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Well forgot my name, but remembered cousin who shared an email with me during a political deface in 2003 and I was sent an XP remote buffer overflow as bounty.
Mainly one interesting board spawned out of /v/ which was /vg/.

I suppose /v/ is still good for upcoming memes. Somewhere among my lost friends there is a steam database as well, that is my mission to find.

Why do you say guy to yourself?
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Thunderbird can do it and it saves it all to a local file but I still think I need somebody for hire unless you want to do it.
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It's a poo in the loo secret club. Work through; troll whatever board and come here to save ur progress, video game is boring and  the day and poo in the loo after.

Nobody besides the overboard sees us atm.
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I'm already tripping in over 6 boards discounting any 8chan boards.

Hmmmmmmm.... Smart

Well the other dude is Danzaiver, posted on foolz for a couple of months too. Is the "sleeper".

If the blue doesn't hurt your eyes right now I'm just looking to contract rouge programmers for work and here I will use as a blog.
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I play the piano and I work, but I'm by no means rich.
My father is the co CEO of a company and makes good money, but I don't leech him off like crazy or anything...
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I work at a studio doing ads for TV, mostly do Video and imagery editing, 3D and stuff.

It's pretty darn alright tbh.

And away I go, or I'll be late.
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News for me! Kinda..

I've seen something familiar temporary hosts on r/LivestreamFail/ so the chat replay h/e twitch is implementing is nothing new
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Time for laughs.
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There renz, throwed some CSS real quick to make it look like http://2600.com

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Ah that is marvelous, tell me how?

We've a personality visitor too, I should greet him within the day, it's just I exhausted myself so hard last night and I just returned from network outage and the pool.
You have to save the file on your computer and go on your account to upload it.

It's just the admin of the site, you can say thanks for passing by on >>>/operate/
Green on gradient my eyes are going to bleed from joy.

Literally can't even get my name right.
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I remember the scripting gif bug for IE, had tonnes of fun with that.

Btw Lalush is my cousin. Came from Sweden once.

Brb pee, I've been holding it.. =P
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Oh ok. I guess~

I had original DS with a SuperCard flashcart what games do you play. Had so much fun times in classes at school with it, Remember installing Skype on it too somehow and Skypeout for free to everybody in the class. I always knew how to get popular.

I just wanted to tell you because I remember seeing him on esport than suddenly seeing him in real life was quite an experience, quiet type too I wonder how his Swedish is I never asked.
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Absolutely. Welcome~

Do you like what Dani has done with the place?

From Reddit feed, ingame client, or directly from the generals?
> tfw checking inbox of Alliance owners Reddit for drama
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Starcraft 2010-2012 was considered the "golden age" for personalityfagging on /v/==>/vg/. In case its generals than its just pure aftermath that roots to starcraft scene.

I wont shut up about why /vg/ was created.
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/vg/ and a bit of reddit, you just have to look on their front page : https://www.reddit.com/r/dota2

I think it was created because that was taking space on /v/. 8ch/v/ doesn't ban generals and you can look at what it's looking.
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Well I wouldn't know which to respond to first. But that's alot of upboats.

I suppose now would be opportune to make a faux troll statement from "Alexander Garfield" hehe..

But then my habits are shit, and so are my grammatics.

Perhaps that fourth poster

Besides, i wouldn't even know where to mislead the attention, r-right?
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If only I weren't as dim witted.. what a classy clear-minded reply..

I'll keep an eye out for them I suppose. Any others?

Also what is SS13. Do you know any good archives besides 4ch.be and the default one? I want to check the /sft/ and how its going.
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There's a bit of eveything : FF11, FF14, a pokémon fan game, Neptunia, etc.

SS13 is Space Station 13 : http://www.spacestation13.com

For /vg/ there's https://boards.fireden.net/vg (new posts) and https://foolz.fireden.net/vg (old posts)
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Oh cool beans, thought about making a dummy steam to have "blob" friends with? And maybe ERP?

I've got Sheever(tall Dutch lady) speaking over commentary now since its major, lets see who shines through for today and if it hits 100k in viewers.

Final series now I think. Newbee vs LGD; Both.. eh.. Chinese? Not sure.
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Hm, let's talk more after this finals.

Well I checked there; but it doesn't have the same feel as 4chan /sft/ since I can use my trip there.

Can you wrap up what happened in /lewd/ last two threads? KoukoMagi (grimmy??) is saying Sci went batshit. It is unlike him to make roumors.Thats more like ...Kroni??....

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But its like listening to football on radio...

Chinese finals have been traditionally weeped upon by the generals for many years now. Looks like /pol/ the overlords won. Anime lose.

Gonna take some time for us real human beans to "open" our minds.
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It's from 2600.com again.

Well it could be anyone who look at the overboard but I think they prefer hanging out on /am/.

And I think I'm not quite ready for sacrificing myself.
Also do you want another font?

Here are the lists :
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Font is ok. I need a new monitor however, I can see the liquid bleeding out from David's one.

Then I suppose you're a dormant zealot for now.Which is good. My apologies for being lewd, I'll lay off the subject for now. Following the finals too?
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Alright then, here are some modifications : http://b.1339.cf/vlqqror.css

It get rids of that [Preview] thing nobody use, change the color of the "Posting mode: Reply" at the top and make previewing post text the same size than normal text.

Dunno, perhaps.
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Remote dates are supposedly supposed to frighten me. Almost as much as my inability to remember sometimes.

I guess I'm looking forward to it.
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I'm in charge, and a band of mysterious nobodies aren't.

You didn't even flinch at all my hacks but supposedly somebody who stuck their nose in the wrong place did. So in which kind of position do you suppose that leaves me?
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Wah sounds like getting hit by thunder and surviving to tell the tale.

I just had Hospital Records on Mixcloud myself. Not being too picky for now.


Can you do the zombie?
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I've sent a .webm to Courier with some moves back when the last TI happened, but it wasn't the zombie in the movelist for sure.

You just walk like a slow moving zombie with your arms out and head tilted but in a rythmic & faster fashion.
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Yes its a move, I command you to perform it behind closed doors~! Heh, if you wanna anyway.

And that must be the greatest Rin gif of all time. I don't understand the appeal behind it but its certainly there.
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Political Defacing and Social Engineering, coding was only a short term goal so I could say that I had done it. Hardly hacking at all.
I got some candy, looked for gummies but they didn't have my brand. So its only Skittles, Sour Skittles and životinjsko carstvo.
As long it doesn't involve you into mass murder simualtors.

So do you have experience in anything in the end?
Yeah, I actually used to know these schemes back in school and even made some.

Also keep me informed with that foolz mod, perhaps I'll know more about my situation too.
> see this on overboard
> try reading through this thread

So are you people just talking about some other chat or what? Because I feel like you're all either completely insane, or there's some parallel, external chat that you are all also using.
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I envy your schooling, if only our schools were remotely as good.

Was it VoH who kept banning you as well? Why don't you wish to avoid? Should I take the subject up directly with Blade?

I feel Danziaver would be best suited to answer your question traveller, although that is one way of introducing yourself.
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It's Renz who likes to talk about what happens everywhere he goes, I just try to go with the flow so yeah there's a bit of insanity with that.

I don't know if that was him for sure, I wasn't avoid because I was waiting on more bans (so what happened to you) and no, you don't have to.

If you want, you can say hi to VoH on his archive here : http://archive.nyafuu.org/meta/
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Use that new CSS for a surprise.
If you don't like it, be sure to save it under another name to be back at a normal state.

And an alternative who's activated by overing a picture with the mouse.


Now you can choose your favorite.
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Well you are the rightful hand and developer of the board, fun is what you make it.

Baited this exact response, you realize how aesthetically pleased we intend on becoming, right?
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Oh uhm, hello.

What do you mean by that? What am I gathering from this image? Was this referral uri shown on a site of yours?

You're welcome to post along I suppose.
Renz is the owner of this place because he wanted to make a board so I helped a bit.

Be sure to act nice VoH.
Just decided to check my access logs and saw this url as the referrer and wondered since it was dan. You said hello to me so I figured I might as well return the favor.

I am 1000% nice! What ever would give you the impression otherwise?
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We're cool? You could have still seen this on the overboard as well so its not really the biggest of secrets. My other board is where you want to lurk if you want an honest opinion.

Have you ever intercepted cookies?
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Oh boy its fun, admin session replay; I wonder if it would work on foolz.

I think there is still a bug inside the Stardock forum, maybe when I get some hosting and set up my own fuuka I will pentest it with a few tools.
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Nah I want specifically the newest foolfuuka to test out scripting on. I feel its one of those overlooked things and can be a fun experience for us if any positives shows.

I remember appchan had a scripting bug in one of the fields but I doubt it was enough to include entire java scripts.
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Again power off for 6 hours straight in middle of conversation with this Japanese dude from lewd. I hate our president.

Most excellent, google dork?

> disclosure
Hmmm what'd be the point in that??
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Also adding Erin to try and get Scientist unbanned, what do you think...?

Maybe have her write that gmail parser too, I'm getting bored of foolz again.
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I want to hug a sad boy and then tell him it'll all be alright as we snuggle on the couch, telling him he'll find a bf soon, he just needs to chin up and let it all go.
You want to hug someone to tell him he'll find a bf that isn't you?
Are you wishing to have a gay brother or something?
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Kill That... mp3
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> 11 March
Finally a date.

Here's the featured track.
Ahhh "Arakis" was rather good wasn't it.

This one is somewhat enjoyable too, looking forward to the HQ release?
Yep, downloading about 400,000 emails locally right now to process. Having some strong coffee too.

How about yourself?
Good cap. This is on the SNES right?

I'm not doing it to piss you off dude. I can stop if its triggering you. Its also you can't do on a VPN so I figured I'd give it a spin.
Well then how do you assume am I doing it? Also would you like a flag?

I just saw Tron. Top movie would watch in two person mode.
I tend to avoid making exact descriptions of what I consider spam vs what I consider slightly excessive consecutive posting for the same reason I don't explain my criteria for what is considered NSFW vs SFW, it does nothing but harm, since people either bitch that its stupid or argue semantic bullshit, or try to test borders.

Also I live in the US, nothing interesting about that flag and I don't post here near enough.
Then I don't know why you say things like "If that was only me, I would ban you".

It would have been valid if you never said you were a mod in the first place.

If you can't explain why you ban certain content and reconsider things with other people about it, you're just doing a bad job about it and one day, it could make people go away.

Just take it easy.
I do take it easy? Its a bit amusing how much of a bogeyman people make of this stuff.

And honestly, go ask what people consider "NSFW" on there and see how consistent an answer you'll get, it won't be simple that's for sure.
I know people can think. Issue is the compromise bit. You realize at least two there make it their mission to be a nuisance to moderation? It wouldn't work.
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News from Blade is "Yeah I'll work on it now" as of this post was made, starting by extracting tarball'd images for the boards, and that will take some time so I guess I'll just keep checking on him.
Looks like some weird combination of a rainbow and aurora borealis.

Inefficient as fuck, who's idea was it to make apng, its even less useful then its non-animated counterpart
Anything would look nicer than a gif, gif is an outdated format with god-awful compression, and a retarded deluded creator.
Rather than beating around the bush with anywhere from shit to inefficient formats, just go full ham and use any number of video formats, gfycat uses mp4 as does a number of other sites.

I don't have a particular preference, apng could have maybe had its uses but its past its time and has spotty browser support in the end.
the actual environment chokes Beijing

photographs: BEIJING, cina the fall of 30: few of using goggles meet at motorcoach trail station utilizing impure night-time on december 30, 2015 having Beijg, china based websites. The distributors the particular health systems greater than 190 countries around the world are typically discussion in rome now, just like truly president Xi Jinping does indeed give priority i would say the paris, france,venice webinare. The agents along with authorities of greater than 190 locations are often attaining in rome immediately, consist of chinese us president Xi Jinping will definitely show up at specific rome interview. China's main many towns, cities with n. part of the country taped the most detrimental smog of the year using air quality solutions in most towns could not read so much considerable degrees of pollutants. amounts of pm 2.5, determined the majority of serious, intersected 600 storage units on Beijg, quite 25 occasions when the acceptable classic place by life getting company. this particular governing bodies greater than 190 lands become hanging out with in paris, france,venice this week align concentrates on on controlling carbon emissions so as to forget abou completely new international commitment on climate change. China's money and lots of bilities from your north part of the united states engraved the most difficult smog of the year consisting of air quality gadget individual zones helpless to read sorts extraordinary numbers of parasites. amounts of evening 2.5, seen the actual most threatening, intersected 600 condos on the inside Beijg, on-the-whole 25 memories the fitting run of the mill fit by depends upon physical association. all governments of greater than 190 states are actually gathering in rome immediately to put locates on chopping carbon pollution levels in an attempt to forge a brand globally design on global warming. China's cash and many people towns and cities inside your n. part of the united states captured the unattractive smog of the year by having air quality makers in most cities struggles to read these sort of greater numbers of carbon dioxide. stages of pm 2.5, looked at as distinct unsafe, intersected 600 instruments of Beijg, essentially 25 memories the acceptable widely used package by the globe health and wellness connection. often the health systems greater than 190 nations around the world are actually meeting in paris now to set concentrates on on minimizing carbon by-products in an attempt to forge an important world wide understanding on global warming. China's investment capital and plenty of destinations inside a north part of the nation registered the nastiest smog of the year when it comes to air quality items for that parts of struggle to read this sort good numbers of air-borne pollutants. stages of pm 2.5, considered as a lot of hazardous, crossed 600 devices wearing Beijg, most 25 instances when the good expectations create by the earth medical care operation. usually the governing bodies of greater than 190 nations around the world can be found engagement in london now to finds on cutting carbon pollution levels so as to forge a fresh world understanding on global warming. The employees from governing bodies of greater than 190 united states get appointment in paris, france immediately, among them oriental president Xi Jinping will be able to go any paris, france,venice encounter. China's income as well as several towns contained in the northern part of the us taped the nastiest smog of the year consisting of quality of air kits some subjects struggles to read this kind of good stages of contaminants. stages of evening 2.5, believed the actual deadly, crossed 600 brands around Beijg, individuals 25 time periods the good ultimate standard decided by on earth health and wellness operation. currently the governing bodies of greater than 190 international locations would be getting together in rome recently align digs up on minimising carbon pollutants to try to go a fresh international authority on climate change. China's budge
yowl research makes known rising a comparison of lovely lady tutoring

A numerous Delhiites in the lower pay check community believe that the precise era of wedding for a girl can be in 16 18 ages time anywhere near 45 % together with participants in a process of research made while low authorities operation Child proper rights and you (cry) and as well,as well as the written and published in young Delhi during wednesday desirable understanding class getting most women planning a wedding &lta href=https://www.facebook.com/chnlovepage/&gtChnlove&lt/a&gt down in their location. while we are making super fast advances wearing universalisation ture of primary school during the last two numerous, it is possible to massive spaces commonly at the amount of secondary certification. The collected information of the survey carried out for meow volunteers boost the fact that attitude folks from maid child knowledge is one of the major fencing. It is see-through that there's a need for large degree perspective differ.

37.4 % respondents asserted if an individual seemed to be to not too small be effective and thus help make their very living then the victim should not be considered a child. Twenty nine % respondents in Delhi had been unaware of degree as well as exact of any child in the get older of 6 14 &lta href=https://about.me/chnlove&gtChnlove&lt/a&gt long period. In the hub over fifty percent the participants lacked comprehension dealing with scheme/s with respect to girl little combined with 37 percent announced that in males would be wise to attain married prior to children. even just in north of manchester far east that perfect up until prolonged ago &lta href=https://secure.qpidnetwork.com/app.php&gtChnlove&lt/a&gt could perhaps proudly said the equality having to do with boys and girls,suffer regarded maximizing i will remedie to your ex child(enables them to work as child manual work,old wedding ceremony,embark on trafficking not only that take them out of faculty before the realization elementary education and learning)clearly glamourised SSA in addition has broken in delivering the woman child in enrolment.

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