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> glifo is glyph in spanish 
You learn something new everyday

Can you even be not in a masonic organization in the USA? I am sure the masons think they build the whole place and everyone owes them for it. 

Even McDonalds is a masonic organization. No wonder they left Russia.
Heh, can you not be in a masonic organization anywhere? This here for example
is the "anti alcohol and drugs" section of "the international order of good templars". But can you easily make out what they are from this website? Yet they seem to have branches everywhere. And this is just an insignificant organization in the greater scale.
> no mention of my country 
 My country kicked out the crusaders once. They were supposedly just "passing through" but they started to loot every village and town on the way so the king rallied the army and they were told to btfo. Forgot which failed crusade that was. 

> Good templars 
How is that joke again. 
> We are named the GOOD GUYS so we can only do good?

silly NGOs

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