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Purest form of love

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Maybe someone should tell MS that everyone wants to be the flower. But not the vase. Everyone wants to be the champagne. But not the glass. But those roles need to be filled. Not everyone can be the flower and not everyone can be the vase. The world is needs lions and rabbits. Some will kill and some will be killed. That is thier role. But we humans are different. We can change our roles....
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The main reason I haven't replaced my car from 2002 is that I don't trust the electronics/software in newer cars.  No way I'm putting something in my brain unless it's open-source and thoroughly examined.
Private collectives exist. Some land owners have shares in land, they finance the cultivation and get share of the produce, or monetary compensation.
There might be state owned agricultural companies, but they aren't collectives anymore.
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Seems to me that you'd want to cook eggs in the oven at 270F rather than 325F. Wouldn't the increased heat cause the eggs to explode?
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Though, Google has unlimited image gen.
The only drawback is crappy images, asking for anime images won't make it past the filter, and it always includes a black man or woman.
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There is an actual Mormon at work, he's going away to do his Mormon missionary thing in Germany for two years in May. I told him he better not drink any beer when he's there.
I'll be honest with you, I am tempted by Mormonism and even the Jehovah's Witnesses regarding getting a wife. The Jehovah's Witnesses apparently has a gender imbalance, so getting a wife would be easy if I managed to pass their tests. I don't like unitarianism or their whole isolationist mentality, however.
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The LSA, hemp seed and chia seeds are giving me extra powers. The danger time for masturbating is in the mornings but I read The Bible and that helped turn me from sin. #blessed #godisgood 🙏🏻
Funnily enough, my Swedish Jehovah's Witness friend says they don't do love bombing.
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Pentecostals are apparently the fastest growing denomination, so depending on how well I can tolerate their kind of crazy that could also be an option. I'd be curious if they could handle my kind of crazy.
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Just do as Kumiko says and learn to act your role in life. "We need rabbits. Not just lions. Lions and rabbits can't switch places. But we humans can. Some will kill and some will be killed. That's the circle of life, though there are contradictions. "
Hmm, the image link is broken.
This URL works: https://endchan.gg/.media/cf2e01f6e6f0dbcb14033d374b39df74-imagewebp.undefined

(Appending ".undefined")
"Finland has one of the highest per capita coffee consumption rates in the world, and coffee is usually enjoyed pure and black. While there are certainly unique and personal habits everywhere, adding vodka to morning coffee is not a standard Finnish tradition. Instead, Finns enjoy their coffee black, often accompanied by a pastry or a sandwich for breakfast."
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That will be an expensive church visit for him. There's a Lutheran church here, but it seems tiny and I want end up finding a church with a decent enough sized congregation. That could mean ending up with the Pentecostals
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Nope, it's legally classified as a dietary supplement and sold OTC for human consumption.

I also bought some gray-market ostarine (labeled "research chemical: not for human consumption").

Maybe I should shell out for a clinic and get a prescription for injectable testosterone.  Gotta be careful with that though.


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As close as Chinese cartoons as possible.
Shaolin Soccer on March 2nd at 8 and 21 UTC.
Now we have folks from various countries here. So.
That's 3am, 4pm on US East Coast, and 7pm AEDT and 8am on Sunday same place.
But in the only time zone that matters it'S 9 and 22 CET.
Is Finland one plus hour from there?
Anyway, same place as usual:
thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-02-28 23.02.21 - A young Finnish woman sitting outside on a snowy day, wrapped in a warm, colorful woolen blanket. She is enjoying a hot cup of coffee, steam visibly r.webp
thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-02-28 23.02.21 - A young Finnish woman sitting outside on a snowy day, wrapped in a warm, colorful woolen blanket. She is enjoying a hot cup of coffee, steam visibly r.webp
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"Finland has one of the highest per capita coffee consumption rates in the world, and coffee is usually enjoyed pure and black. While there are certainly unique and personal habits everywhere, adding vodka to morning coffee is not a standard Finnish tradition. Instead, Finns enjoy their coffee black, often accompanied by a pastry or a sandwich for breakfast."
How to make carrots?  Do carrots grow from seeds?


Carrots indeed grow from seeds, and cultivating them can be a rewarding gardening project. Here's a simple guide on how to grow carrots:

### 1. Choose a Variety

First, select a carrot variety that suits your climate and soil type. There are many types, from small round carrots to long and slender ones. Some popular varieties include 'Nantes,' 'Danvers,' and 'Imperator.'

### 2. Prepare the Soil

Carrots prefer loose, sandy soil that allows for deep root growth. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, consider raising beds or mixing in plenty of organic matter to improve texture and drainage.

- Location: Choose a spot that receives full sunlight.
- Soil Preparation: Remove stones and break up any clumps of soil to a fine texture to prevent the carrots from becoming misshapen.
- Depth: Ensure the soil is loose to at least a foot deep.

### 3. Sow the Seeds

- When to Plant: Carrots can be planted in early spring to late summer, depending on your climate. They need cool temperatures to germinate.
- Sowing: Plant the seeds directly in the garden. Sow them about ¼ inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart in rows that are 12 to 24 inches apart.
- Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged to encourage germination.

### 4. Care During Growth

- Thinning: When the seedlings are an inch tall, thin them so they stand 3 to 4 inches apart. This gives the roots room to grow.
- Watering: Provide at least an inch of water per week. Consistent moisture is necessary for uniform growth.
- Weeding: Keep the area around the carrots free from weeds. Be careful not to disturb the carrot roots while weeding.

### 5. Harvest

- Timing: Carrots can take anywhere from 50 to 75 days to mature, depending on the variety. They can be harvested when they are of a usable size.
- Method: Gently pull the carrots from the soil or use a gardening fork to loosen the soil around them if they are resistant.

### 6. Storage

After harvesting, remove the tops to prevent them from drawing moisture from the roots. Store the carrots in a cool, moist place. They can last several months if stored properly.

Growing carrots from seeds is straightforward and allows you to enjoy fresh, home-grown produce. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, following these steps can lead to a successful carrot crop.
> We started out with a survey, and then they filtered down automatically, manually, and then did brief interviews - 83 of them! With my approval, organizers rejected anyone associated with e/acc, because we don’t need to give nice things to people hastening our doom. Organizers herded all the attendees through a special form of STI testing, the service PASS, which directly sends your clear status to approved organizers (to prevent anybody faking anything). Special shoutout to MPowerr, a lab in Atlanta who heroically handled processing the confusing custom lab orders of dozens of men.
> The lab orders were confusing and custom because we required some unusual tests - namely HSV and mycoplasma genitalium. I somehow, weirdly, do not test positive for either HSV 1 or 2, and so we wanted to know who had it so we could check outbreak history (outbreaks in the last few years increase risk of transmission; no outbreak history probably has extremely low transmission rates) and require they take antivirals. Nobody who tested, tested positive for any STI except HSV (which means mgen rates were 0!).
> Of HSV, 32% tested positive for HSV1, and 8% tested positive for HSV2.
> “How does HSV transmission work and how bad is it” is a whole nother post, but basically we read a gajaillion studies and then set our risk tolerance at 1/1000 chance of catching HSV this party, and set corresponding requirements (condoms, antivirals, no-outbreaks) based on the studies. I also took antivirals as a preventative measure. But realistically, given my bodycount and my age, this might possibly be some evidence that I might have a natural resistance to HSV anyway. We also had a ‘no kissing’ rule, which was probably overkill but with an orgy of internet people we decided to err on the safe side.
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I’m known for grabbing unusual produce and making it for dinner. Just last week I spied a large display of Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem Artichokes. I thought to myself, “Hey, I like artichokes and these look so fresh! Let me get some!”

I pulled out my phone in the store and did a quick search on ‘Sunchokes nutritional content’. High in potassium and iron, and only 100 calories for a cup full.

You know what search terms I did NOT put into Google?

    Sunchokes GI Pain
    Sunchokes Explosive Gas
    Sunchokes Vegetable Spawn of Satan
Low-IQ criminals often can't understand conditional hypotheticals? For example:

Researcher: "How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?" 
Convict: "What do you mean? I did eat breakfast and lunch." 
Researcher: "Yes, but if you had not, how would you have felt?" 
Convict: "Why are you saying that I didn't eat breakfast? I just told you that did." 
Researcher: "Imagine that you hadn't eaten it, though. How would you have felt?" 
Convict: "I don't understand the question." It's really fascinating [...]
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Peppermint. Queen Victoria tea is on sale and it seems like a good brand, so I'm going to buy another box of peppermint tea as well as their honey and vanilla camomile tea and black tea. Peppermint, green, camomile and black tea will eventually become the three main hot drinks I have as I gradually replace coffee, since it's getting into winter I might also get lemon and ginger tea.
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You don't want to be faith healed? Cringe. I went to one Pentecostal church last year and I couldn't even make it to the end of the service. The Presbyterian church I went to last Sunday was great, I just wish I wasn't so spergy for the after service stuff. As of right now I'm leaning heavily towards the Presbyterians.
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Ultimately, even with whatever preconceived notions I may have about the denominations, I'm still going to give them all at least a try. Excluding the Jehovah's Witnesses.
>  Jehovah's Witnesses.
Oh no!

> Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the destruction of the present world system at Armageddon is imminent, and the establishment of God's kingdom over earth is the only solution to all of humanity's problems.
> They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or other holidays and customs they consider to have pagan origins...
i know you think i dodnt out of some kind of weakness
i know how you people work
im stronger than you
youthink i think im stronger than you because i didntuse violence

i will just go somewhere else so that i can get away with it

you are all guilty for provoking me
how about i go around murdering children and tampering with vitamin suppliments

you fucking touch me again ill kill someone at random again
just like i did today

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