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I'm mostly just confused as to how oathbreaker is supposed to be used. 

I get that it's about opposing freemasonry and othersuch cults, what I don't get is, is the symbol supposed to actually free a viewer who is a mason from his oath, or does the circles represent the oath itself and thus destroying the circles is the symbol of opposing masonry? 

I see a lot of variants with the circles over the faces of various masons or kikes.  I've also seen a bunch of memes of endchan omega man mascot crushing the circles. Does this imply Endchan is anti-mason, or anti-oathbreaker thus pro-mason? 

I like the idea of an anti masonic meme but I feel like actually in attributing magical properties to the symbol you are doing the same thing masons do in the first place, making your own anti cult cult.

> making your own anti cult cult.
That's what I've gathered as well. It's supposed to enter their mind and void their otaths from within, making them betray their own conscience. Gaslighting isn't really magic though and neither is forcing memes. 
I'm not the Oath Breaker guy though so you'd have to ask him.

>  I've also seen a bunch of memes of endchan omega man mascot crushing the circles. Does this imply Endchan is anti-mason, or anti-oathbreaker thus pro-mason? 
I think that this is just users here voicing their displeasure with the Oath Breaker's rampant posting of his circular meme-man. As far as I can see most people here are anti-mason or at the very least know what's up with them.

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