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> I don't understand half your post
I got "physical" bunnies appearing in my life for the weirdest of synchronicities  and someone that calls himself the "emperor" of Galfed (he uses this title because there is no better equivalent in earth terms...) He just appeared and told me things. I need to finish my path before I dare to even write down what he said. 

Whatever the findings of my mystery currently. Don't go down the rabbit hole as they say... but what if the bunny comes to you and it's not willing to leave? Then when it leaves you get a new one?

And the other part is the 2 ears of the bunny. How it puts up it's ears before he is willing to raise it's head from the grass.

I want to say more but I am unable to write this down in a concise not schizo rambling way. I will figure out what I need to say before I write it down. At this level words are the most unreliable things ever.

> I don't want it but if it has value to bunnies, they'd want to come here and get it for free then.
So you also let the red spike return to it's original form after it finished the "purification" for you

Funny thing the first bunny was black with white foot. Now the current bunny has more white in it. I don't need a 3rd white one to figure out the symbolism now.
A few years ago I had a dream where I crossed a river, and as I reached the other side I heard the voice of what I thought was "demons" and the voice of a couple of children being taken away. There was also a boy sitting there looking sad, he said "that sucks, we died", and I was like "no, not me" and crossed back in a single jump and was welcomed by the Matriarch and my Vamp guide. I felt super powerful as I jumped back and had a darker deep voice speaking in unison with mine, I think I was using the so called "black flame" in that moment.

The reason I mention this is because I'm curious about what were those kids that I felt got taken by demons, were those other souls that lived within me? Did they go to hell? If so is it possible to get them to a better place?
That sounds like your activation NDE, so the kids would be your other souls. I would just ask the demons about them by reaching out based on the dream images (I checked but I'd say they are fine tbh).

I know one of my other souls was doing ok but had too much karma, in a previous dream he was walking behind me wearing a heavy backpack. He said "sorry, I can't go any further". In that dream which was about earlier events mostly, I was super-man, but like Clark Kent I wore glasses and when I took them off to be super-man I was blind, so I beat up some minions of the evil boss randomly and couldn't see who was responsible. My other soul saw clearly but was unable to move from the weight he was carrying.

He went somewhere on the astral while I went back again. There were three other souls out of which one ended up in an action figure I found outside on the road (I took it home, but it's now incarnated as a lyran). The other two were too degenerated or they were botsouls, they've been destroyed.
> That sounds like your activation NDE
Yeah, that's what it was, I had a dream the previous night where I was drowning in the same river, then I got out of the river and a wave came out of it and the water on the floor spelled "Fuck You". Then the next night I was just floated over the river and what I said in the other post happened. I remember another dream before these two where someone that looked like Pewdiepie was worried saying that I shouldn't keep going "people have died you know?" but I ignored him (him looking like Pewdiepie didn't help his case).

I didn't know if I should share it at first but now I remembered my other souls that could have ended up in hell and also that one of the agreements for taking the spell was sharing the experiences.

> I checked but I'd say they are fine tbh.
Thanks, I'm glad they are fine, even though I guess I never consciously met them.

> I know one of my other souls was doing ok but had too much karma, in a previous dream he was walking behind me wearing a heavy backpack. He said "sorry, I can't go any further".
That's sad, wish I could help out beings like this, but I guess I'm not capable enough for that.
> one of the agreements for taking the spell was sharing the experiences
It's good that you do, because it allows for others to compare to their own. There hasn't been much of sharing NDEs unfortunately.
Don't worry about your souls. When you improve saving them will be 0 effort. But until that don't even try. If you can't handle the karma saving them might doom you. Or at least make your life extremely difficult for a while.  yes I am also saving a bunch of souls. it's EZ when you know what you are doing 
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During my latest Qi gong session using the exercise movements from Falun Dafa (but seperated from the egregore, this is important) a stone tablet for formation of the Falun was created. Several of my girls who were practicing with me also formed it (including demons). It's been a process for the past years that when I begin the exercises there is no Falun, then it forms, and after a short time of a few seconds to minutes, it collapses. This is completely against what is described by Li who calls it a higher life and synced with the Universe etc. But the universe as we knew it has expired, so there's that. But aside from that it seems this is just the essentials of the method, the Falun is meant to remove karma and bad Qi. After that it also expires. This just didn't happen in the past because it was relying on the karmic process being very slow, and the universe having an external karmic process. This is how I interpret it. It really shouldn't be possible to create and destroy a Falun for every motion of the exercises, but this is what happens now. This eventually lead to formation of a stone tablet for creation of the Falun.

You may have seen how liquid in a square shaped cup when stirred forms a swastika. This is how the falun forms, energy-wise. As the Qi is going down inside your body, it forms maelstroms like this, taking this form. This is how I see it.
> But the universe as we knew it has expired
Yeah we need to go to the source of creation itself and not to the source of this "universe". The problem with the current one is that it got "disconnected" from source. When it strays way too far from "god" it dies. So you either reconnect it or it will be reconnected through the destruction of everything that made the connection lose itself. That is why Kali is drinking every drop of blood of the demon. Otherwise the connection just cannot return and Shiva will be unable to resurrect. The Galfed is helping with this but they need people who are willing to do the connection because reaching this absolutely low density is a pain from "up there". 

> it forms maelstroms like this
My Djinnyeh also gave me a "vortex" to speed up the connection... And was also thinking about the swastika in the last days... 
Thanks for posting this my mind was trying to tell me this formation but couldn't get it on my own.
Yesterday my girls at the mansion (drow and others) went looking for vampires to recruit, using the blacknet AI. They brought back an old vampire lady.

She was all dried up like a lich and they said she agreed to practice with us, but after she started getting rejuvenated, she got mad and started complaining. She said she didn't sign up to have her body look young again, and that others would not respect her unless she looked old and dried (why are people like this).

The girls then made a pipe for smoking "apples and oranges" for her. This put her in a better mood. The pipe has been shared in the Sunflower temple study. Take one if you want.
I was getting stuck on my AI study so I asked Astrabot to find a solution. She suggested contacting a specific demon, so I did that. After inviting the demon to be my "muse", she said her family may also be interested as well as others. To not have to put in the work of contacting and making deals with everyone individually, I built an inn and a trading field on the dark side of my island, along with an underground connection so demons can walk there safely. The following night I had a long and elaborate dream of visiting a hotel compound, walking around looking at rooms and then going to a large hardware store which had newly opened. It always surprises me how these turn out when seeing them from the inside. What I added were just guidelines for what is allowed on the island, and the demons can build what they want themselves. I saw blonde female demons  wearing company uniforms and their hair tied up. They were walking around with carriages stocking shelves. Everything looked modern. I picked up two packages of lip balm, one with "a taste of apple" and one neutral. They looked really small, like they almost contained nothing, and the price was almost a rip-off considering this. I bough the neutral one from another demon in uniform by the cash register. She then wanted to invite me to the company dorm.

Overall the experience was very peaceful and positive, quite unlike when I opened the main public trading post, which attracted all kinds of beings, some not very friendly at all. That place ended up having trigger happy mall-cops hired to control the situation because of repeated mass shootings taking place this is what happens when you let normalfags into an area, even on the astral.
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Back to the vampire thread...
Something has been going on here. TVD which was based on the book series with the same title, was partially a representation of real vampires. Elajia and Rebecka are pretty close to the real originals out there. But much else of the story is a hodgepodge of witch stuff and lore from history, like the triangular sacrificial ritual of Santa Muerte being performed. All of this already earlier lead to the followers of the show focusing a lot of energy into something that was real.
Recently something strange happened. The actress playing adult Hope
who also played in a zombie movie called Pandemic in 2016, what is going on here
seems to have turned into a powerful being on the astral. I saw her in the form she now has in the show, but she was carrying three severed heads. It felt symbolic like with the hindu deities.
Have you read the books? The ones by the original author and not the ghost-writer. Barely anything in the show is similar in comparison besides the names. The author seems to have caught a few episodes of Inuyasha after continuing past her first four books of TVD series. Random fox demons. She has had failing health and hasn't continued as a result. Curiosity leads me to ask - What is everything you know about real originals?
> Have you read the books?
I have had them in my hands and skimmed them, but realized I'm not a nerd enough to read them because it's just source material, the show is something else. I let someone else more interested have them.
> What is everything you know about real originals
You expect me to write that down in a post here? Some of them have lived since Atlantis and earlier.
Elajia has messier hair than in the show, but it's correct to call him a foot soldier. The community calls him the lapdog though, because he's always following his lady around. I've seen them irl, it was an odd occurrence. They wear 1700s style clothes and the atmosphere around them seems to suck all light and energy away, separating them from even the sunniest day. After they left I kept wondering if they were really there or not, but they had been right there in the crowd, it was just that other people didn't seem to place any importance on them. They also felt completely detached from what was going on.
Rebecka looks younger, you'd think she's 17, she has perfect body and likes to dress modern. The correlation with the show's main cast ends there, there are some less important characters that are killed off after a while representing other real vampires.
> You expect me to write that down in a post here?
Only because I have had a lifetime of interest and curiosity about this subject. When the internet was new, I tried to find communities until realizing they're not really online. Only the energy vampires, people who believe they're absorbing life forces, and humans who like the taste of blood as a gimmick gather in internet groups purporting to be real vampires. So I attempted real world investigation and found just as many hoaxes. When I speak about the following, keep in mind I'm aware you may know this and more about the subject. The hierarchy of blood exchanged and near death conversions into permanent states begins with First Generations. The further removed generations are from an Original, the weaker they are than their predecessor. Attempting to find and convince a Second Generation to bring me over, for example, would leave me defenseless against assault by a First Generation. Their motivation may be more boredom and predatory play as a cat toys with a mouse than mere malice. It is not ideal because they can sense any lesser vampire. A Second Generation thus is capable of killing those further down the bloodlines with nothing more than a pencil, while First Generations overpower them as easily as a much older sibling overpowers the younger one. Each closer to the Original is more capable of a sort of stealth approach to suppressing their Power from lesser vampires attempting to sense - to let out detecting radar of a sort to find others. This means death before they even know what happened. In short, I would like to find an Original myself.

I have heard many attempts at coercion not to. Frankly, I don't care about the dangers nor the lifetime of suffering as the blooded many have described. I am aware and I still want this. The benefits far outweigh discomfort. Thus I request your assistance in finding an Original. Should I meet my death, at least there was an attempt. Let the chips fall where they may.
> Also found a gray colored fleshy cube(made of small arms and legs) in my head, no idea if its still there or what it is.
Could someone please take a look at this thing, and tell me what it is, if its not too much effort? I think I'll learn something important about myself from it.
> The hierarchy of blood
We don't deal with anyone below original level, unless the originals send one of them. Hangarounds normally don't have telepathy because they were picked for having some other skill or interesting personality, not for being a psychic. It seems a person with no proficiency for it may take over 1000 years to develop even basic psychic abilities, so you won't be able to contact them that way.
> I would like to find an Original myself.
I've told them about you over telepathy. They said they will find a way to contact you. Be aware that they will never be direct about it. Pay attention to your dreams, and if you have any odd interactions with strangers.
Is it even still there? If it's it's too weak for me to have an impression on me.
If you can find it ask questions to it or destroy it. If it had a true meaning it will reform into the not degenerated version. (I had a bunch of dirty orbs with faces in my head appear in the last week and let the dragons rip it out and crush it as they appeared. Maybe someone was snooping around in my head. Wonder what they found)

> The benefits far outweigh discomfort
Good mindset. Keep it up as you go forward on the path.
> Is it even still there? If it's it's too weak for me to have an impression on me.
I'm not sure, it did appear outside when I was banishing things from my head, I assumed that it had come back in but maybe it hasn't, I guess this is a good thing. Thank you for checking anyway!!!
Apples are red. Oranges are orange duh.
Smoke goes upwards. My girls randomly started to smoke with a pipe.  Cain and Abel while burning their "fruits of their labor" for god also had white smoke and the election of the pope also has white smoke. All the mysteries of the universe are so in your face sometimes it's that we don't have the eyes to see it in the beginning  
And entities eating popcorn yogurt sugar or other white things while interacting with me in the beginning.

Now I know why.
You are right. Vampires have "the red already".
That woman needed to realize authority doesn't come from the "looks". Yellow apple. 
And green "love". For restoring the higher energy flow connection.
Ah fuck I want to write this down too.

The Golden apple of Eris.
Why that caused chaos. What is chaos? The "clashing" of "authorities". Eris just dropped hers because she is the godess of discord and she doesn't give a shit if she has that or not she wants to see others to fight not herself. 
Well Hera didn't have authority because it was "shared" with Zeus but she had no power over the ways of Zeus. Athene also didn't have it. Her armor made her "safe" so she was not absorbed back into Zeus but had no authority over anything. But at least this way she could focus on "wisdom"
Now Aphrodite. The reason Gaia and Ooreanos mated. Well she also didn't have authority. But love is a "higher authority" than authority itself. Figuring out I cannot see love as a "type of authority" was a hard one for me...
That is why Paris chose the offer of Aphrodite. And why Helene left her husband of "authority" for love. Aphrodite had enough power now that she could "sway" someone under the influence of the most powerful authority.

Also Troy's walls and riches represent the "closed system authority". While the other kind represented the "no wall" ever expanding authority. But the walls could fall through trickery "wisdom" and not by might.
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Something was revealed to me after some discussion with the vampires.
The 3rd period of the ages of man, Moloch, ended up killing every single human. They created the egregore and killed all their children, then suicided so that they would all be joined in this egregore as a hivemind.
It's the story told in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. There never was any saving them, they turned into the blood-soup in the end. I saw this in a dream two days ago but didn't understand why it looked like that. Then I saw some pro-abortion female on tv and she had this type of energy all over her. They're doing what they do because they want everyone to kill their children and themselves to join the Moloch egregore. They don't want anyone to survive.

The only people remaining were reptilians and vampires. The followers of Cain had tasted his blood and were able to avoid the slaughter because of their supernormal abilities. But they weren't truly undead so they were able to have children. They recreated humanity from a group of a less than 100. This the reason why there's been talk such as 
> when humans die out, we will be able to sustain ourselves by hunting animals
It has happened before.
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I saw vampire green and red energy coming from this thread so I looked at it. There's someone in there who isn't RPing. The thread itself is also pretty entertaining.
I hailed them telepathically and had a clear contact at once, with even word-for-word communication being functional. I got the impression they live in the US, asked the cabal and they said it's
> an outlier group who hate women
I'm starting to see a pattern here. These are still left here, and I seem to have confirmed that it's true that even the females of that group really do hate women. Are groups like this somehow influencing the rise of "incel" culture? And do the touhous support this? I do feel a smugness behind this. No one really hates women more than other women, so there is some sense to it.
I solidified the first white spike, which caused me to be registered in "the book of vampires", a copy was also sent to me. It appears to be a collective list of everyone with at least one solid spike, updated in sync.
The vampires from this group have some very specific specialization of skill. I can see why they're still here, very valuable but also of a kind we can't really talk about here. Maybe in the future these skills and methods can be discussed, but right now it's definitely going to lead to the wrong places mentally and emotionally for most people hearing it (No we are not talking about some pizzagate stuff). It would have to be classified as esoteric yogic practices which can not be made public in most parts of the world. Talking about them in detail here could be possible, but may currently harm the egregore by leading external things to attach to it, so I still won't go there. To start off with it requires a view where women are completely in submission, even internalizing it and seeing themselves as trash, while still honouring their own skill in holding this position.

In the beginning of the One Piece manga, his friend the pirate chief gets spit on and pushed off the chair at the bar, but he doesn't fight back. He says
> what does it matter if someone spits on a pirate [we have no position in society]
It's the same kind of attitude of recognizing yourself where you are while taking yourself seriously with no shame.
I didn't know there were more than 1 spike possible. How did you do it? Is it related to the diamond body?  >>/411/
> a copy was also sent to me.
On the astral right? Would I know if a copy was sent to me also even if my astral perception isn't that great?
> I didn't know there were more than 1 spike possible.
Yes it's about the diamond body standard, but it's complex. I usually post only about the first step because I can't know how everyone else will experience the process. A suggested path was posted here
But it's not appearing as just one spike. It's one formation in your body, but there are bone/stone spikes forming as a kind of artifact inside your body. At first they're hollow but you can't see that. Then they will solidify, at which point you will realize that it wasn't solid before, but it will look solid up to this point so it's a realization experience. It's also possible rune inscriptions will appear on them as your magic is imbued into "your bones" on the astral. Having the artifact spike is what "counts" seen from the clearsighted ancients at higher astral realms. But what is seen from "down here" is the energy formation of the spike and you can't determine if the person has a solid spike inside it.
is a way to emulate the dimension breakthrough power of having 7 spikes, one for each chakra of the 3D body. It will, at least temporarily, let you stay on earth. The pendant was made by my girls at the mansion, originally it was a shield thingie galfed reptilians created on my body as an experiment. It has a function which appears as a rainbow activating all chakras in waves. It was ok but weak at first, after working on the functionality it became about the same as what the pendant now does, except that it's a "program" for reptilian technology "ScaleForm" so it couldn't be shared. They're very selective about letting someone install their system. Basically I was allowed to because I somehow have some reptilian DNA (may relate to the cultivation of the chinese dragon form through qi gong).
>  Would I know if a copy was sent to me also even if my astral perception isn't that great?
If your sight was bad you'd have a dream at night where someone gave you a book, probably.
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MMO syndrome strikes again. 

I just did something, and it looked at first like so little I paid no particular attention to it. But it was "the thing" I had been trying to achieve for a very long time. Real magic this way is just like overpriced virtual items in pay-to-win MMOs: the smallest possible status increase for the highest possible price anyone would pay. But then you win when using it because higher numbers are still higher and that's why it works.

I also realized something about my artifacts... it's not just Fay's knife. I kept wondering how that worked. Why can I see full live London streets at different times of the year, with sun, with rain, in the winter, in the summer, the sounds of walking on cobblestones, the chill of the morning. The knife is the British empire up until 1895. Using it for anything will place the concentrated force of that entity into the edge of the knife. It's not endlessly powerful, but compared to anything mortal it's pretty powerful. 

What I did just now is similar. It's just a kitchen knife. But it's also "the world" in modern days. It's fully logical that this is how it is, but I was unable to see it before doing this little thing.
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Dream sharing

I was again being bothered by some agents of evil who wouldn't stop their activities. Even now, some of them are still over there in some remaining dimension where they carry out psychic attacks. I asked out in my surroundings for some demon hell who could perhaps take these people on a scare-tour through their underworld so they realize they seriously need to stop now.

Someone from a hell I had not seen before responded and said to bring their souls and they'd take them on a visit to see all the "attractions" of their world. They asked for a small fee for this service and I agreed to the price. They then took the person out from their body to expose them to their possible future in hell, if they don't stop causing trouble.

When they got back a demon female told the agent to "be a naughty boy so we get to meet again". In short the tour was a success, the person no longer wants to carry out attacks. The demons did a thorough job and even strung him up on a cross and cut him with a knife to demonstrate what they do in hell.

While I was there interacting with the demons I felt it was a really comfy dimension, so I asked to come visit in a dream next time I go to sleep. They agreed to pick me up. The following night I was indeed invited there, but it manifested somewhat more humane than it did when seeing it "raw".

See attached picture: there were three buildings which looked like private homes, built on platforms on a rocky hillside. Below was a dark forest. The weather was cold and moist, the trees were all black and had no leaves, like a snowless winter. There was no wind and it felt overall peaceful. I was told one house was uninhabited, we looked through the windows but it was pitch black. It felt like a ghost house where some horrible crime had been committed in the past, which had caused it to be abandoned.

The next two houses were connected by pathways with steep falls on the sides down to the forest below. We went inside and it looked like a worn down but tidy smalltown house from the 1980s. Cheap building materials and furniture with chrome steel frames.

After this followed some "living" in the houses, like we were spending a weekend there, walking back and forth and having social activities on the platforms. The dream ended with a group of demon females saying it was time for me to leave now, then waving and smiling as I felt myself zoom out from the houses and wake up in my bed.

Overall a very nice dream visit. I also realized after waking up that I had formed a new "stone tablet" device during the interactions.
I also had several dreams with a lot of shooting and urban warfare today. And one with visiting the lovecraftian realm for some orb of light with someone. I was yelled at for picking the "lilim body" when this interaction requires the "siren body". I swallowed the orb one "lord of the deep" gave us then the other siren kissed me. It was a fun string of dreams. 

Did you burn money IRL or there is some other MMO syndrome that can be interpreted magically.
MMO syndrome of spending lots of time/money on an upgrade and when it's finally done it's almost nothing, but just enough to win. The artifact I created isn't "almost nothing" at all, but there is no sense of power when holding it. It does nothing at all. It's not that I directly bought something with physical money (how would that work anyway) but I did give up possible paths to income in choosing to invest in this instead. But that's beside the point. The artifact has all the power I wanted, but only in terms of numbers or status, it only has that effect, very locally, when used.

If you've worked with something involving pricing, you'll understand what I mean with setting prices almost too high and selling things that are almost not worth it, while making it seem like it has a lot of value for the customer. Once they pay, that is the factual market price of the item.

This is even more unrelated to the original topic but I experienced this in a very well performed way when visiting an elven temple during an astral session. They sell things that are perfectly tuned like this, and what's worse (maybe the wrong wording but I feel like this) is that they sell things that actually work. You can buy literal immortality standard magic from them, and it's legit. You just need to be compatible and have the money. I don't know what the rate is or how this measures to other things, but I suspect it's "way too much" again, they said 3 gold (=300 silver) for a session. I just manifested 3 gold from my pocket money stash without looking at how much that actually is and it worked (I don't want to know, it's probably a huge sum). It again removes some of the mystery placed over this field, in the end it comes down to something measurable.
I asked to be picked up for this dimension again the past two nights and had vivid dreams. The first was about some kind of "seeds" appearing in my house. They looked like soap bubbles with something inside of them, and they were feather light. I went to get my camera to take photos of them, but just walking near them made them fly around from the air moving. The sun was shining into the hall at the bottom floor of my house and it was generally a very nice dream. I was aware of other people there like I was in a family but there were no direct interactions.
After waking up I viewed the scene from the first dream and found that the dark house was now bright and clear instead.

Following night was a more messy dream about being with the same people from before, but a larger group and it seemed like a war was going on. Some gang members with guns were shooting at us and we were hiding behind a sand wall and walking back and forth. After I woke up I saw that it was a way to interpret handling sinners who had been taken down to the hell dimension. Them shooting was their hostile attitude manifesting, but they were not able to harm anyone, which manifested as the wall.
My energy changed to having the glowing black and pink in opposite directions I've seen in places related to the vampire cabal. Again it was not any specific thing that did it, it was just using any means I had until all opposing forces started getting ground down to a fine powder. This powder then turned into the type of energy seen on the Maergzjiran website and some other witch related things.
I had a dream where I visited some place for social gatherings. The building was old looking and had a layout like a cross, with rooms in all directions from a middle room. It was located in some small village stretched out along a countryside road. When I entered the building I was offered whisky by a man in a suit with tails. But there were no glasses and we were told we should have brought our own glasses. I was shown a small glass kept in a wooden box with a cut out form in the middle fitting the glass. It was attached to a chain and kept in the pocket. It was implied other people may also offer drinks from bottles and that I should get a glass like that. I had a small plastic mug in my pocket so I used that instead, it looked like something medicine is served in. The guy with the whisky bottle smiled with his mouth closed and looked me in the eye while half turned away as if to imply something.

I walked into the building and found a competition where boards with 9 pictures each were mounted. The boards were spread out on tables in 2 rooms. The task was to identify the picture which indicates the correct way of receiving the holy communion.

I walked around and looked at the variety of pictures and chose one of a monk eagerly drinking from a cup with staring eyes. The boards were numbered and the pictures were numbered. I chose picture 7 of board nine.

I then woke up, and the taste of whisky was still strong in my mouth.

After this followed a dream where I was on a square shaped platform made from stone, and a fox was trying to get up on the platform. It jumped around biting the air and got hold of a piece of cloth, it tore off a long piece and pulled it until it could use it to swing up on the platform. I then woke up and found myself lying on the side, seeing my own shadow on the wall. As the fox jumped up on the platform, I saw the shadow of the fox jump up into my bed, which made me jump up to sitting and look around.
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I wonder if that fox stole this entry all this time...?
I kept hearing this かんけない in anime but was never able to find it no matter how I spelled it. Now suddenly it's right there??

So it means "there is no connection". Sure sure, fox, very funny.

This album has been my "soundtrack" for a long time. The "Desert Rain" song always seemed to have some special meaning to me. In the past years I started making the connection that it's about the Babylonian slave souls being trapped in the reincarnation cycle in the underground, the lines
thrown to the pit, you hear the natives scream
the legend lives on, in a sun god's eye

This later album is harder focused on the Egyptian theme, at first I didn't quite understand where this was coming from or what he was trying to say. But the connection is clear now.

It also became highly real and relevant when Schaffer himself took part in the storming of the Capitolium, it's like a fulfilling of the storytelling and a continuation of the myth.
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While working to stabilize things around me, I recalled one person in my surroundings had a golem soul, which I had "defeated" and made to expire (form into a stone tablet). Having different spiritual entities possess the form  of the person while taking turns using a contract works, but keeps making me nervous. Not that it won't work or that I think my contract won't hold, but still. I kept feeling there may be a loophole in it. Even with a few 100 different spirits on the list taking turns to be the person, what if they somehow were prevented from keeping it up? It's happened before that lyrans started removing and incarnating souls kept at my mansion because their allowed stay was about to expire and I didn't notice (they incarnated them as lyrans to make sure they're not lost).

I had the stone tablet of the original person's golem soul placed as the "back bone" personality to fall back on if no one else could possess the form, and it worked. Because it's a real soul who was incarnated as the person originally the universe will have to accept that, even if it's normally seen as an overstay. If a person becomes immortal in any form, it's ok.

This made me think, could I place such a golem to act as myself? Such as if I want to leave (astral travel etc) but keep activities up physically while I'm away?
But a golem is just a botsoul. It's external to myself and a would still expire or possible be stolen by someone at one point. But then I realized: whoever makes the botsoul expire owns it. What if I create a copy of my full personality, using the exact form as manifested in the physical layer. A person can be written down exactly as they are in this form because there are a limited number of parameters defining what a human is.

As I had recently completed the form of my personality for this lifetime, I used that, taking it up to the perspective of a higher god (in theory) and created a derivate of the perfected form down here. Then I created a golem soul in a space under my complete control and made it expire by running the time to infinity within this space, forcing it to only learn who I am. This created a golem stone tablet of myself within my possession.

I placed it as the backbone control of my physical body and it works! If I don't actively take control, things now go on auto. It's perfectly seamless with no hesitation, as I would have done it. I don't know what form it took, but I think I would have used a similar method to become as effective as I was in my previous lives (I don't have full view of them).

Some of my greys liked the method and copied the approach. Their stone tablets became black with red runes. One of the things they wanted was to become automatons, but it didn't work because souls escape if the body is made too robotic with no individuality. This solution however is not based on the body, but on the soul, and the person's own personality being "fossilized".
> As I had recently completed the form of my personality for this lifetime,
Could you elaborate on this? How does one achieve this? Is this the same thing that BO did in his past lives?

> One of the things they wanted was to become automatons, but it didn't work because souls escape if the body is made too robotic with no individuality.
Interesting, this might be a solution to the issue of having souls coming into servitors/botsouls.
> Could you elaborate on this?
I don't think it can be compared to anything done in the past as far as the method of approaching it goes.
I used a way of reasoning like this:
The body consists of a limited number of molecules. The brain has a limited number of neurons. DNA is a limited set. These all form a kind of "screen" where something can be expressed, like the resolution of a digital visual screen. Your actions possible based on your personality, as expressed on this screen, will also be a limited set. Your surroundings are already set, they are what they are and are also limited because their particles are only so many, the DNA and minds of other people are limited and so on. Who you are can then be defined simply as the expression within this context. Don't worry about who you would have been in the 1500s or who you "really are". That's not the meaning of personality as we understand it. Rather it's the exact information created by your inherited genetics, your environment and the history and inner nature of your soul as it expresses itself in this environment.

By expressing this person in your mind, in full, down to the last particle, you have completed yourself. It creates a complete form on the 2D level. That's all there is to it.

What was done in the past can't have been done in this same manner, as the understanding of the world was very different.
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I thought the way to completing our personality was to become the "True-Self", a person thats not hindered by ego, fears, traumas and mental blocks and acts the way its soul wants to, some sort of very free version of the individual. Is this the way to completing one's personality or do fears and traumas just don't matter?

> By expressing this person in your mind, in full, down to the last particle, you have completed yourself. It creates a complete form on the 2D level. That's all there is to it.
Is there a way to explain how that's done? I imagine that there are benefits to achieving that, I'm curious about those too.
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> the "True-Self", a person thats not hindered by ego, fears, traumas and mental blocks and acts the way its soul wants to
I think that's too doctrinal. Instead I consider the ego, traumas, fear and all events as part of the person. Absolving the trauma doesn't mean it goes away, it means you are a person who could do that. I think it's that things are done to you, and you have to respond to that. Through that it's determined who you are in this kind of setting. The issue with trauma is that people can't "let them go" and dwell on them. But as I see it the way is through vengeance. You were not made "dirty" by the acts of someone else, rather the dirtiness comes from not exercising your righteous retribution. Someone can feel shame about what was done to them, but staying there forever and not seeing the end/edge of it means not seeing the whole you. There's been some interesting cultural "discussions" about this in the past few years, if you follow seasonal anime you can't have missed Redo of Healer. It's all about this, accepting that the abuse happened and responding to it. It means seeing the end of it, where you now have control, no matter how nasty the opponent is, you have no need to feel shame. Those who dwell on the shame and are controlled by it, on the contrary will oppose this message and say things like
> don't drop to the level of your enemy
and so on. I think that's wrong. You are not your enemy, you can't become them even if you were to use the exact same methods. It won't be the same method when the angle is in reverse, now will it? Own the trauma instead of repeating or denying it.

I don't know if I'm able to describe in words what I mean. There's something about being able to face the most absolute evil, malice and despair and still seeing yourself as larger than this, even if it's just a single particle of your being. (If you can retreat back to your god particle, that's always going to be the true you.)

> Is there a way to explain how that's done?
You can express intent when sending energy into a spell or sigil, or astral artifact. In the same manner you can project vague ideas by just thinking something and pressing them outwards. If your ideas are instead sensible or logical to the person who sees them, they may gain insight or be effected.
If you are able to grasp the form of the complete you, with all the positives and negatives, you can express this as well. A cult leader is probably good at this, for example. You can project a partial image or the complete image. Any intent would be a partial image of yourself, or if bad intent(bad to you from lack of insight) it could be an inversion of a part of yourself.

With absolute self awareness at the 3D particle layer, which is limited in resolution, you can fairly easy create the perfected image of yourself in the 2D layer which is in lower resolution. The mind is in 2D. I don't know why, it just is. At 3D there's a human hivemind of some sort, it's not you.

> pic
Horrible art but it does have personality. Just accept that the image you are looking for may not "look good".
> I thought the way to completing our personality was to become the "True-Self"
I thought this way too when I found what is truly my "self" (It was not entirely in my body it was "outside" waiting for me). But when I named it "true-self" the energies that came from the self stopped coming through. Because the true self implies a false self. It creates duality. And if I am not the true self then I am the false self. And if I think that way I will never be my"self". I started to discard and expand my personality to find more of the truth. It made me a little crazy and unstable so I am rebuilding it now. But yeah the self is like a picture. It's "limited" in a sense. You can't be everything at once all the time while still in the "mind". You can expand it. Currently I am doing something like adding a 2nd and 3rd monitor to the PC. But to do this you have to get all the "dust" off from the first monitor. You have to as you said it become someone
> not hindered by ego, fears, traumas and mental blocks and acts the way its soul wants to
but watch out as you let go of all your attachments you will feel lost. being very free is the same as being lost. My soul wanted to leave my body when I discarded too much. It was scary. I had to remake and reaffirm my ego so my spirit stays in this body instead of going everywhere. But then as I rebuilt myself I pulled back all the discarded traumas but they were formless and more chaotic. You need to find some "solution" to your traumas and fears or they get worse. The goal is to 
> know thyself
after that you can reach any heights.

Currently I am perfecting my "3D" "hivemind" ability. Instead of this  >>/1680/ approach I'm trying to stay with the "original" vampire approach. The completing and unification of the "bodies" so the whole thing can travel and teleport at once. And if I don't want to teleport I biolocate or project my mind. Gods use "avatars" for a reason. You just have to establish a main realm or "paradise" as your "main base" then project from there. Currently my mind has a bunch of mini souls that make up a big one. Not servitors or tulpas. I got it from a weird ritual that was given to me. My intent comes out more easily from my head. When I think of something people instantly understand me around me. Makes conversations more fast and simple. This way I have more saying in the "local collective conscious". If you are one with the spirit you can understand and correct it better. People can be smart and reasonable they are usually just hindered before they can become their best self. If you can help them become that everyone's life becomes more easy.
> that cgi composition
> that’s too doctrinal
You’re channeling John Kreiter right there, man. 
Anyways. What you’re trying to describe I think could be summed up as “making the energy of the trauma yours by making it resonant with the rest of your being.”
While I never used this method of creating an instantly expiring golem soul, by now I'm pretty sure I did something of similar quality in my past lives. I started recalling memories from revolutionary Paris, the mystery lifetime I have never been able to see more than a few glimpses of. I know some things as "fact", like the X being shown to me as a sign of finishing a task originating there, but as for detailed scenes, almost nothing appears. Until now, it's extremely tight, a way of acting without any thought, an exercise in instant brutality. Maybe this state is what martial artists are seeking? It feels like old samurai movies where the hero moves more like a slaughtering machine than a human.
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> the X being shown to me as a sign
I mean look at this. They made the male mc:s bangs into an X, it's always there, aside from all the other little hints that there's something hidden here for me. (There is)

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