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/AM/ - Animeme and Memega

It's extreme because it's in caps

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Well look at that, I must've forgotten my trip again.
Excuse the delay, my presence was required at an urgent meeting with administration and global volunteers. We have come to a conclusion that /AM/ must be quenched and it starts right away.

Banned for attempting to delete thread that needs to serve as a warning for future troublemakers.
Banned for insinuating less regulations could be beneficial.
Banned for announcing this so someone else could try to claim it before me.
Banned for freechspeak and heavy suspicion of past offenses.
Banned for outwardly lying about pristine state of endchan public relations infrastructure.
Banned for misleading users.
Mod mockery autobanning feature works like a clock.
Banned for questioning moderation methods.
Banned for not linking your post properly and causing confusion.
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You might've thought you got away with your antics but that brief offline period was just a minor setback.

Banned for propagating terrorism.
Just for your information asking to be spoon fed is also autobannable.
Banned for cross-board spam.
Banned for off-topic. This is a platform for discussing Anime&Manga.

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

Ban Type:

23 replies | 18 file
New Reply on thread #32301
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