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gender critical feminism

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A bunker to discuss lolcow and migration.

I can transfer board ownership and add volunteers per request.
Please set this board to be non-indexed on Endchan's homepage. We don't want or need any scrote posts.
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ITT we discuss how porn is a cancer upon our society. Talk about anything related to the subject such as exploitation in the porn industry, the effects of porn on the brain and sex drive, how society pressures women into accepting men's pornsickness, etc.
Feel free to post resources for a better OP.
Let's not have "gender critical feminism" in the name while we're still indexed on the front page? Isn't that the entire point of calling it rad2x instead of radfem or whatever? You're asking for us to be raided. No one else needs to know what this board is for, anyone who would be using it from lc already has the link/doesn't need to find it from the front page.
I can't remove it from the board index. I changed the name after anons asked.
If anyone wants to be a volunteer then I can add some of y'all from the OG thread

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