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TF2 Classic, a mod of Team Fortress 2 by Valve Software. Normal TF2 discussion fine as well.

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if he gets an AK whats the point of the minigun? does it replace the minigun or the shotgun? Your pic looks sexy though
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internet fight gif
(675.14 KB, 137x186)
Y'know. Since I made that M19, I've considered: what if we gave classes with shared weapons a more "personalized" reskin? By that I mean, giving classes that share guns weapons that fit their character more. Like Heavy shotgun is replaced by the KS-23, Soldier's shotgun can be replaced by a gook-blasting Ithaca Stakeout or a Nazi butthurt-inducing Winchester 1912 trenchgun, Engineer gets a more cowboy-esque shotgun like a Winchester 1300 with a full stock. Pyro... I'm not sure. Perhaps he can keep the stock shotgun.
When is this shit going to be made correctly on Linux?

I mean, it isn't really an issue for me since I have an SSD and just dual boot into Windows, but still

Also fuck the detanator.

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