a random webm banner

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thumbnail of 14560650796300.webm
thumbnail of 14560650796300.webm
1456065079... webm
(4.22 MB, 568x320 vp8)
General WebM creation thread.

Tips and Tricks are welcome.

Some useful tools can you find here:


For Linux I recommend pure ffmpeg or the webm.py tool.

On Windows you should use the WebMConverter.


Additional information:

Max filesize is 50MB

No .mp4 allowed, this is a .webm board.

Example ffmpeg lines:

For vp8 I would use this, you can change the bitrate to whatever you like, the higher it gets the bigger the file will be.

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -c:v libvpx -crf 12 -b:v 1000K -vf scale=720:-1 OUTPUT.webm

For vp9 I am using webm.py and a sample line looks like this:

ffmpeg -hide_banner -i INPUT.mp4 -pass 2 -passlogfile /tmp/tmpr3a1apey -sn -c:v libvpx-vp9 -speed 1 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 0 -b:v 808.3k -threads 4 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -pix_fmt +yuv420p -ac 2 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -f webm -y OUTPUT.webm
2 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
>  jquery

// UserScript
// @name endchan webm loop
// @namespace jkhsjdhjs
// @include http://endchan.xyz*
// @include https://endchan.xyz*
// @version 2
// @grant none
// /UserScript

function addLoopAttribute() {
	document.querySelectorAll('video').forEach(function(v) {
		v.setAttribute('loop', '');

if(document.readyState == 'complete') {
} else {
	document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', addLoopAttribute)

to get WebMs from YouTube

>  vp8/vorbis
youtube-dl -f43 $(xsel -b)

>  vp9/opus
youtube-dl -f bestvideo[vcodec=vp9][height<500]+bestaudio[acodec=opus] $(xsel -b)

>  to get just a part of a video without downloading the whole thing
ffmpeg -ss 100 -to 200 -i $(youtube-dl -gf43 $(xsel -b)) -c copy ytcut.webm
you get the idea

thumbnail of 13664350_546483825540005_434635160_n.jpg
thumbnail of 13664350_546483825540005_434635160_n.jpg
13664350_54... jpg
(41.05 KB, 470x700)
53 pics xxx girl
14 vids girl masturbate

demo files images


buy from here:

thumbnail of Ultimate korean cocksucker.webm
thumbnail of Ultimate korean cocksucker.webm
Ultimate korean... webm
(11.03 MB, 640x480 vp9)
not really into chink porn but this broad is an exception. Hard to find on pornhub because its uner "korean gf blowjob" 1 2 and 3. Apparently its a korean star. Certainly can suck a dick clean. Wouldn't it be nice to have some chink want to do this to you without having to do the whole mail order bride thing. Massage chink prostitution. Or making eyes with the koreans at the resturaunts? Hallo i am anon white male please fellate me mrs see no evil. Eyes always squinting because koreans don't judge a little dick. You can deep dick them with 6 inches. Though id rather have them slurp my dick clean than fuck some whiny chink. CLearly guys this is a woman statistically smarter than most whites so she's doin her thing im just saying i want a korean woman to fellate me and want to do so and maybe fuck it every now and then take it from there. But cut the shit start choking on some white flabby dicks work your way up the racial ladder woman

thumbnail of COOP.png
thumbnail of COOP.png
COOP png
(890.87 KB, 1078x1434)
thumbnail of COPPT.png
thumbnail of COPPT.png
(490.12 KB, 792x742)
Since a while back I've had this real turn on when I think about my naked body appearing all over the internet. I want to do a reverse google search and see how my pics pops up on every site. I masturbate thinking of it all the time.. I've uploaded to a few sites but now I need help from you guys. I've chosen to spread two photos that I have sent my boyfriend a while back. Even if they are censored I know he will recognize me and finally understand that I want to be everyone slut. It turns me on that he might stumble upon them and only he recognizes me and knows that my body has made so many dicks hard and that so many men have been cumming to them. Feel free to cum or cock tribute as well (My tits where made to cum on according to me)! If you do, please post them as well all over! If you expose me somewhere, please reply here with the link so everyone that reads this thread can see.
Can you guys help a girl with her wet dream?

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