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DailyPurist png
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Right. I have never posted anything in 8pol before, so I'll likely come under fire for posting this.


Someone suggested I should advertise our new forum as the 'new kid in the block'. The Daily Purist. 

Seperate from the Daily Stormer, because it's arguably better, and less degenerate. 
No faggotry, no racemixing. Yellowpills are BAD. Quit sperging and you'll fit in here.

This will be a safespace for purists and folks who aren't willing to shill for any of those 'happa harem' retards.

..yeah, I probably should have lurked more before I posted this, but I really fucking hope you folks get the point.

Related: Mockup logo, very poor in quality

The link is HERE: http://dailypurist.48u.net/index.php

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