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I guess this board is a replacement  to HDV's 4chon since he doesn't have any [spoiler]bepis[/spoiler] to ban FoKy or tell FoKy stop his "high quality RSS dump" and necrobumping 1 month old BLACKED thread.

I won't sticky 4-6 threads or censor anyone, you can talk bout whatever you want as long as you don't spam the first page and slide 2 days worth of threads with  low quality RSS dump.
guerrilla wars
==London White supremacist charged with acid attack on Pakistani model==

> London hate crime acid attack suspect arrested

> John Tomlin handed himself into police after CCTV images of him were circulated by police

> The main suspect in an alleged acid attack in London has handed himself in to police.

> John Tomlin, 24, has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. He remains in custody.

> More acid was thrown at Mr Muhktar before the attacker fled the scene. Both victims suffered severe burns to the face and body.

> The injuries sustained when the corrosive substance was thrown onto them through their car windows are "life-changing". Mr Mukhtar was initially placed in an induced coma and Ms Khan has said she has had skin grafts.

> The numbers of reported anti-Muslim hate crime in the aftermaths of the terrorist attacks at the Manchester Arena and London Bridge have risen.

Mad Scientists Launch Geoengineering Experiment That May Cause Global Famine, Mass Starvation

Climate change “mad scientists” from Harvard have been given the green light to pursue a geoengineering experiment that will expel aerosols into the atmosphere to block out the sun in a deranged effort to halt so-called “global warming.”
The initial experiment is small, but if it is deemed a success, it could be scaled up with billions of dollars in government funding and end up being a planetary-scale experiment to play God with the atmosphere.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong? As I point out in this video, if a large volcano happens to blow at the same time, the massive amount of particulate matter ejected into the atmosphere by the eruption would cause global dimming. That result, combined with the Harvard “mad scientist” aerosol sun blocking effort, could lead to global food crop failures and FAMINE. Mass starvation, anyone? Meanwhile, the Yellowstone supervolcano has just experienced more than 1,000 small earthquakes, causing many people to wonder when it’s going to blow. (If it does blow, food crops will fail globally for 1-2 years, eliminating at least 90% of the current human population, by the way.)
In an effort to halt so-called “climate change” in other words, mad scientists are willing to put the entire human population at risk of a catastrophic global famine. Apparently, they’ve never heard about the Law of Unintended Consequences, sometimes dubbed “Murphy’s Law” in the sciences. It dictates that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Now if only they could just genetically engineer crops to produce food without photosynthesis… hmmm…


I will be uploading the banter flags soon
Shia LaBeouf Threatens to Kill Cop with Gun, Says It's Wrong for a Black Cop to Arrest a White Man


New footage of Shia LaBeouf’s recent arrest depicts a belligerent, profane tirade. The actor was taken into custody over the weekend for disorderly conduct, obstruction, and public intoxication.
Body-cam footage, obtained by TMZ, shows LaBeouf calling one police officer a “fucking bitch” and “dumb fuck.” In one video LaBeouf tells a black officer, “You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a shit about you. And you’re stuck in a police force that doesn’t give a fuck and you. So you want to arrest what, white people who give a fuck?”
LaBeouf continues to yell and make a commotion, “I’m a fucking American, I pay my taxes, get these sluts off my fucking arm. You’re going to put these sluts off my arms or you’ll be fucking fucked.””
Shia screamed at a white officer, "If I had my gun I'll blow your shit up." And that wasn't all. He said, "You put your own kind in the fucking pen."
The “Transformers” star’s profane argument stated that he tried to ask a black police office for a cigarette, and was arrested, which lines up with initial police reports. However, the official reports also stated, “he became disorderly, using profanities and vulgar language in front of the women and children present.”
In a video released today, Shia is seen angrily confronting police officers as he is being taken to jail. He yells at the arresting officer: “I came up to you trying to be nice, you stupid bitch. I came up to you asking for a cigarette, you dumb fuck. Why would I ask for a cigarette if I was racist? You stupid bitch. I was asking for a cigarette, you said, ‘No.’ I said, ‘Word,’ and then you arrested me, you dumb fuck. They got cameras everywhere, you dummy. I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch.”
LaBeouf has a history with law enforcement. Previous incidents include theft at ages nine and eleven, attempting to stab a neighbor, refusing to a leave Walgreens, misconduct during a “Cabaret” performance, and an arrest on suspicion of assault earlier this year at his art installation in New York protesting Donald Trump's presidency.


> FORGET lazy, self-centred or cocky — the truth about most millennials is they’re absolutely hopeless when it comes to basic life and workplace skills, experts say.

> Research shows young adults are comfortable putting themselves ‘out there’ online, but all that time glued to screens has raised a generation incapable of small talk, critical thinking and problem-solving. And that’s not to mention their staggering inability to cook, draft a personal budget or change a tyre. “There’s been a very steep decline in interpersonal skills and it means that regardless of their school results, young people are going to struggle to get a job,” educator Michaela Launerts said.
> etc. in the full article
why ids?

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