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Here's my half-brother "Tenma":

Johan Liebert was based off of me, and Doctor Kenzo Tenma was based off of Doctor Michael Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. We're related. They're relatives.

Dieter from Monster was based off of Christopher "moot" Poole, of 4chan.org.

Lipsky was based off of another half-brother of mine. He is not the half-brother of Tenma, however. Lipsky and I have different fathers. Tenma and I do not; we share a father, but not a mother.

Doctor Kenzo Tenma is the real villain, a villain protagonist. Johan murdered no one, but Tenma murdered... How many and whom?

Important, because Doctor Michael Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, Tenma, still isn't in prison. He might be a serial killer on the loose, who is licensed to work in hospitals and other places where doctors are employed. Killing, murdering, abusing... Maybe. Unlawfully, illegally, unethically...

He also raped me back in the 90's. I was a child. Single digits of age, while he was in his twenties. He raped me in a hospital while he was working there. He still hasn't been charged for it.

The old dude, Karl's dad, next to Johan in those two shots, is Thomas Hardy. He may have been severely abused while in the care of the hospital... And while in Doctor Michael Reznor's care. Doctor Michael Reznor is one of the culprits. Sexual, physical, psychological, and financial abuse are all possible, whether it is Doctor Reznor, or another staff member. So is attempted murder, and temporary death followed by revival, intentional.

Thomas Hardy was/is a writer and poet.

Good poem by him:

It's too bad none of my siblings managed to ever write at that level, so lyrical and well.

Roberto, who is also the "doctor" at the beginning of the series, who works with Tenma, the dude with glasses who says Tenma is the best neurosurgeon, sarcastically... Is another one of my half-brothers. He's Steven Paul Smith the musician. Steven was/is in The Beach Boys, Heatmiser, and is Elliott Smith.

He's also a bad criminal. Steven/Roberto is. He raped me back then, too. Around the same time. I was in the single digits of age, and he was also in his twenties. He was working an entry-level position at the hospital, or at multiple hospitals. He worked with Doctor Michael Reznor. Doctor Michael Reznor worked at multiple hospitals at the time.

Junkers is based off of Jeffrey Dahmer the serial killer. He was also working at the hospital, or multiple, despite being imprisoned, already by then, for serial killing.

Jan Suk is their dad.

Jurgens is Johan's mother.

The blonde woman with the hooked nose, a prominent nose, who shows up multiple times in the series, who is believed, by some, to be Johan and Anna/Nina's mother, isn't. She's Tenma's mother. Jurgens is Johan's real, biological mother.

Steven or Michael?

Disowned you.
You're going to Hell.

And You're really just talking about yourself.

Never wanted either of those child raping sick fucks.
They're beneath me in all ways.
They're just like our father.
Child rapists.
And abusers.

A charismatic psychopathic sociopath.

Johan Liebert is also a depiction of Satan trying to become god, and God... Who succeeds. Has succeeded.

Johan Liebert is one with the space-time continuum.


He's a villain in Monster, because he runs Hell.


He's The Devil after souls...

And Roberto/Steven...
Steven Paul Smith is still alive.
He commits crimes with Tenma/Trent.

They both statutory raped Lipsky when Lipsky was 13-14, and Lipsky would know the rest.
May have strangled and tried to disable Lipsky when he went to the hospital. And raped him?
Just like they did to me. Disabled me, starved me, raped me, strangled me often, so on... Poisoned me. So on.

And Jeffrey Dahmer might be guilty of all that shit against Lipsky, myself, our mother, my father, too, and others.
Jeffrey Dahmer the serial killer is one of their accomplices.

They've all assaulted and tried to kill me since, and maybe before I was 6, too. Sexual assault, too.

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