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thumbnail of Kemono Friends - 10 (1280x720 HEVC2 AAC).mkv_snapshot_16.46_[2019.02.14_23.10.57].jpg
Kemono Friends - 10... jpg
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there's been no development as far as a plot. just them dicking around on this treacherous island but it's not really all that treacherous cause OP has god powers. so if you didn't like it I'd say definitely not.

It is absolutely generic isekai horseshit. It's such a perfect example of "having seen one you've seen it all" that I actually recommend watching it, it's like a value deal on everything you can get from lowest isekai trash, I genuinely enjoy it for that.

Even better, because the first 5 episodes just feel like forced exposition rolling steadily at their own weight, you can go even further and just watch the episode 5.5 recap with pretty much getting the same experience. You're better off thinking they're the expanded version of the real episode 1 that is 5.5. After that there's a tone shift anyway. Give it a chance by starting from the recap.

It really should start with a cold opening at ep 6, and then have a prequel movie detailing the backstory IN CASE somebody actually cares to watch that in such detail.

For the sake of contrast, I still think that Isekai Cheat Magician and Kenja No Mago are simply boring, and worse to view than Arifureta, even though none of those are really worth anybody's time. There's something about this one that gets it a bit closer to that crucial so bad it's good watermark. Only closer though.

It's a balance that's hard to hit. Often the greatest of so bad it's good is just somebody who really really doesn't know what they are doing and anything less is just shit in a mediocre way. So it's in some sort of gray zone?

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I see, so you acknowledge it's horseshit but you still genuinely enjoy it because in your view it's such an exemplary, archetypal horseshit... nope, I still have my sanity so Ill pass 

Maybe when it's over I'll just watch one of those scene compilations of all the juicy bits and skip all the dull powerpoint exposition, the shitty halfassed narrative arcs that never lead anywhere, the pathetic wallowing, and of course those infuriatingly spineless MCs.

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