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and i simply leave torrent client on all the time just like my personal computer for online is on all the time
Bad for fans maybe, not gonn ahurt much else provided its cooling properly. I have a 18 year old thinkpad I bought used about 6 years ago and I run it 24/7. Fan has shit the bed but only cost like 7 bucks to replace. The only things I would be worried about are cheap stuff and things with terrible thermals. but if it's cooling properly should be no issue running it all the time.

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Hey anons. 
Anyone here know of a good e-mail hosting service on TOR that isn't a honeypot or a shittily-hosted mess? Looking to make an inbox that won't get deleted off the face of the earth or get me arrested. (I'm not looking to commit crimes, but can't take any chances)

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Black Hat Chat

Share ideas, discuss exploits

No CP/spam/gore/other illegal activity


UNBIASED (Not Western/Eastern/Any Propaganda)

The pci_disable_device function is defined in the source file of the kernel pci module. 

Let the pci_disable_device function be a working parameter of the kernel pci module.

GRUB boot commands works when I type pci=disable_acs_redir=pci:12D8:2308 in linux pci module.

When I type pci=pci_disable_device=pci:12D8:2308 to disable the hardware, it gives unknown parameter error.

what is the reason of this ?
interesting. looks like a valid way to specify a device indeed

could kernel prefer lowercase letters?

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youtube-dl.org and yt-dl.org now show this error.
> Due to a ruling of the Hamburg Regional Court, access to this website is blocked.

CryptBB: http://cryptbbtg65gibadeeo2awe3j7s6evg7eklserehqr4w4e2bis5tebid.onion/
Libre Forum: http://libreeunomyly6ot7kspglmbd5cvlkogib6rozy43r2glatc6rmwauqd.onion
I hate this forum I just wrotte a full answer and couldn't place the post.

There are two Russian forums, in one you have to pay to enter and in the other you have to activate Javascrypt... I haven't tried any.

I only use Omni at the moment:


People say that cryptbb is compromised, one of the owners has left the forum or leaked vendors

Session in case you feel like chatting:

pretty wayfu btw
Session is a messaging software from Lokinet devs. IRRC it borrows some codebase from Signal.


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I tried everything suggested:
Devrant: people just seethed I was talking about programming
Github: ghost town of faggots, doesn't even have a forum, msged every person that does T3d stuff, not one person looked at the repo, got banned for 7 days from "community" for posting a request:
OpenArena Discord: Banned, IP banned, shadowbanned, etc.

This isn't the opensource world of 20 years ago. It's a world of feminist-worshipers, dick-sawing faggots that need to be tortured and then after they are tortured; killed. It is the new-testament world. Women's rights and "chop off yo dick for heaven! Matthew 19".

If the world gets unstable, and Russia does enact WW3, and things become possible, and I am able to do so: I will kill these pro-feminist anti-child bride pro-dick-chopping faggots who banned me from the various places. If I am able to do so during WW3.

They hate freedom of speech. They hate freedom of thought. They want to castrate your boys. They are faggots. And they worship women.
I will kill them fucking dead if a time of chaos arises and I can do so. As revenge.

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> From: Richard Stallman
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 08:59:56 PM EDT
> Subject: Re: Could you please sue GRSecurity.
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,    ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > RMS: please. You sued Cisco.
>   > Yet this is allowed? (they violate the copyright on your GCC, in addition to the Linux Kernel)
> It is not clear that they are violating the copyright on GCC.  It
> looks like what they are doing may be lawful.
> We have nothing legally to do with Linux, the kernel.
> --
> Dr Richard Stallman (https://stallman.org)
> Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
> Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
> Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)
(my response: )
> They are distributing non-separable derivative works to GCC under a no-redistribution agreement.
> Which is an additional restriction forbidden by the license you granted to them of your Copyrighted work (infact of your own Authorship aswell).
>>may be lawful
> See the word you used: may
> Anything may be lawful before a case of first impression is brought.
> Please bring one.
> Those patches and plugins they distribute cannot be used with anything other than GCC
> They are infact non-seperable derivative works. You have standing and reason to sue.
> Please do so.
And, Yes I am a lawyer.
Yes GRSecurity is contravening the "u can't put any additional restrictions not mentioned in the text of this license" clause of the GPL; vs both the Linux Kernel and the GCC "plugins" they distribute subject to their(GRSecurity's) "no redistribution" clause (which has been effective: the source has not leaked: GRSecurity has made it's patches to the linux kernel and GCC proprietary)

The GCC "plugins" are non-separable derivative works, just as their linux-kernel patches are non-separable derivative works. They only work regarding the parent work.

Don't believe me: read the real player case then. Go on. Read it. If you even make some 3rd party program that messes with the look of the other program you can be violating the copyright on the other program. Go read the case. There are others but when I tell you people you just say "DURR WHY NOT JUST DISTRIBUTe A DiFF and GeT aRoUnD the GpL thaT wAy"

Why won't RMS sue? Because he has women lawyers surrounding him who don't want to do shit. That's actually their job: to dissuade RMS etc from taking any Copyright action and upsetting the "GPL-as-effectivly-BSD-Licensed" status-quoe that emerged.

The only courageous one was Bruce Perens who fought abit of the good fight.
Note: ANY of these federal copyright lawsuits would cost probably half-a-million or more for the Copyright owner to prosecute.
RMS's foundation doesn't want to do it.
GPL rots in it's grave.

what is considered the best way to browse the web and interact with technology in general and remain anonymous if your threat model includes 3 letter glowboys?

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