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I've felt /aM/ mindlink activating again couple days ago but I dismissed it, sorry /am/igo, I should've trusted my hunch and checked the board earlier

I don't think I'm very good at the whole 'being friend' thing so I kinda moved away from it but I can make an exception for an OLDEST war buddy
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imagine how many hidden gems shone brightly never to be appreciated for their worth
one dude in a meta thread about 'explaining jokes' posted a cap from some Suiseiseki board I never heard a thing about, maybe similarly at least some slivers of /aM/ will find it's way elsewhere and live on
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It was a solid attempt at creating a truly new anime/random culture without trying to be an old /a/ or /jp/ copycat. If only /intl/ had won the war. And I thought I had that edited image of an ideal 8chan where /am/ was one of the top boards with 2k daily posters, but I guess not. 

If anyone wants I can zip and upload my /am/ folder in it's entirety. It's hard to believe the height of 8chan was so long ago.
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what still strikes me the most is how similarly we thought at one point (see pic's  >>/5491/ for example)
I never experienced anything like that, even on a board that was just me and few IRL friends back when I was a teenager
it was by no means perfect, I'm still irked by some meta disagreements I had with couple of you but there were others with whom I feel like, if I were to ever meet them in person, I could communicate with them without words
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Also I'm still waiting for my money's worth, depressed duder. If I could've been summoned into the thread by tingle in the back of my mind then now I summon you.
That wewf didn't come easy you know, my motivation was nearly gone when I made that shistpost string - in that very thread I found out that princewhiner stayed around because of my OC, do you have any idea how fucked I felt?
Then I met with the worst fucking reactions, no one played along with the joke, retards flinged shit with no understanding or appreciation, that's the /AM/ as it was back then but I still posted it in hope that at least one of my dudes sees it and has a hearty chuckle so don't deny me my rightful shitpost string you've promised... please...
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Sorry guys I'm back with my virus folder. Also I'm too shy to share my discord and become frens my bad lmao

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There goes my plan of reminiscing about the old days with some drink in hand.
Well, I half expected that, you know. Gut punch from reality only hurts when you don't see it coming, but eventually you learn not to get your hopes up for anything and you're set.

I've browsed the folder, thanks, but there's more to look back on, gotta update the /aM/soleum. 
Despite everything it still feels nice to see one's shit saved by someone else. And as for the hyper-enlightened funposting pill don't diss neurotics. I'm neurotic as heck, my depression is the fucking strong but... (there was more here however I decided to cut it out in order not to sound like a douche) but when 'this isn't real, you're welcome here, it's okay to have fun' switch gets flipped on in a neurotic person magical things can happen.
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No one will read it but I feel like talking about it so fuck it. As far as the pill in pic goes I don't believe there was a time before neuroticism on imageboards. Internet in general used to be a haven for nerds, autists, neurotics, creeps, pariahs etc. - those are the types that used PCs for recreation back then. Consider Rule 1&2 of the Internet (those are pretty old) - reference aside, keeping low profile is neurotic in nature. You can say most of those 'rules' are fun oriented but that isn't a contradiction. It's only when normalfags bred out of control that the neurotic grumpiness started to get represented so strongly.

I've watched some interviews with people on VR-chat saying how they're usually the closed up, silent type but they don't experience social anxiety in VR, like their brain doesn't register it being real and the blockades don't trigger. I think it was similar for social misfits and imageboards. Not only did they have the mental leisure of unreality but finally they joined a tribe of their own, a people who shared their culture and life baggage.
Maybe I didn't connect the dots perfectly but that's kind of the reason why I preached against realitycuckery and taking things seriously in general so strongly it might've seemed whiny.
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like really really my dude. i pretty much agree. the internet is srs bsns used to be a joke but people started taking it so seriously they made up all kinds of dumb rules for imageboards and forums, but to some degree that attitude was always around, and I always hated it personally because i knew from the very beginning the desolation rulecuckery brings. i don't have much to say tho, i stopped caring about internet culture after /intl/ died.

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