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It's extreme because it's in caps

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Disregard that, he's pulling a /pol/ thing in /AM/ perhaps not knowing that if he keeps at it he has a real chance at killing /AM/.
He's jokingly insinuating that K-on-chan here did some bad things and proceeds to frame /AM/ for it. False flag = 偽旗作戦
thumbnail of ari take my virginity.jpg
thumbnail of ari take my virginity.jpg
ari take my virginity jpg
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huh? I was just asking if this is some tongue in cheek thing about /librejp/ doing stuff and blaming it on /am/ but that doesn't seem likely. it's just a bizarre op pic and my peanut brain can't handle it with all these wasps
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thumbnail of Mystery_Skulls_-_Money.mp3
Mystery_Sk... mp3
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not entirely sure if I'm reading this correctly but the only really bad thing about NEETdom is that it's gonna have to end someday
there's a whole lot of things that people beat themselves over during their NEET years that aren't even that important tbh
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thumbnail of 01 - Forever....mp3
01 -... mp3
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thumbnail of 02 - Ameagari.mp3
02 -... mp3
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> It brings back memories.

i got a disk with > 1TB, maybe closer to 2, of 'stuff' from around that time and onwards which i never ended up 'consuming' and most of which i never even checked'em and have only the faintest idea of what the fuck they are or why i once download/copy them
e.g. i'm pretty sure a fansub for nhk is somewhere there but i've never watched it, and there's like 200GB of audio from that same site and others which are now dead and buried yet i never have the time or motivation to actually listen them but i also can't bring myself to simply delete the entire thing despite knowing that 99% of it is absolute rubbish for sure, still there they remain in a limbo forever pending
maybe it's because they are for me like a memento of those days (not of those 'products')
such cases
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i understood the date vs cirno reference
but the thing i still don't understand is the connection between cirno and the number 9, not because i'm retarded but because i deliberately put off learning about it (for years)
like not wanting to finish the last bite of that oishii chocolate cookie
is it really interesting i wonder

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