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What do you think of moving /AM/ to https://8chan.moe ? It seems relatively more active than this dead end, we could bring in fresh new posters and start /AM/ anew.
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okay, sounds reasonable then, that part at least
so you're gonna move what exactly and how?
what do you want to preserve and what do you consider dispensable?

for me /aM/ were the dudes so moving /AM/ is impossible since they're gone now because I didn't have the courage go against them and pull the trigger or rather I decided I'm not going to intervene with BO powers, knowing full well things will fall apart, just so they understand that the system they have imagined doesn't really work (with a slim chance that maybe I'll get proven wrong but that doesn't happen in situations I wanna be proven wrong)
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don't hold your breath dude, or you'll end just like me, haunting the dusty halls of /aM/soleum in vain hope to atone for my naivete

never fix anything, never address any of the flaws in the design that have lead us to this state, just turn your eyes away from the truth and /aM/soleum will bustle with life before you know it
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I am the third duder who checks in like once a month maybe. I say it's worth a shot, doesn't seem very active but they don't have an active anime board from what I can tell.

But Why do you care so much /am/ons? The dream died so long ago. The idea of a free, hyper-creative imageboard is so esoteric now, nobody remembers early 8chan or early 4chan anymore. It's a bygone era, our best hope is that one day in the far future the same conditions will re-arise when imageboards are long forgotten and the cycle begins anew. For now why not just give up on imageboards and the internet? You can always engage in your creativity in ways immediately accessible, make art or if you prefer words write stories, write a light novel or something and hire an artist with the money you get from your baito.
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because receiving feedback in form of creative or clever reply is far more stimulating than anything I know

and because I'm not terribly creative or funny by default, to my dismay, however there were two periods in my life when I was and those happened during my time at two small imageboards, one of them being /aM/

that being said I'm done with investing myself into a community that is doomed to fail because of unreasonable structure and shaky fundament, I thought /am/igos knew something I don't, a secret technique to make their bullshit work but they just ignored the glaring flaw and hoped for the best
/AM/ didn't die because we got bored of each other or because the magic disappeared, it was killed by someone who refused to understand he didn't belong
Well I get that, I also find the imageboard format has high potential for fun even if that is only in theory and not in actuality. But IMO at the end of the day it's not a good way to get your social kicks, you'll never know the people you talk to, you can't form long lasting relationships with anons. Unless you add them on online platforms and stay in touch I guess, had some success with that but even then they're people in other cities, states or countries. 

> I'm not terribly creative or funny by default
But it sounds like you value and enjoy creativity in and of itself. It revealed itself to you with /AM/, but if you find a different outlet that isn't so unreliable, you might find yourself feeling how you did back then. I guess my point is it's not /AM/ (and early 8chan) that was magic. All the feelings you had for it were taking place in YOUR kokoro.
The thing is that back in 2015 I was already under the impression that the dream had died long ago, and that we would never see true magic in imageboards again, and yet I found 8chan and saw the magic happen
It can always happen again.
it's not about social kicks imho, I don't think about shitposting in terms of social interaction because no one engages in it on a personal basis, there isn't even an image or a persona tied to you, there's nothing to gain, no impression to be made, no way to move up the ladder, no connections to forge, no real possibility to drive anyone into the mud
all the puny little games that society is so fond of are stripped away, what you think or feel about yourself no longer registers because no one cares - that's not the focus - the focus is inconsequential, childish, honest fun (at least it is when you're around people that understand this)

as for the other things I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate your concern but, without going into personal details, shit ain't so simple dude
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I'll use this chance to plug our gay little girl cartoons board


(eh? You don't watch cartoons for little girls?!)

We spun off from a general on 4/a/ which was ruined by WAINAS, very sad story as it was the only place other than /am/ where I was motivated enough to churn out OC and advanced shitposts.
enjoyers of gay shows for little girls made up one of /am/'s root factions although, regrettably, they suffered heavy losses in /am/ vs /AM/ civil war

attempting to take traffic from a DEAD board however, is a grand and intoxicating innocence, but I guess that's to be expected
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8kun was mark's attempt at filling in the 8chan hole while 8chan was down but before 8kun was made.
when 8kun came up the user base had either settled on 8chan.moe, or didn't want to leave again or were just satisfied with Mark as the "admin." 
I think mark is like the head hot pocket and acidman is the actual backend guy but I could be wrong at the front FWIW
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Just one /am/igo is enough of a good influence on any board

You know, more so than seeing the revival of /am/, I wish I could bring back the culture we had during the "honeymoon" era of 8chan, back when we thought cripplekike was a cool guy. I always saw it like those school festival arcs in anime, where each class prepares some exhibit to impress the others and any passersby, likewise we had all these small boards covering a variety of topics, each trying to impress the others and get users, inviting each other to gatherings and parties in the hopes that some of the guests would stick around or just to do some activities together, forming webrings and recommending each other, it was all so very magical and yet it lasted so little... Like school festivals.
It was truly a short but exciting time. Really the final dying gasp of imageboards in general, the last fireworks show before the long dark night that continues up to the present..
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I never thought about first exodus era 8chan as an anime school festival but maybe it's not a bad analogy.

The unity of a clear slate, the clarity of purpose, the convergence of direction, the inspiration of possibilities, the sense of battle born camaraderie which was not limited to a thread or even a board but permeating throughout the entire site, the spirit of hope which lures grumpy oldfag out of his mancave and gets him to relay the arcana of shitposting to a new generation, with a promise that this time his effort won't be wasted on yet another incarnation of fun killing cancer. It has happened before and it can happen again because while the effect was magical it's no witchcraft. That's just what happens when you get a bunch of cultural creatives together, letting them bond over a shared struggle, a bad experience or a common enemy and have them form a new community without the things they hate and people that stifle and hinder them. I'd guess that, while not easy, it's possible to artificially manufacture conditions needed for such occurrence. The real problem is keeping the cancer out without turning into elitist, no-fun-allowed faggots.

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