/8pol/ - 8chan Politically Incorrect

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Current Rules for /pol/:

1. Follow the Global Rule.

2. No spamming. Doing so will result in a  ban.

3. Duplicate threads will be deleted. Check the Catalog.

4. Non-politics related threads are frowned upon and will result in ban and deletion. Bans will be up to the Board Owner or Board Volunteer's discretion.

If you don't get what /pol/ is about, lurk more. That includes newfags.
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/pol/ archives

Ben Garrison Pays Us A Visit


Shill digging thread #2 - https://archive.is/QTlB0

Shill digging thread - https://archive.is/fFHaK

KIKERY EVERYWHERE / Sony emails digging thread2 - https://archive.today/x2PCm

Uncovering a Possible False Flag - https://archive.today/XmfeP

Sony Hacked/Leaked emails thread 1 - https://archive.today/BfQ1t

ISIS Threatens America With New Video/Massive Info Dump - https://archive.today/UPVSb

/pol/'s worldview isn't 'evil' - https://archive.today/09CFr

THE FLOOD COMES - https://archive.today/kuTVU

TPP stickied thread - https://archive.today/EDjiL

Israel will be the first Nation to become fully RFID-Chipped - https://archive.today/5vXKG

Redpilling my course - https://archive.today/mNZ4u

Free Speech Soon, Fellow Stalker - https://archive.today/J95B5

Yemen/WW3 Watch #4 - https://archive.today/m2zWy

Yemen/WW3 Watch #3 - https://archive.today/Fq8Hg

Yemen/WW3 Watch #2 - https://archive.today/8juXf

The 8chan /pen/ board - https://archive.today/rJsWd

Ancient White history thread - https://archive.today/5D4yL - https://mega.co.nz/#F!wkwi2KZS!QGnfWbDVH1Fiu_5swtrkZg

[We're gonna crash this plane with no survivors / bane theories germanwings 9525] - https://archive.today/MmxXC - https://mega.co.nz/#!RFUigTQB!Kq0c3ExR5KZY8sRMEpKDnMQrcoNteTmfuK1uchU3iuM

That big plane crash everyone is talking about [GermanWings 9525 crash] - https://archive.today/0et3e

Pro-Tips/Lifehacks for /pol/ users - https://archive.today/JU5yX

Israeli connections to 9/11 - https://archive.today/4Qaw3

March-April 2015 /pol/ new papers and books thread - https://archive.today/YpFNW

Your Information pipeline could be cut forever in one second [Info/Bookdump] - https://archive.today/pEpPt - Images stored at https://mega.co.nz/#!wQU3AZBQ!4uNHoSmXltTxjXzeeCftPL_UKS0EeKJb5egyOHU4arc

Cultural Naturalism - https://archive.today/gekEr

Esoteric National Socialism - https://archive.today/CQg06

Weird Twitter and the ironic cloud - https://archive.today/V93Cr

Marxism at Your Local Universities [political action/OC dumps] - https://archive.today/Qlb8X - Images stored at - https://mega.co.nz/#!lQdRhYgQ!QwdbYCujxrKnNqBZ401CmxvIs6Loe3QIdYewCkKhVD0

The Jewry in WWI - How the Jews got Palestine - https://archive.today/j2sgy

Israeli/Zionist/Mossad Connections To 9/11 - https://archive.today/Y9Ucl - https://mega.co.nz/#!EBlxiIRT!DYcAPWhHXkT2OSUdebp0GOweL_SoDIWuNS-AWhgtQVk

Israeli Connections to ISIS/The IS(IS) Enigma - https://archive.today/l0WZ7

Net Neutrality Megathread #2 - https://archive.today/54PUF

Ancient Whites Thread - https://archive.is/Krlr3

The above threads do not necessarily speak for all /pol/acks, and do not reflect opinions of /pol/ moderation. They are being kept here for archiving purposes only.

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/pol/ Intelligence Primer:
> Never tell your enemies what you will do.  Simply do it.
> The energy necessary to refute a lie is an order of magnitude greater than to produce it.

Babby-Tier: https://archive.is/bpzVR

WAR https://archive.org/details/UnitedStatesMarineCorpsMcdp1warfighting

Simple Sabotage https://**www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/26184?msg=welcome_stranger

GUIDE TO FORUM SPIES http://**cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

LOGICAL FALLACIES https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies‘‘‘

LISTS OF JEWISH AGENTS http://**thezog.info/list-summaries/‘‘‘

JTRIG MANIPULATES THE INTERNET https://**firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/‘‘‘

MEDICALIZATION OF DISSENT https://**reason.com/archives/2012/04/21/the-medicalization-of-rebellion‘‘‘

INSIGHT INTO THE CIA http://**www.ihr.org/jhr/v09/v09p305_Marchetti.html  https://archive.is/LeF8X‘‘‘

HUMINT https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_intelligence_%28intelligence_gathering%29‘‘‘

HUMINT https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clandestine_HUMINT‘‘‘

COINTELPRO https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO‘‘‘

SHILL TACTICS https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals‘‘‘

MORE SHILL TACTICS https://**archive.is/WVZFj‘‘‘

WW1 FALSEFLAGS https://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsehood_in_War-Time‘‘‘

'''HOW TO TROLL IDIOTS http://**www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/touching-the-raw-amygdala-an-analysis-of-liberal-debate-tactics-preface/‘‘‘

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BEWARE OF IMKIKEFY (aka learningkike and the rachposter) AND THECOONMAN
imkampfy is Rach

PAGE 4 imkampfy's last mod action before hiatus

PAGE 3 imkampfy on hiatus; Rachposting stops

PAGE 2 imkampfy still on hiatus; still no Rachposting

PAGE 1 imkampfy returns; Rachposting immediately resumes

Rach returns

After six days of no Rachposting or imkampfy in the mod logs, they both suddenly re-appear at the exact same time.
Pure coincidence, goy!

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:
CAPTCHA unavailable

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