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/Elite/ - Elite Intelectual da internet

Deus perdoa a Elite não.

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  1. Array ( [_id] => 61f059fb62052666bfb92282 [user] => Shiban [type] => ban [time] => 2022-01-25T20:13:47.688Z [global] => 1 [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban globally banned the posters of the following threads: 3 from board /Elite/ until Sun Jan 25 2026 20:13:47 GMT+0000 (UTC) with reason "cp". [cache] =>

    Type: Ban *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 01/25/2022 (Tue) 20:13:47

    User Shiban globally banned the posters of the following threads: 3 from board /Elite/ until Sun Jan 25 2026 20:13:47 GMT+0000 (UTC) with reason "cp".

  2. Array ( [_id] => 61f05a0d9581da5317424b55 [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2022-01-25T20:14:05.782Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 3 from board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 01/25/2022 (Tue) 20:14:05

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 3 from board /Elite/.

  3. Array ( [_id] => 61f06111467efe93c6c53563 [user] => Shiban [type] => ban [time] => 2022-01-25T20:44:01.614Z [global] => 1 [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban globally banned the posters of the following threads: 8 from board /Elite/ until Sun Jan 25 2026 20:44:01 GMT+0000 (UTC) with reason "cp". [cache] =>

    Type: Ban *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 01/25/2022 (Tue) 20:44:01

    User Shiban globally banned the posters of the following threads: 8 from board /Elite/ until Sun Jan 25 2026 20:44:01 GMT+0000 (UTC) with reason "cp".

  4. Array ( [_id] => 61f06131e183051d1e3c9f2f [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2022-01-25T20:44:33.082Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 8 from board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 01/25/2022 (Tue) 20:44:33

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 8 from board /Elite/.

  5. Array ( [_id] => 61f068e0215c06dff9f9a113 [type] => boardDeletion [user] => Hurtcore [time] => 2022-01-25T21:17:20.309Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Hurtcore deleted board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Board deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 01/25/2022 (Tue) 21:17:20

    User Hurtcore deleted board /Elite/.

  6. Array ( [_id] => 6437a5010b4592c21a931b89 [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2023-04-13T06:45:21.679Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 21 and the following posts: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46 from board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 04/13/2023 (Thu) 06:45

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 21 and the following posts: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46 from board /Elite/.

  7. Array ( [_id] => 6437a55577460895a6681958 [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2023-04-13T06:46:45.015Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 9, 20, 22, 24 and the following posts: 23, 25, 26, 27 from board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 04/13/2023 (Thu) 06:46

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 9, 20, 22, 24 and the following posts: 23, 25, 26, 27 from board /Elite/.

  8. Array ( [_id] => 646082489193335860418417 [user] => Shiban [type] => deletion [time] => 2023-05-14T06:40:08.935Z [boardUri] => Elite [description] => User Shiban deleted the following threads: 11, 50, 51 and the following posts: 12, 13, 14, 48, 49 from board /Elite/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Elite

    Time: 05/14/2023 (Sun) 06:40

    User Shiban deleted the following threads: 11, 50, 51 and the following posts: 12, 13, 14, 48, 49 from board /Elite/.


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