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What, I looked it up and we have the same non-native parakeets as in some European cities! The Rose-Ringed and the Red-Breasted parakeet. Very noisy.

Also at least 2 native species I think, the small Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot and the Blue Rumped Parrot. Never seen them they are small and mostly green. And there are lots of introduced tropical birds. People love keeping birds here.

Are they pests?
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Neato! Looks close!
Was it on your porch?

First batch of plums was harvested, cooked and filled into jars for preservation. In winter when it's really cold, the mashed fruit slurry will be thickened for hours in the stove. This way the power can be used for heating the house. Right now it's far too hot for such endeavors.
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This guy has been around all summer, always fluttering around the house, very territorial. It's a male of Brintesia circe, one of the largest butterflies here. Wingspan about 8cm. But now his age is showing. The hinds are all torn. He loves ripe fruit or juice and isn't shy at all. Sometimes even sits on me.

He has competition from the wasps which are extremely abundant this year but he just bats them away with his wings if they get in the way.
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Nah, it's a Nyphalid not a moth, much more closely related to your Monarch butterflies.

Nice woodpecker, haven't seen one in a while. But there are lots of swifts now, migrating south. I wish I could do the same.

> nigga i dont even have an oven
That's no excuse young man, you can make apple pie even in a pan. It's much harder though.
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You may know the rumor about Phantom Cats or Mystery Big Cats, strange sightings of large felines all over the world that look like panthers or lions in the most unlikely places. Often in Great Britain but also Germany.

Well, early in the morning I was looking out of the window and saw a movement under the dense trees bordering the neighbor garden about 50m away. First thought it was a bird but it was bigger. I only saw small parts but it looked more like a fox but didn't move like one. After observing it for a while I went outside to chase it. You can guess whose idea that was though Alice was a bit conflicted. Don't wanna get bitten by a rabid fox either. Anyway, following the animal through the dense bush it turned out to be - a cat. Slightly European wild cat tier, not even exceptionally large. Clearly a normal house cat. It was highly focused and didn't notice me at all and jumped out of surprise when it saw me as I got about 2m close. Then ran away.

That was baffling. I had grossly misjudged the animal's size from the distance. Humans suck at estimating the size of far away objects, even with reference points. I imagined that animal would be at least 3 times bigger than it actually was. Guess that's how many Big Cat mysteries start. Well, it's not the first time, I know of such glitches from imposing tupper in some distance which often results in hilariously wrong sizes.

I did see another mysterious animal on the streets at night some years ago that likely was a Golden Jackal. Didn't look like a fox, more like a cross between a fox and a wolf. Alice chased it but it was too fast.
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This guy flew in through the window in the middle of the night and buzzed around in the room. Host narrowly caught it as it collapsed in a corner from exhaustion and confusion before the cats could eat it and threw it out of the window again, so sadly no photos.

It was Agrius convolvuli, the Morning Glory Hawk Moth. A huge moth with up to 13cm wingspan, extremely strong  and fast flyer. I had never seen one before, host did decades ago. It's actually a subtropical species that only migrates north in summer like your Monarch butterflies.
Very nice and unexpected!

The weather abruptly changed within a few days - from bone-dry hot summer with more than 30°C to mid autumn with 8°C and heavy rain. It's gonna recover next week but the warm days are ogre.
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I've only ever seen them on the Canary Islands, they arrived there being blown across the atlantic in a storm.

Nope, never seen the death head myself. Host saw a few as a kid. You'd think they'd become more common as it gets warmer but insect diversity has crashed in the last 25 years. So many critterst that were once common which are now gone. Same with birds.
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Oh cool!
I didn't know you had such nice butterflies!
We have the Common Tiger here, looks almost the same as the Monarch and is closely related. You often see them on flowers in parks but no idea what the larvae eat, never seen them.

My smartphone camera lens is fogged, can't really take photos. I'll get a new one at the end of the year then I'll share some pics of what's living here.
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Check this out!

After the enormous rainfall, ants started swarming. We've never seen anything like this. It looked like the meadows are emitting smoke, huge undulating columns the size of a large tree emerged from the ground.

The flying ant queens are about 1 cm and harmless. We were inside the clouds of millions of ants, you can hear them flying or rather colliding with each other.

Poor animals, 99% die within hours. Only a few survive to form new colonies. They live in the soil and are not only harmless but actually useful. No pests.
Oh cool!
They're not damaging anything?
The ants in my apartment haven't shown up again so far, at least not in masses. Only individual ones. But they're still there. I think they were also swarming last time I saw a lot.
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ive seen this before didnt Alice post her flowering apple tree in autumn or something?

found a shitload of mushrooms yesterday. lots of huge boletus and a few birch boletes. and the white parasols. i dried half and the rest will be eaten fresh. cant remember i found this much before ever. there were many more but thats all i can use. even gave some to my parents.
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I may have told you about it but I didn't post any photos. Not sure if I have any?

But yeah, it mostly happens after an extreme summer drought. The trees lose most of their leaves and then produce new growth when autumn rainfall sets in. I think it was 2 years ago when we had flowering apples and quince in September. It's not a good sign meaning the trees suffer from extreme stress. The same happens with horse chestnuts which all suffer from leaf-mining moths here so the leaves are damaged and turn brown in late summer. Severely affected trees lose all their leaves and produce new growth and lots of flowers in fall, which ofc weakens them further.
> leaf-mining moths
didnt know that. so thats why the chestnuts turn brown in summer!
never seen an apple flower in autumn maybe im too far north. makes sense in california the leaves of your apple look like its summer too. here apples are already losing leaves. many trees already have autumn colors

> how do you cook them, Kashtan?
just bread them. you know dip in flour egg and breadcrumbs and fry. you can freeze them after breading
Fucking sliced my finger with a sharp shovel all the way to the bone, just missed a tendon. It didn't cut through the glove, it pinched so hard the skin split open. I didn't think anything of it but the glove turned red and then I reluctantly wash it out. It's okay, put a bandage on, back to work.

Fucking Bermuda grass bitch weed.
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Be careful damned!
Who's supposed to write our D&D adventure if you cut your hands off?

Host was loosening soil with a broad pickaxe, barefoot ofc because why not? Grazed his toes twice, wounds all full of soil. What an idiot, I had to yell a lot. No more barefoot soil work with heavy tools or without gloves. You's think he'll learn from mistakes but noo, next time same shit. But not on my watch.
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autumn really has come now trees are turning colorful
lots of mushrooms but found not a single edible one i know. most were already rotten.
saw an unbelievable amount of fly agarics the forest was full of them. you could eat them in theory when cooked but meh
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That's thee spirit!
Have you tried drying and eating a bit, Kashtan?
Amanita muscaria isn't overly poisonous but the concentration of ibotenic acid / muscimol varies greatly and effects can be unpredictable and pretty unpleasant. As the most common effect is nausea host only once ate a tiny bit with zero effect other than bad taste.

Btw in the news today, an entire family ended up in intensive care in Germany after eating Death Caps (A. phalloides). RIP liver. Happens basically every year. No idea how you can eat that mushroom, it looks and smells extremely unpleasant.
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lol yeah that too but some people here really eat the fly agaric as food you water them and cook them to destroy the poison. sometimes they pickle them. i imagine they still taste shit never tried there are so many better.

> Have you tried drying and eating a bit, Kashtan?
nope as you said you have no idea about the effect but i might try drying a few for the lulz


> Germans eating Death Caps
This is the warmest October in as long as I can remember. Still have mosquitos and they're still biting wtf?

Coldest night so far 16C last night 20C the mosquitos won't stop until it goes below 13C

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