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It's extreme because it's in caps

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> The Vatican has unveiled the official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: Luce (Italian for Light).

> Archbishop Fisichella says the mascot was inspired by the Church's desire "to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth." 

>  Luce’s yellow sailor’s raincoat is a nod to both the Vatican flag and to journeying through life’s storms. The mascot’s muddy boots represent a long and difficult journey, while her staff symbolizes the pilgrimage toward eternity. Shells glimmer in her eyes, recalling the scallop shell of the Camino de Santiago, an emblem of the pilgrimage journey.

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Luce can easily have double meaning as a thinly veiled call back to Lucifer, just as Lucy or Alice can.
This light in the eyes is visually similar to a type of shell associated with Venus (Lucifer) in iconography. If it's not that then it's rising sun (and Sun can be seen as morning star so Lucifer)
Crowley in the Book of the Law wrote that black (colour of Saturn/Lucifer) is actually yellow and blue ("My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing").
I'm not sure what to make of the staff (looks like paleohebrew Vav/6). Maybe her hand is supposed to visually represent a bar across the staff, in which case it would be astrological symbol for Saturn (Lucifer) upside down.
Green from the shoes can also be easily tied to Lucifer (nature->Gaia->Sophia->Lucifer) but admittedly they could make them blue and it would've been clearer as far as symbolism goes.

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Oh and that "angel" is not really an angel. It's Cupid, son of Venus. That anchor he has on his cap can function as a visual substitute for a stretched bow.

Dove is also associated with Venus also ("In classical antiquity, doves were sacred to the Greek goddess Aphrodite,(...) Aphrodite's associations with doves influenced the Roman goddesses Venus and Fortuna, causing them to become associated with doves as well." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doves_as_symbols)

I had to think a little about the dog there but then I remembered that story about those soldiers that threw some puppies off a cliff which is an ancient rite of sacrifice to Mars. Mars gets represented as a dog and this dog, and no other character there, has a red element in his design (red being the colour of Mars).

some of these are really a stretch; you're over-interpreting things. tell me, why would an institution that aims to advertise itself as good choose to represent itself with something that carries such negative and hidden symbolism?

most of what's mentioned in 1730251485941623.jpg seems way more immediate to me than what you propose as the true symbolism. That said, i've never seen the source of the image, does anyone know if it's official?

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Staff might be a stretch, I haven't seen anything like that before (maybe those asian sword-breakers but those have very different proportions). Anchor might be something else but it would have been super clever if it were to act as a replacement for a bow. Then also boot colour might be explained differently. Now I looked at the logo of the organisation there are 4 colours in it - red, blue, yellow and green, just like in Windows logo and in this occult schematic. I know what's the deal with red+white+black but never figured out the red+blue+green+yellow. Those are admittedly questionable. As for the rest I don't think it's a stretch at all.

For example I could understand a dove or an angel but what does a dog have to do with Christianity? In the NT period "dog" was used to pejoratively refer to a male prostitute, if I remember correctly.

Now why would an institution that aims to be seen as good use symbolism with negative connotations? Depends on how deep you want to get into it. Why would Paul VI Audience Building bear an unmistakable resemblance to a serpent? I could tell you that's because they're wolves in sheep clothing but explaining why and how exactly would take time. Long story short is that Catholicism is Christianity mixed with Mithraism, and possibly some other Mystery Religions. But whatever the reasons are - it is  happening. It's blatant if you know where to look. Although it would never occur to most people that this might even be the case so they're not recognizing it even when they see it.

One example of "why" is in "ben garrison.webm". In case of what happened in that video it was done for the lulz at most but it doesn't have to be. Simplest functionality I can imagine it provides is letting the other people on the gig know that you are also on the gig. There are more levels on which the question "why" can be answered but again - it takes time and some of those I heard I'm not fully certain about myself.

if they really are just wolves in sheep clothing then why appeal with evil? that was my question. are you saying that they are putting off the mask in this unintuitive and hidden way just so that they can let others know their true intentions (letting the other people on the gig know that you are also on the gig)? Then what are their true intentions? Who are these "others"?

> it is happening
nothing ever happens

Other Mystery Schools' initiates (e.g. freemasons, OTO, ONA, alchemists, jesuits, witches, kabalists etc.). At least on one level that's fairly tangible, but there are deeper levels, just saying.

What do you mean by "appeal with evil"? I might not have understood that. Which thing we discussed so far was that exactly? Disguising Venus/Lucifer as a quasi anime girl or that snake shaped building?

Letting others know their intentions, in a way that's inperceptible for them, might be a way to avoid karmic consequences. Or some manner of justification and silencing guilty conscience ("we told them everything, it's their fault for not paying attention") just like a rapist can try to excuse himself by pointing out that the woman he raped was scantily clothed so she asked for it.

Their true intentions huh... I can make educated guesses but I can't really know and it depends on the level you want the answer at. Staying at a basic human conspirator level - world domination, global turbofeudalist utopia with masses owning nothing and being happy and select few living the life of oppulence, keeping manageable noumbers of people to stave off inbreeding and maybe for entertainment. There's also alchemical Magnum Opus, Tikkun Olam which is merging masculine and feminine polarities on many different levels of existence, which also possibly includes merging heavens and earth which would mean providing some was of supernatural to manifest into this reality. But again - levels of understanding. You haven't told me how deep do you want to go. Telling you something that goes too deep will just make your mind shut the information off. I know, I've seen that in my own self when I engaged things that were too out there for me at that time.

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> most of what's mentioned in 1730251485941623.jpg seems way more immediate to me than what you propose as the true symbolism. That said, i've never seen the source of the image, does anyone know if it's official?

It's from the site of the guy who was commissioned to design that doll. As close as it can get to the source.

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