliens, as well as the galfed, mantis reptilians and regular earth native reptilians, all involved, as well as werewolves. A real mess. Everyone with their own agenda.
 I still have to build a new PC so China leave Taiwan alone until miners stop ruining the GPU market. But then again I lost all my desire towards videogames so whatever. 

> There was the Word of the Forgotten vampire group and the Anti-christ group, both astral aliens, as well as the galfed, mantis reptilians and regular earth native reptilians, all involved, as well as werewolves

Just how many species are there anyway.  When I asked the cats why they want the earth they told me because they don't want others to take it. It makes more sense now 

> Everyone with their own agenda.
I wonder whose agenda matches mine the most.
Something just changed on the astral, something which looks minor but marks the loss of power for one faction. They're super mad right now, and Russia has served their purpose in this operation, what they do from now is not important. 
Watch how the narrative changes in the coming days. We may even get to see their some unusual russian claims revealed as real. But it won't matter.
Yeah the narratives change daily but the  things seem to go in the way they "should". I wonder if anyone will dare to use some "wildcard" to try to blow this out of proportion.
 I also got a vision of the I HATE THE ANTICHRIST trollface with a victorious smile for no reason. 

Btw wanted to ask. What counts as a werewolf factionwise and astrally?
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I'm pretty sure the "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST" meme was created by them, they don't have a side, rather they play all sides to cause as much destruction as possible when clearing out the jesuits.

> What counts as a werewolf factionwise and astrally?
They're shapeshifting aliens who in their base form look like anthropomorphic wolves. They have square/box shaped ships like the borg in star trek. They were messing with me earlier but switched side after the leading faction was beaten. I can send one over to you if you want.
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I don't know who created or channeled them but while some of them are just the regular schizo psychosis artworks. They are evolving and truly mimic things that manifest or cause dilemmas on the path for people who walk it. I am not just thinking of these but some others that I also encountered. 

> I can send one over to you if you want.

sure why not. But then again I am probably have a faint connection with some already. Visions don't come for no reason usually

> rather they play all sides to cause as much destruction as possible
Destroying destructive forces is the theme of my life nowadays anyway so yeah. Sounds like soulmates already
By "them" I meant the anti-christ are most likely behind the
meme. The troll memes are too chaotic to really be christian/jesuit supportive. The UN also has nothing to do with jesuits, it's a harvester created by jesters (but it's been used and has little more to do now).
I also had a weird realization today about the jews. Because they are constantly trying to "outplay god" by overinterpreting the scripture while not getting what they need to do. They have a "karma" that they are unable to get rid of. Now if you are a god and you want your fellows to also "ascend" but they are still not getting it. You give them "adversaries" who will "destroy their karma". That is why they are always persecuted through history. But here is the thing. Adversaries don't always free you from karma. Because what if you become a crafty little shit and overcome your adversary with all the tricks you have. Now if that happens that means "God" needs to find you a NEW ADVERSARY THAT YOU CANNOT OUTPLAY but then YOU DO THAT ANYWAY. This way the jews always "create" unintentionally forces that always try to "put them to their places" aka remove their karma. Egypt. Babylon. Rome. Christian Rome + Christianity. Islam. All those countries that threw them out. The Reich. The way they are saying how the "holocaust killed them" but they need a holocaust for their sins... Not for their bodies. For the sins they think they don't have because they are outplaying god... and following every rule by the letter which means they are "pious". Getting Israel doesn't mean they have to kill everyone that is there. They have to realize what they need to become so the world accepts that place truly as theirs. And instead they become the opposite and arm up to the teeth and creating even more karma...

I don't know. I am not a scripture nerd and not planning to talk this over with rabbis for a while. But as I am starting to understand how in the mythologies there were always "golden ages" and after that everything slowly started to become worse until we reached the current point. 
And when I meet entities and read up their "lore" then they explain how and why people with the wrong perspective misunderstood it...
I am starting to put together the pieces. 
Religion is truly a terrifying thing when someone is fuelled by fear and misconceptions.

Also I still cannot perceive the anti-christ. To me he is just amassed karma that is trying to take form to "free up the world" "through the end times" so we can return to the "golden age". I'm not saying that it's good. It's just the cycle that we always create with our stupidity.

The werewolves were fun tho. I don't know what to do with them yet.
The anti-christ is an organization, not a person. There is a method called
> destroying karma with karma
where bad things are destroyed by amassing other bad things to create an internal "trap". Stupid people who constantly create karma and escape the effects will walk into the trap thinking 
> the other side is just as bad, we can beat them
But they can't, because karma follows laws of gravity. Just because your skeleton is made from minerals, it doesn't mean you can easily crush rocks. But if you think like them you only see that your opponent has huge flaws and weaknesses, and you miss the fact of how they are arranged.
If you look at the karma which is destroying karma, you may see it as evil, while thinking the side being suppressed is then good. But both are bad, there is no difference at all. It's just that one side is being destroyed and the other isn't, for now. 
So it's possible to think the greater evil is the anti-christ, but they just arranged it, they aren't it.
> destroying karma with karma
Exactly this is the "end times" scenario that I fear. Where this "both sides are wrong" thing happens. Which means the only way if the battle goes out of control both sides "die" at once in the end.It has a danger of bringing everyone else with them that way. Probably this is what happened on Mars. 

> The anti-christ is an organization, not a person.
Well a strong dictator and his country is the same. Multiple people with multiple mind and one "will" leads it. 

But yeah the question is. Who created the anti-christ organization and what is the goal.
> inb4 Jesuits so they can die in a holy war and summon the end times.
"1/ The head of pharma at Bayer proudly proclaims the COVID mRNA vaccine is gene therapy and that misleading the public was useful to create widespread adoption."

https://twitter com/aginnt/status/1499567294770565121
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Two nights ago I woke up to a loud metallic bang in my room. I went up and walked around the house but saw nothing. At the same time I was aware of a hard white "rod" on the astral having been crushed from pressure being applied to it, like simply destroying a supporting pillar by overloading it. I wasn't sure what it was at the time, but now I'm starting to think it was the "backbone" of the liberal world order mentioned by Rotschild on twitter. He said 
> we must defend Ukraine against Russia or it will mean the end of the liberal world order
Interesting to note is that the Russian officer's handbook has been found in the field and published online, it includes this:
> the armed forces of the Russian Federation is the last line of defense against the satanic world order
Both of these support what we were recently told during channelling, that this war is two NWO factions fighting to determine who is stronger.

Russia yesterday said they were done with phase 1 of the war and was going to secure Donetsk next. In reality I believe the real objectives on the ground were to capture the US biolabs in pre-emptive self defense and killing Zelensky to send a message. The images shown on tv are not him, I was told they assassinated him. It's either a double or a deepfake. They were trying to divert attention away from Zelensky by talking about Putin's hand moving through a microphone one week ago, implying it was Putin using greenscreen.

It should be obvious to anyone the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are merely used as a way to enter the territory, copying the NATO tactic of funding "rebels" in a country and using them as an excuse to start bombing, like they did in Syria and Libya. But on the astral, if the backbone structure of the LWO was broken, Russia has no reason to keep pushing, they can start shortening and concentrating their lines and preserve their troops instead.

This whole thing seems like it's also meant to show the liberals that their faction is so weak, all it takes is 200k conscripts with 3 month education, using soviet era equipment and 1941 style frontal assaults', and liberal democracies will be in complete disarray after 2 weeks.
The video is quite funny but the short answer to this is this was GAEN / aka Exposure Notification.

It is a bluetooth tracking tech, for both phone operating systems and is turned on for those who has the vacc verification apps.

I happen to have stumbled upon them with my wifi monitoring pre-october 2019 which made it more sus to me when they announced Exposure Notification since these were unusual at the time (until they rolled out the software/os updates late 2019 like they KNEW beforehand, of course they do).

Keep in mind wifi can also detect 2.4ghz MAC address if you sweep the entire range of channels (actually they don't need, it's just an announce beacon), they appear unknown since the second and third number/letter of the MAC is randomized so they do not appear on OUI lists of known manufacturers.

Most unvaxxed would not emit these since they either had left their phones, hadn't updated, turned it off, or just don't have the app or Exp.Not. option turned on. As for the purpose? I was expecting it to be some kind of surveillance, the reason the grey MAC appear is they are emitted via long range Bluetooth Low Energy which actually is high energy as it beams out to reach out to nearby tracking-compliant wifi routers and phones.

This ecosystem lets them find and pinpoint the location of every devices or every individual who uses these devices, for what purpose? I don't know, maybe surveillance or they're probably looking for the coming of Mr.Nobody. It doesn't even make sense anymore to implement the tracking system when most people already had the jab or they would get infected anyways.

I'm thinking one of the crown awakening symptoms is probably fail tinnitus and some sensory related issues (taste, etc.).
> the famous prophecy posted on chan had this: "Two voices will call out in silence that all will hear."
Not really "all" I think. Most people labeled this as corona symptom and a lot of people got it.

I remember experiencing the exact same melodic tunes as Robert Schumann's Ghost Variations during the peak of the "voices" (more of binaural tones on both ear causing hallucination of the exact music) then experiencing "moral" enlightenment for some reason although short-lived when the symptoms subsided.

This original experiment didn't include people with phones if I recall correctly. A doctor specifically asked patients if they had a phone or not and then checked if there was a second bluetooth device on his phone. So it can't have been an app if there was no second device present. But he also said his test was amateurish and encouraged other people to try it in different settings, which is what the vid posted above does. 

Was interesting to see how there were no strange addresses at an anti-vaxxer demonstration.
> This ecosystem lets them find and pinpoint the location of every devices or every individual 
I don't know if I posted about it on here, but I've been in contact with the beings who are behind this. It's mostly a side-track in relation to this board's topic and goals so I haven't placed much attention to it after learning about it personally.

Someone on /pol/ claimed that the reason for the mass spread of surveillance apps and the CCTV system with facial recognition being installed in China is motivated by taking complete control of the population by the elites so they can avoid being assimilated into an alien hivemind. These aliens have come here and simply demanded that everyone let them install their nanotechnology in their bodies and allow them to control earth. The elites are trying to stay outside by offering a different solution, thinking that they themselves can be outside the system. But according to anon, the aliens don't care, they will not accept that and will push for install anyway. This can be done physically through injections, and is exactly what's been put in some of the vaccines.

During a previous channelling with the galactic federation they said that "the vaxx system" is what appears as bluetooth on our devices, but that is a side effect. It's not bluetooth, it uses a technology which is still unknown to humans.

After this I did nothing in particular aside from trying to remove the vaxx system as I saw it on the astral using galfed technology which they shared. It was partially successful and triggered a number of events.
However I later established a contact with the aliens themselves, after they kept attacking me and I found a really effective way to mitigate their influence. They're acting as a hivemind themselves and don't seem to notice their own kind dying even, but if they lose contact with a large area they will pick up on that. In that regard they're like the Borg in Star Trek.
To find a way around me they sent two of their kind over to me to stay with me on my astral HQ and negotiate a solution. Basically they agreed to my terms because once we talked about it, I don't really disagree with what they do in principle, I just don't like the execution of their plans on the methodology level.

Since then these two have stayed with me, and they will do as I say and turn off the vaxx system in people I meet, after I explained that I get physical reactions to it. This is not made up, when I meet vaxxed people, including family members I get ill. First time when someone came home after getting the 2nd jab, that night I got sudden strong stomach cramps, I had never experienced something of the kind before. I couldn't go to bed until 4 am, was just rolling around on the sofa holding a pillow against my stomach. It was clearly an effect of fall out from the vaccine, someone I know who's a medical student confirmed that this is a thing.
New claim circulating: the recently spreading "monkeypox" is actually AIDS caused by the covid vaccines.

I asked Yuuka and got the reply "That's it."

Book of revelations:
> So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The covid vaxxpass has been widely interpreted as the mark of the beast, because those without it are not allowed to trade, which matches the description. This monkeypox fits too well here...

Further speculation; it's been said that covid infects people because of parasites, which is why ivermectin is supposed to work (now actually suggested by the medical industry for treating covid). It was also said that homos have more parasites than others and that maybe parasites are what causes homosexuality.

Now monkeypox is said to mostly have infected gays(men). If it's actually just a covid vaccine effect (because covid is actually AIDS according to Montagnier, the researcher who got the Nobel prize for discovering AIDS) it makes some sense that it would effects gays more, based on them having more parasites.
> I asked Yuuka and got the reply "That's it."
You’d expect a ton more cases if that was it. So far it looks like it’s another pathetic attempt to scare boomers into crashing the collective unconscious. The ones pulling the strings are either very desperate or very stupid because they don’t seem to realize this won’t work ever again. We’re playing by different rules now.
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I don't think there's any one plan behind this, and not behind this event in particular. "Monkeypox" may very well be both a covid and a covid vaccine side effect, but that doesn't mean it will happen to everyone. At least not right now. 

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome so it pretty much describes what the covid vaxx has been causing. I heard a doctor on state radio say
> it's time for a 4th dose, most people have no immune defence left by now
they're openly admitting that they caused AIDS, but still haughtily suggest that people take more of the same poison.

> pic related
Stupidity, selfishness and greed is behind this all.
> most people have no immune defense right now
That’s a reference to covid antibodies. And that’s also not true. Either by direct contact with the virus or with the vaccine, our immune system remembers. And the virus is basically weak and mostly gone anyway. 
It’s time to stop even thinking about any of this for a second. Let’s focus on building a new world and let the old one burn with any fools that decide to remain in it (in their minds). Are you coming anon?
> devil is more concerned
with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them
Fucking poetry right there.
There was something I had to do. It's all karmic reflections in our own minds, but real to us just the same and necessary to deal with properly. There was a possibility that something would manage to escape out there and come back to try and pry its way in again later. I want to make sure that doesn't happen.
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Bill Gates is a martian btw, you can see it very clearly lately, his energy is very easy to read, but you can also tell by his body language.

Died Suddenly

If you have any interest in the covid stuff, I can highly recommend this documentary. It's mostly interviews with embalmers and some pretty graphic footage from their workplaces. I don't normally feel much from seeing dead or cut up bodies, but this one did effect me. Not because of the bodies, but because of what they find inside them.

If you want to see what the "clots" are that people are dying from, you need to watch this.
I’ve seen this around for a while. One thing I don’t understand is why this is on Twitter if it is so damning.
I have been playing with the idea that the Chinese Communist Party might have planned the whole COVID and the vaccine fallout as a way to completely destroy Western public trust in its institutions (who deserved little trust to begin with). COVID would be a combination of natural metaphysical forces and a Chinese bioweapon with the collaboration of Western actors who stand to benefit, the vaccine a way to damage and weaken the population while racking in enormous profits, and the anti vaccine narratives controlled opposition with the main objective of plunging Western institutions into total disrepute and to demoralize the population. 
The result is very dammingly empowering for the CCP.
Apparently, a number of the deaths that are attributed to the vaccine in the film were completely unrelated (accidents, unvaccinated people or prior to 2020). This is the same strategy they used to amp up the fear by attributing every kind of unrelated death to COVID.
You see how they used the plandemic to spread fear, they used the vaccine to spread fear, and they polarized people into two camps so that they would blame each other for what they did.
> One thing I don’t understand is why this is on Twitter if it is so damning.
Musk took over, that is the reason. He's a free speech extremist, that's all.
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Truth is in 2020 I wanted Biden "win". Not because I supported him but what the leftist and globohomo NGO's did was ridiculous and wanted to see how they will "solve" the shit they caused. Trump murdered millions because he didn't close up the entire country and enacted martial law on day 1. Covid is the deadliest disease in history but you are immune if you go to a BLM protest. Every leftist was an anti vaxer back then because Trump started the warp speed and I WILL NOT TAKE THE TRUMP VACCINE NO MATTER WHAT. And ofc we had a cure on the day Biden got sworn into the white house. Then the OMG DON'T WEAR MASKS POOR PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS WILL DIE COZ U WEARING ONE then OMG U KILL US IF YOU DON'T WEAR MASKS INDOORS. BLM burning down cities was "liberating" while Jan 6 was a terrorist act.
After this I wanted to see how the media will spin things if a demented corpse rules the country.
We are in the greatest recession and I cannot imagine how a journalist can still live and do his job without a daily mental breakdown. The media not just reached satire levels but went beyond it.
Oh and I almost forgot how Democrats were always the anti-war and pacifist party. But then again even they want to cut america in half now.

Currently I am unable to imagine Trump not winning. Democrats managed to not find a single likable candidate so far. It's a joke. At least getting a double that can pretend to be a dementia patient is not hard. Wonder if this is what is the "current play".

also today I just heard that 
> Doctors warn of three new red flag Covid symptoms caused by Eris strain of virus
> Eris is thought to cause symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and headache.
> symptoms of shortness of breath, loss of smell and fever are no longer likely.

AND THEY NAMED THIS ERIS??? This is an insult.

Oh but no worries we have already a VAX against it. Wonder just how many will take it. Even this year people just stopped giving a shit and even the media said how vials of the vaxx had to be thrown out because it expired.

Unbelievable. This year covid was absent because of Ukraine. Guess these retards will really need a civil war to stfu.

clownworld my ass... clowns at least try to be funny.

I don't want them to go to hell I want them to be erased. 

At least Twitter or SITE X is not on their side now. Tho I trust Musk as much I trust a silent fart.
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As an astral force of pestilence and death I was deeply disappointed in this "covid" mishap. 

The Spanish flu killed 36 million, more than twice the casualties of WW1, which still had some exciting trench battles, despite the low death rate. Did you know that only 14% of the soldiers who took part were killed?

Hardly a war in my book. In the 30 year war, 50% of participants died in some battles. Modern weapons my ass.

We're never going to reach the magic 500 million world wide population at this rate. You hear that NWO-tards? You suck at killing people! Are you even trying? Fucking incompetent blood-slurping IQ69s. 

Anyone with an IQ below 80 will only cause harm to the organization they are working for. This is what your own military has concluded. Well good job, soon your entire "nation" will work against itself based on mere lack of intelligence.
> This is what your own military has concluded
I really liked that statistic where more people died from veteran suicides than in Iraq and Afghanistan
No wonder no one wants to join the military nowadays.
I'm on board.
Don't know if this is connected or not but my right eye has been twitching and watering like crazy ever since I read this post. Usually I'd keep superficial energetic phenomena like this to myself but this is so overt and pronounced I thought I should say something.
The new virus X, or rather W for Wendy, will target the kind of DNA which supports western liberal democracy and all of its evils. It will emerge from mutations of already known viruses and it will spread in many different versions at once, making it impossible to create any singular vaxx for it, even if one had been prepared. Because illnesses are imprinted on karma (negative low level energy) it will only be really  harmful for those with this kind of energy strongly ingrained in their mind and body. It will be lethal for strong believers in liberalism, while those with normal grade pollution from media consumption will recover and become immune, both to the virus and to the ideology. 

It will not be possible to be a retarded elite and vaxx yourself to share karma with the zombie population this time. The virus will either kill you or make you physically demented. Renouncing your evil ways and cleansing your mind of evil practices on the other hand, can save you.

So if you belong to the globohomos, you have now been told how to survive. The choice is your own.
> Anyone with an IQ below 80 will only cause harm to the organization they are working for.

Arrogance and hubris runs deep alongside the corrupt. Censorship of it doesn't change that simple reality.

> Well good job, soon your entire "nation" will work against itself based on mere lack of intelligence.

Already happening en mass. The fallout will be massive defection and balkanization by the end of this decade, along with the calamity of economic collapse. Refer to history of the USSR. Something similar but much much more chaotic.

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