Right wing discord server Anonymous 9/9/2017 12:37:00 No. 48 [Preview] [Reply] 936f85 Actions report Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide User Hide Post We are a right wing server that is looking for more members that are share our views and looking to join. No derailing or shitposting outside of casual allowed. https://discord.gg/SKwFeTk
Anonymous 9/9/2017 14:10:00 No. 49 [Preview] [Reply] c88655 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post It's not entirely right-wing and tolerates all ideologies.
Anonymous 9/9/2017 14:11:00 No. 50 [Preview] [Reply] 936f85 Actions report Delete Translate... Hide User Hide Post A political discussions hub for all ideologies/nationalities. Feel free to debate anything and be glad to be free of censorship. We encourage voice chat debates and have regular points of discussion to kickstart it with.