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Jojolion is about making the villain the main character.

Head doctor is King Crimson.

Tooru is the corpse left behind in the wall eyes.

Tooru was original Josuke but he was already merged once when he met Kira, the third guy was being kept in the hospital until revived as the current Tooru.

In the end Josuke will merge with Tooru again and attain KCR, which was the goal of cultivating Rokakaka in the first place.
Supposedly the 3rd guy, let's call him Kawajiri, was meant to let his left nut stay grafted with Jousuke to grow bigger or something. Let's not forget that nut used to date Yasuho, too. But it ended up that Kira took the 1/2 Josuke, 1/2 Kawajiri guy known as Josefumi, a man of the sea, and took over his life. Moreover Kira has all of their nuts. He has 4 nuts. Tooru is going to want those nuts back, since he's now 1/4 Josuke, 1/4 Kawajiri and both of them dead with only half their nuts remaining.

i'm going to have to re-read jojolion completely cause i have no idea wtf is going on. i think i got caught up on it a couple years ago and have been reading monthly ever since and it just seems like a convoluted atm tbh fam.

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