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dickime and wolfime
suiri something had great 1st episode but then few eps later the was a timeskip that I didn't even register so I'm very confused now
salami to mori no kamisama was initially nice but then it went full kiddie show
I also tried autist romcom but it wasn't autistic enough

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Not anything from this season. I am watching Uchuu Senkan Yamato. It's about a boat called Yamato in an alternative history. Instead of getting sunk by Am*rican pl*nes, it goes to space for safety, this is the story of it's journey to a far away world where battleships can live in peace.

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Is Bondrewd's rationale for doing what he did in the movie explained anywhere later?
I can't make sense of why he let the kiddies go and, quite possibly, knowingly made Prushka into a white whistle for them.

Also hell if the story doesn't suffer from motion picture format with the forced drops of exposition during battle scenes.

I try to watch new anime. They're all so same though. I find them boring now, its like everything has turned into moe trash.

So I'm watching Naruto, a show I boycotted for years for being too long.
Shippuden is OK, not as good as the first Naruto series

The definition is flawed.
> gets no posts
In what time period? In a minute? In an hour, or maybe year?
Perhaps the evidence of the denial can be found in the that flaw, the unconscious omission of the time frame.

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Not a seasonal anime but...
I rewatched K-On over the past couple days; and in the first episode, during Yui's run to school (in the first two minutes), there are cameos of Mugi, Ritsu, and Mio in the background.
As for the rest of the series it was worse than I remember, though it's still one of my favorites, as well as my first. When I last watched it, the episodes about entrance exams, university admissions, etc. worried me because I was near the end of my junior year of high school and had no plans at all for the future. Now that I've been a NEET for five years those episodes were much more worrisome...

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Summing up two periods around a year of work I think I'm around 5 too. High five...
I also figured out I'm fucked sometime in high school. I didn't feel any particular vocation so I went to a counselor towards my final year and she gave me an IQ test to fill. The results where that I could perform pretty much any job I wanted, thank you anyway.
If it's any consolation soon nearly everyone will loose their jobs because of the ebin great reset.

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> Summing up two periods around a year of work I think I'm around 5 too. High five...
high five...
> I also figured out I'm fucked sometime in high school. I didn't feel any particular vocation so I went to a counselor towards my final year and she gave me an IQ test to fill. The results where that I could perform pretty much any job I wanted, thank you anyway.
That's nice to have at least, in spite of being fucked.
> If it's any consolation soon nearly everyone will loose their jobs because of the ebin great reset.
Yeah, the future will be interesting.

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Even today I remember I wasn't sure of all the answers so I must've lucked out or something because I've known a future doctor and I don't think I was anywhere near his level. I'm just an introvert that isn't good at math so gg no re.
> Yeah, the future will be interesting.
Do you know stuff? Stuff that's usually not talked about? I'm not sure how to ask this question, but let's just say a social withdrawal affords a certain degree of mental freedom to look into the taboos and heresies of our world, and boy is there a lot to discover.

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Okay, forget that I asked.
Anyway out of season as well but I've finished Eizouken only today and I'm very conflicted. It's cool that it tried doing something different but at the same time it was so difficult to watch.
Maybe I'm not into anime production, I couldn't stand Shirobako for example and though I liked how they presented the creative process here I was so emotionally uninvolved I watched up to 8th episode with great difficulty and then left it laying for a year or so.
I wonder, should I give a good note to something that I saw some value in but didn't really enjoy?

> Okay, forget that I asked.

It's a hard question to answer in view of how encompassing it is, but I would say that I do.
> I wonder, should I give a good note to something that I saw some value in but didn't really enjoy?

It depends on what criteria you use to rate: if enjoyment is an important criterion then give a lower rating (or vice versa). I've thought the same about other shows. I haven't watched Eizouken but have watched Shirobako. And I didn't care for the anime production aspects either, though I liked the lead characters and their development.

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That what's makes it so nice. All the people I felt the need to impress are gone as is the pressure to  keep /aM/ alive.
It's like bonus clips for the fans at the end of a DVD, a blooper reel, maybe an out of character backstage montage or a cut of short, unplanned interviews.

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I didn't want to focus on details so I made it as vague as possible and perhaps unnecessarily creepy at that. Well, we are among strange beings in a strange land in more meaning than one. Even now I'm apprehensive about raising that subject, I've done it before and it ended rather questionably. The tragedy was that although I wasn't making stuff up back then it really was a genuinely advanced shitpost insanity as someone else put it (and to have some /am/igo see right through me and grasp my insanely obscure attempt at humor was the greatest of rewards) but then I got greedy and went out of line... Anyway what I'm getting at is there is a perspective, a state of mind that's unattainable to people who haven't spectacularly won or failed at life and it comes from alienation and despite how it might seem to you now it's a very precious thing. For you and I it happened naturally but long time ago some people figured (or were told) how to weave that life changing experience in a manipulation scheme called initiation. I feel it's the main reason for what's happening right now, because it's furthering the alchemical great work on the macro scale. Make no mistake, it's a very deliberate and controlled effort. But being an outlier you're not caught in that manipulation. I'm not saying that to get you to take pride and think yourself better than those deceived, were it not for some things in our lives we'd both be up there with others, happily oblivious, but at the same time please don't hurt yourself over it. It might be the thing that saves your life, meek inheriting the earth and all that.
Oh and please don't take the vaccine. DNA and RNA get transcribed both ways.

> It depends on what criteria you use to rate: if enjoyment is an important criterion then give a lower rating (or vice versa). I've thought the same about other shows. I haven't watched Eizouken but have watched Shirobako. And I didn't care for the anime production aspects either, though I liked the lead characters and their development.
Shirobako at least had that goth-loli dressed autist and was an easier watch in general (even with the painfully overused main antagonist being the rush to get the keyframes). Eizouken is for some reason very hard to keep watching and I struggle to understand why because I enjoy 2/3rds of the main cast. I mean drawing style is kinda ugly but they managed to make it fun. I enjoyed the little tidbits about the creative process and the insight of how the little things that matter to the creator end up in the final work but at the end of the day I had to force myself to watch it till the end and I really wanted to like it despite feeling that heaviness from the very first episode.

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> whineglass
I guess? I mostly thought about whining in terms of post quality or anime but you're not wrong (I still would categorize it as a blogpost as far as no-fun factor goes).
Still, I damaged nothing. There was no mood to kill. Now you're here but it was just me and the other dude and it actually felt kinda nice to feel connected with someone from /am/ for the first time in years, even if just for a short while. 
I used to feel that sensation of you being like me all the time and I think that's what propelled my creativity.

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You misunderstood. The one sipping from the glass was me.

> Still, I damaged nothing. There was no mood to kill.

It's fine. I was not whining about this thread or anything recent, but about the past. Basically I had read the minutes of the cabal meeting and I agreed more with the intl fundamentalist than with your caMp of moderates (but not actually for his laissez faire absolutism but for a few of his criticisms). Anyway
> Now you're here but it was just me and the other dude and it actually felt kinda nice to feel connected with someone from /am/ for the first time in years, even if just for a short while.

Yep always here for my dudes, a shitpost a Month
Let's meet again in another month, I guess! 約束 des
> I used to feel that sensation of you being like me all the time and I think that's what propelled my creativity.

I guess we must be similar in some regards. Evidently though we differed in some others...

I quoted the right one!

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There's been lots and lots of misunderstandings on /AM/ I'm afraid. IB communication is finnicky. If you make things obvious they loose their charm so it requires being well versed in references and running gags. Without that it's hard to go with the flow and each instance of someone breaking that flow is detrimental to the board's spirit, cohesion, sense of belonging, whatever you want to call it - the thing that allows people to read each other's minds, despite the cryptic posts, and follow or even expand on their jokes in all sorts of brilliant ways. We kept taking in guys that didn't get it and 
ostentatiously didn't want to get it.

Since I don't know what criticism you agree with the main point of intl fundamentalist was that it wasn't the loss of that 2D/random feel but technical issues that brought /AM/ down and that's so not it. Check this post for another example of someone loosing heart because of contemporary 'fun'  >>/29934/

> I quoted the right one!
I dun geddit, the previous post talked about winning and loosing at life leading to somewhat similar state of mind and it would fit there as that blissfully ignorant reversal sort of humor since the obvious expectation was that /AM/bo has failed at life miserably.

> nazi animes
Like really...
Anyway consider related pics. Make nazis (or any other political activists which display drone like behaviour) feel welcome and you're dooming a board.

> Anyway consider related pics. Make nazis (or any other political activists which display drone like behaviour) feel welcome and you're dooming a board.
I second this notion. Politics is a cancer upon fun and individuality.

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