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I joined my university's anime club hoping on the off chance that it would be like /AM/...
It turns out that it is full of literal redditors who like isekai(not that there is anything wrong with either)
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I'd join an anime club, but you can't do that once you graduate college. Enjoy your ephemeral springtime of youth. College is the only time when you can cosplay and look attractive, or make doujinshi games.
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> joining a university club

> joining a real life anime club

> joining a real life university anime club

top cringe
It's your duty as a red blooded /AM/erican to convert them to superior forms of amine and recruit them to the board.
cuckime lied to me, peeping toms dont result in a comedy slapstick scene with toiletries being thrown,
it results in crying and the police being called...
> crying because of the spy camera's watching you in public

> wanting to be in the anime club

> not on camera 24/7 because of mecha cyberpunk lifestyle

> expecting the police to help you

> talking about the camera's secretly watching you

> 2012 +7

Vice president also mentioned boys can be victims in his speeches about this incident, so i dont know if it is just the females

president claimed that the police have apprehended a suspect
i dont actually know where the cameras where tho(maybe they were in the toilets or something)
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In the future of 2019, the emperor might not have any clothes on
but you wouldn't be allowed to see that.
Police force influenced by powerful porn cartels cracks down on acts of unregistered voyeurism
with unprecedented viciousness and exceeding brutality.
One man decides to defy the system.
His mission: to peek on every university anime club in the country.
Always in the shadows, always on the run.
다운받거나 보는 개인은 처벌 대상이 아니다, 그러면요, 만약에 개인이 대량으로 불법 음란물을 올린다고 하면 어떻게 되는 건가요? 정보통신망법에 의하면 인터넷상 음란물을 배포 판매하거나 전시한 자는 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해집니다. 따라서 음란물 배포죄로 처벌받을 수 있겠습니다.
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> never join an anime club with female members
Or disgusting 3D riajuu female bodies will get all over your spy cameras. This tragedy happens way too often when people don't think about safety when placing their spy cameras.
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thumbnail of [HorribleSubs] Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. - 09 [720p]_00:01:24_01.jpg
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Most degrees are kinda worthless either because they aren't aimed at any particular job or because of a disproportion between vacancies and yearly noumber of graduates. I don't see how anime club can make matters worse, just don't note it on your CV.
> go to the university anime club
> run for the hills because I got busted running Bittorent on the Uni's internal LAN
< 5 years later
> find a hot local girl with massive tatas to stalk
> she's a weeb
> she had started going to that uni anime club within a month after I left

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