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**Welcome to 8chan, the Darkest Reaches of the Internet.**

On 8chan, you can create your own imageboard for free with no experience or programming knowledge needed.

Warning: Some boards on 8chan might have content of an adult or offensive nature. Please cease use of this website if it is illegal for you to view such content. On 8chan, boards and posts are user-created and do not represent the opinions of the 8chan administration. In the interest of free speech, only content that violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or other United States laws is deleted.
So this website is the new 8 chan yeah?

People seem to use it more for the same explicit stuff, though it blocks proxies more and I can't even post from the for onion. Also the layout is more raw and sucks ass, things aren't as cleanly outlined.
Premium candidate. No finders fee needed. Andrew Casey. Software engineer , good credentials. Contact at 589789445 or 137 Summerbrook Ln, Mooresville, NC. November 24, 1988
Northern India was only one stop along the way
Come and let us reminisce
I'm calling a strike on Jim. No more mass shootings until 8chan is back online. Nigger lynchings and kike gassings continue for now because we all need to make a living, but if need be we'll tight our belts and stop altogether.

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